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The last bill laid out on the floor before the Senate recessed for the day yesterday was the committee substitute to HB 275. The bill makes an appropriation of money from the Economic Stabilization Fund, also known as the Rainy Day Fund (RDF), for expenditures during the current state fiscal biennium. Sens. Rodney Ellis and Royce West offered two amendments attempting to tap more of the funds in the RDF. Ellis’ amendment was tabled and West agreed to withdraw the second amendment, which would have increased the basic allotment amount under the Foundation School Program to $4,905 by utilizing more funding from the RDF.

Finance Chairman Steve Ogden urged West to offer his amendment for HB 4, the supplemental appropriations bill for the current biennium, when it comes up for discussion eventually. 

The committee substitute to HB 275 spends about $900 million more than the amount approved by the House.

The Senate voted to pass out the committee substitute to HB 275 with 30 ayes and 1 nay. In regards to the bill, Ogden stated, “It’s more than important. It’s essential.”

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