Finance 4/18 at 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room) – will be taking up, among other things, SB 23 (Nelson) relating to efficiencies and cost-savings in the health and human services and other related regulatory agencies, including the state medical assistance and child health plan programs.
S/C on Public Education at 8:30 AM, Location: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte.) – will be taking up SB 22 (Shapiro) relating to public school finance.
Finance 4/19 at 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room) – will be taking up the following bills relating State Fiscal Matters:
- SB 1579 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to general government. (Article I)
- SB 1580 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs. (Article II)
- SB 1581 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to public and higher education. (Article III)
- SB 1582 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to the judiciary. (Article IV)
- SB 1583 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to law enforcement and criminal justice. (Article V)
- SB 1584 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to natural resources and the environment. (Article VI)
- SB 1585 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters regarding business and economic development. (Article VII)
- SB 1586 (Ogden) Relating to state fiscal matters related to certain regulatory agencies. (Article VIII)
- SB 1811 (Duncan) Relating to state fiscal matters. (All Articles)
Finance 4/20 at 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room) – will be taking up the following bills:
- HB 4 (Pitts | et al.) Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations.
- SB 22 (Shapiro) Relating to public school finance.
- SB 1278 (Ogden) Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations.
Finance 4/21 at 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room) – will be taking up:
- HB 1 (Pitts) General Appropriations Bill.
Dates, times and bills being taken up are subject to change. Please confirm all hearings on the state website