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At the end of this 120th day (EOD) of the Legislative Session, the Senate recessed shortly before 2 p.m. and the House recessed shortly before 7:30 p.m, before they began the General State Calendar Second Reading bills.

The House started the first part of the day taking up their local and consent calendar before taking up their major state and general calendar just before 3 p.m.

Floor Deliberations: House Calendars & Senate Calendars

Committee Hearings: House & Senate

Video Broadcasts: House | Senate

The House and Senate will reconvene tomorrow at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively.

Key Deadlines/Dates of Interest

  • Tuesday, May 11 by 10pm (120th day) – Deadline for the House to distribute its last house daily calendar with house bills and house joint resolutions. – NOTE: The last Daily Calendar for HBs has been posted online. 
  • Wednesday, May 12 by 9 am (121st day) Deadline for the House to distribute its last house local and consent calendar with consent house bills.
  • Thursday, May 13 (122nd day) Last day for the House to consider house bills and house joint resolutions on 2nd reading on the daily or supplemental calendar
  • Friday, May 14, 2021 (123rd day) Last day for the House to consider consent house bills on 2nd and 3rd reading and all 3rd reading house bills or house joint resolutions on the supplemental calendar

Bill Statistics 

According to the Legislative Reference Library (LRL) – bill statistics for the period of November 9, 2020 – May 7, 2021, are below:

4,834 House Bills (HB) and House Joint Resolutions (HJR) filed this session

  • 40% (1,917) of those filed bills were reported out of committee
    • 40% (776) of those were reported out, passed by chamber of origin
      • 47% (364) of those were referred to committee in opposite chamber
        • 24.5% (89) of those were reported out of committee in opposite chamber
          • 50.7% (45) of which passed opposite chamber
            • From there, 1 bill was sent to the Governor

2,309 Senate Bills (SB) and Senate Joint Resolutions (SJR) filed this session

  • 30.2% (697) of those filed bills were reported out of committee
    • 88.7% (618) of those bills were passed by chamber of origin
      • 86% (599) of those were referred to committee in opposite chamber
        • 53.7% (321) were reported out of committee in opposite chamber
          • 14% (45) of those passed the opposite chamber
            • From there, 2 were sent to the Governor

To compare this progress to the 86th legislative session; visit Bill Statistics of the 86th posted by LRL.

Archive - 88th Special

TEA Instructional Materials Review Update

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffNovember 1, 2023

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