Last night the House passed out the budget bill, CSHB 1. See below for a spotlight on some of the amendments adopted. The spotlight below is for Article III amendments adopted (this does not include the ones adopted and moved into Article XI). For a complete list of all amendments proposed, withdrawn, or adopted click here.
Article III (Public Education & Higher Education) Adopted Amendment Spotlight
- FA 43 Bhojani – Pg 194, good faith amendment to Rider 82 to allow public education funding to offset member contributions to the TRS
- FA 44 Bernal – Pg 195, part of HB 3 the department does not want to implement; will use available funds to do so
- FA 45 Herrero – Pg 199, funds appropriated for public schools will remain as such; prohibits use for school vouchers or other related programs; open enrollment charter schools are a part of the public school system* (See article below for on discussions covering the Herrero amendment)
- FA 46 Goodwin – Charter school posting
- FA 49 Raymond – Pg 216, Amendment copies high cost hospital claim analysis from ERS into
- FA 50 Kuempel – Pg 230, TEXAS Grant Program grants awarded according to top 10%
- FA 51 & FA 52 Meza – Pg 231, bilingual education program (FA52 corrects a drafting error
- FA 53 Jarvis Johnson – Pg 232, study on housing
- FA 58 Turner – Pg 240, UT Arlington technical name change to Center for Entrepreneurship & Technological Development
- FA 59 Dutton – Pg 258, changing language relating to TSU back