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Texas Legislature – Upcoming House Committee Meetings



TIME: 9:00 AM

PLACE: E2.028

CHAIR: Rep. Chuck Hopson


The House General Investigating & Ethics Committee will meet in a public hearing pursuant to Rule 4, section 10 (1) of the House Rules. The Committee may also meet in executive session in E2.028 pursuant to Rule 4, Section 12 of the House Rules



Texas Legislature – Upcoming Senate Committee Meetings



TIME: 1:00 PM

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.


The Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade will meet to hear invited and public testimony on interim charges.



TIME: 9:00 AM

PLACE: E1.030

CHAIR: Senator Jane Nelson


Interim Charge #1:

Upon passage of federal legislation relating to reform of the health care industry and health insurance industry, study the implications of such legislation on Texas, the health care industry, and public and private insurance. Study and monitor the implementation of the insurance regulatory changes, changes to high risk pool, and any other insurance mandates. Study the health care policy changes and the impact to the Medicaid and CHIP programs and the state budget. Assess the impact to all state uninsured and uncompensated care programs and county programs for the uninsured, including county property tax programs to pay for the uninsured. Make recommendations for the efficient implementation of programs.


STATE AFFAIRS 11/23/2010

TIME: 9:00 AM

PLACE: E1.030

CHAIR: Senator Robert Duncan


Interim Charge #1:

Upon passage of federal legislation relating to reform of the health care industry and health insurance industry, study the implications of such legislation on Texas, the health care industry, and public and private insurance. Study and monitor the implementation of the insurance regulatory changes, changes to high risk pool, and any other insurance mandates. Study the health care policy changes and the impact to the Medicaid and CHIP programs and the state budget. Assess the impact to all state uninsured and uncompensated care programs and county programs for the uninsured, including county property tax programs to pay for the uninsured. Make recommendations for the efficient implementation of programs.



TIME: 8:30 AM

PLACE: Harlingen, TX

CHAIR: Senator Jeff Wentworth


The Committee will consider the following:

Review the availability and quality of federal health care benefits for Texas veterans, including VA hospitals, primary and specialty health care services, and social work services. Make recommendations to the Texas Legislature and the Veterans Administration for improving access and quality of services.


Review the availability and quality of state health care benefits for Texas veterans, including state supported nursing homes, mental health services, and other primary and specialty health care services. Make recommendations to the Texas Legislature for improving access and quality of services.


Texas Legislature – Upcoming House Committee Meetings



TIME: 9:00 AM

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Sen. John Carona and Rep. Larry Taylor


The Windstorm Insurance Legislative Oversight Board will meet at 9:00 a.m., Monday, December 13, 2010, in Capitol Extension Room E1.016. The Board will take invited and public testimony regarding windstorm insurance in this state, including the adequacy of rates, the operation of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, and the availability of coverage. The Board may receive and comment on rules proposed by the Texas Department of Insurance relating to windstorm insurance and review recommendations for legislation proposed by the department or the association.

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Health Care Hearings – December 3

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 3, 2016

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