The Texas Transportation Commission met on December 15 to hear updates regarding TxDOT’s implementation of the 2008 Sunset Commission staff recommendations, Texas Southern University’s (TSU) Public Involvement Study of TxDOT and draft public involvement policy statement, and Texas Transportation Institute’s (TTI) Vehicle Mileage Fee study. Steve Simmons, Deputy Executive Director of TxDOT, indicated the Department has made great progress in implementing Sunset’s recommendations. The TSU draft public involvement policy statement for TxDOT is being submitted for consideration and at the direction of the Commission may be presented for adoption at a later date. TTI’s Vehicle Mileage Fee study revealed vehicle mileage fees could be a sustainable and equitable resource for funding transportation in Texas. The meeting closed with a discussion of the potential for a highway maintenance sponsorship program, a market driven sponsorship program to fund costs associated with roadway activities.
Vehicle Mileage Fee Exploratory Study:
Presentations on this study:
TSU Public Involvement Study: