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June 16, 2011

SB 1, the large fiscal matters bill, will go to a conference committee.

House Conferees: Pitts (chair), Eissler, Geren, Otto and Villarreal

Senate Conferees: Duncan, Deuell, Hinojosa, Shapiro and Williams

Motions to instruct the conferees:

  • Include amendments adopted by House on June 9: amendment 100 (Christian) and amendment 141 (King)
    • Amendment 100 by Christian relates to the regulation of tax revenue for abortions providing exception for medical emergency.
    • Amendment 141 by King relates to state costs for attorneys ad litem and guardians ad litem appointed to represent minors in judicial bypass abortion proceedings.
  • Retain language of amendment 24
    • Amendment 24 by Workman relates to the adjudication of claims arising under written contracts with state agencies.

SB 2, fiscal matters and technical corrections, will go to a conference committee.

House Conferees: Pitts (chair), Crownover, Darby, Aycock, McClendon

Senate Conferees: Ogden, Duncan, Hinojosa, Nelson and Williams

The House instruction to the conferees on SB 2:

  • Exclude any language expending funds from the Rainy Day Fund; exclude amendments 22 by Farrar and 24 by Howard
    • Amendment 22 by Farrar would appropriate an additional $2 billion from the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) to the TEA for the Foundation School Program (FSP) for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2011.
    • Amendment 24 by Howard would appropriate to the TEA for the FSP for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2011 the amount of money in the RDF that exceeds the difference between the projected balance of the fund as of August 31, 2013 as stated in the Comptroller’s BRE for 2012-2013, and as revised by the Comptroller on May 17, 2011, and the amount appropriated from the fund by HB 275 of the Regular session. The amount appropriated from the RDF is not to exceed the amount necessary to fund enrollment growth under the FSP for the coming biennium.
Archive - 87th Session

Lt. Gov. Patrick Committee Appointments

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMarch 23, 2022

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