The following state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between March 25 and April 14.
Department of State Health Services
March 27, 2017 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, Central Campus, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, Room 607, Austin
Texas School Health Advisory Committee (TSHAC) The Advisory Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call meeting to order and introduction of members, staff, and guests. 2. Approval of the agenda for the March 27, 2017 TSHAC meeting. 3. Approval of the minutes from the January 9, 2017 TSHAC meeting. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding Recommendations for Offering Physical Activity Outside of the School Day. 5. Updates from the Texas Education Agency, Texas Department of Agriculture, and Texas Department of State Health Services. 6. Update from the Texas Education Agency regarding Fitnessgram', including discussion and possible action regarding recommendations for coordinated school health related to the Fitnessgram'. 7. Discussion regarding DSHS and TSHAC school health advisory council resources. 8. Discussion and possible action regarding new Coordinated School Health data websites, agenda topics for local school health advisory council meetings, and the revised TSHAC document revision schedule. 9. Discussion and possible action regarding the next TSHAC meeting on May 8, 2017, including future agenda topics and future TSHAC meeting dates. 10. Public comment. 11. Adjournment. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. The Presiding Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact: Crystal Beard, 512/776-7279
Department of State Health Services
March 27, 2017 – 11:30 AM
Historic Hilton Hotel, 815 Main Street, Room Texas A, Fort Worth
Public Health Funding and Policy Committee (PHFPC) This meeting will be available by teleconference. Call-in Number: 1-877-820-7831 Passcode: 899597# Welcome/Call to Order – Committee Chair, Stephen Williams 1. Approval of February 8, 2017 Meeting Minutes* – Committee 2. Update on Data Sharing Between DSHS and Local Health Departments* – Chris Aker 3. Briefing on Tuberculosis Testing Transition: T-spot to Quantiferon* – Sandra Morris 4. Update on Categorization of Local Health Entities – David Gruber 5. Stakeholder Comment – Public 6. Discussion on Zika Funding for Local Health Entities* – Dr. Umair A. Shah 7. Update on Texas Syndromic Surveillance System – Beverly Pritchett 8. Discussion on Identifying Funding Sources Available for Use by Local Health Entities Project* – Stephen Williams 9. Discussion on Defining Core Public Health Services* – Stephen Williams 10. Agenda Items for Next Meeting* – Stephen Williams 11. Future Meeting Dates/Locations* – Stephen Williams 12. Adjourn – Stephen Williams *Denotes possible action items The Committee accepts public testimony at meetings. Persons wishing to address the Committee must complete a registration form at the reception desk before the start of the meeting. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Chair. Additional Information Contact: Glenna Laughlin, 512/776-7770
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
March 27, 2017 – 12:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission,
Brown-Heatly Building, Room 2615), Austin
Consumer Directed Services Processes and Expansion Subcommittee AGENDA: Texas Council on Consumer Direction Consumer Directed Services Processes and Expansion Subcommittee February 27, 2017 Noon Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Room 2615 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Introductions; Chair update 2. Review and vote on summary of January 30, 2017, subcommittee meeting 3. Review and vote on subcommittee mission and goals 4. Discuss how to better define subcommittee goals and strategies 5. Plan subcommittee meetings and training opportunities for the next 12 months 6. Public comment 7. Review agenda and action items and next steps 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Suzanna Carter, 512/730-7423
Austin-Travis County MHMR Center
March 27, 2017 – 12:00 PM
1430 Collier St., Austin
Finance Committee FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Integral Care's mission is to improve the lives of people affected by behavioral health and developmental and/or intellectual challenges. DATE: Monday, March 27, 2017 TIME: 12:00 p.m. PLACE: 1430 Collier St. – Board Room Austin, Texas 78704 AGENDA I. Citizens Comments (Presentations are limited to 3 minutes) II. Approval of Finance Committee Minutes for February 20, 2017 III. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Cash & Investment Report – February, 2017 (Weden) IV. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Financial Statements and Amendments (if applicable) for the Period Ending February 28, 2017 (Subject to Audit) (Weden, Thompson) V. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Approving Resolutions Regarding Approval of Tax Credit Documents (Weden) VI. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Agreement of Limited Partnership of Housing First Oak Springs, LP (Weden) VII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Company Agreement of Housing First Oak Springs, GP, LLC (Weden) VIII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Consent of Sole Member and Sole Manager in Lieu of Organizational Meeting of Housing First Oak Springs, GP, LLC (Weden) IX. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Consent of Member and Managers in Lieu of Special Meeting of Housing First Oak Springs, GP, LLC (Weden) X. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing Lisa Ott Laky to sign the Certificate of Formation of Housing First, LLC as Organizer (Weden) XI. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Company Agreement of Housing First, LLC (Weden) XII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Consent of Sole Member and Manager in Lieu of Organizational Meeting of Housing First, LLC (Weden) – pages XIII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to sign the Promissory Note between Housing First Oak Springs, LP and Austin-Travis County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center dba Integral Care (Weden) XIV. Request to Accept Funding if Awarded from the Austin Housing Finance Corporation for the HCC Development of Housing First Oak Springs (Casey) XV. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Approval of Airport Property Construction/Renovation Company (Weden, Spencer) XVI. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Approval of Roof Replacement at 1430 Collier St. (Spencer) XVII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Regarding Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer and/or his designee to Accept, if Awarded, the Drug-Free Communities Support Program Grant (Weden) XVIII. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Financial Officer and/or Director of Accounting to Open a Brokerage Account with Edward D. Jones and Company, LP (dba Edward Jones) (Weden) XIX. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Authorizing Approval for Chief Executive Officer and/or His Designee to Sign a Contract with AlertMedia for SafeSignal and AlertMedia Notification Center (Weden) XX. Recommendation to Approve Contract for Military Veterans Peer Network (MVPN) Services to The Samaritan Center (P&O Agenda Item) (R. Dominguez, Lynch) XXI. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on FY 2018 Budget Development Calendar (Weden) XXII. Discussion of Invitation for Bid (IFB) for New Auditing Firm (Weden) XXIII. Discussion of Financial Ratios (Weden) XXIV. Update on Fiscal Year 2017 Business Plan (Weden) – Verbal Report XXV. Update on New Milestones Foundation (Irwin) XXVI. Discussion of FY 2017 Dashboard Financial Metrics (Baker) XXVII. Announcements XXVIII. New Business a. Identify Consent/Non-Consent Agenda Items XXIX. Citizens Comments (Presentations are limited to 3 minutes). Additional Information Contact: Libby Worsham, 512/440-4002
Border Region MHMR Community Center
March 29, 2017 – 11:00 AM
200 East Avenue, Zapata
Board of Trustees BOARD OF TRUSTEES BORDER REGION BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER COUNTIES OF JIM HOGG, STARR, WEBB, ZAPATA PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, the Board of Trustees of Border Region MHMR Community Center dba Border Region Behavioral Health Center will hold a regular meeting at 11:00 a.m. in the Zapata County Courthouse, Second Floor, Room 248, located at 200 East Seventh Avenue in Zapata, Texas. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY CHOOSE TO MEET IN A CLOSED MEETING (EXECUTIVE SESSION) AS PERMITTED BY THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, SUBCHAPTER D, SECTION 551.101, ET.SEQ., ON ANY ITEM OF THIS AGENDA AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY, DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY, A PROSPECTIVE GIFT, PERSONNEL MATTERS, AND/OR DELIBERATIONS REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES. If you require any of the auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to attend this meeting, please call (956) 794-3009 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of this meeting. Agenda 03.01.17 Call to Order 03.02.17 Administer the Oath of Office for Fiscal Year 2017, Statement of Appointed Office, and Promise to Maintain Confidential Information to new Board Member: Commissioner Francisco Paco Mendoza 03.03.17 Roll Call; Establish Quorum 03.04.17 Open Forum – If you wish to address the Board, please write your name, address, county of residence and topic you wish to discuss on the Open Forum Sign-Up Sheet. No more than three (3) speakers will be allowed time to address each side of a topic. All speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. If you are raising issues relating to a non-agenda item, Texas law prohibits the Board from discussing or acting on any issue, which has not been noticed in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act 03.05.17 Approval of December 07, 2016, Board Meeting minutes 03.06.17 Approval of February 1, 2017, Board Meeting minutes 03.07.17 Interim Executive Director's Report .01 Program Services Adult Behavioral Health Unit Executive Summary Children Adolescent and Parent Services Executive Summary Intellectual and Developmental Disability Executive Summary Quality Management Executive Summary Support Services Executive Summary .02 Quality Management Report Quality Management Plan .03 1115 Waiver Report .04 Informational Items .05 Presentation on Suicide Policy Draft .06 Local Network Development Plan 03.08.17 Discussion and possible action to accept donations as presented by Mr. Rolando Gutierrez, Interim Executive Director 03.09.17 Discussion and possible action to accept the Financial Reports of November 2016, December 2016 and January 2017(unaudited), as presented November 2016 Financial Statements December 2016 Financial Statements January 2017 Financial Statements Investment Report Qtr 1 & Qtr 2 FY2017 03.10.17 Planning and Network Advisory Committee Report .01 Approval of October 12, 2016 PNAC Minutes .02 Approval of January 18, 2017 PNAC Minutes 03.11.17 Discussion and possible action to update the LVN and RN Salary Schedules 03.12.17 Discussion and possible action to update the LPHA /LPC Salary Schedules 03.13.17 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Blackbaud Accounting Software Program to replace existing Anasazi software 03.14.17 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Lease of 16 Vehicles to be leased through Enterprise Fleet Leasing and purchased through Local Car Dealers 03.15.17 Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code s551.071 and s551.074 regarding Executive Director Search and Employment 03.16.17 Action Regarding Employment of Executive Director and Matters Related Thereto 03.17.17 Chairman's Report 03.18.17 Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Esmeralda Pompa, 956/794-3009
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 3, 2017 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing, Room), Austin
AGENDA: Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council April 3, 2017 10 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78751 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and approval of meeting minutes from December 5, 2016, February 9, 2017, and March 7, 2017 (vote will be taken)* 3. Staff update presentation 4. Ethics presentation 5. Legislative topics (vote may be taken)* a. Update from Chair b. Update on recent legislation i. Palliative care and hospice ii. Advance Practice Professionals and signature of a death certificate or out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate order iii. Advance directives iv. Benefits v. Prescription Drug Monitoring 6. Workgroup updates (vote may be taken)* a. Education and website development b. Continuing education c. Monitoring and reporting 7. Facilitated strategic planning exercise (vote may be taken)* a. Determine mission and vision b. Discussion on next steps for identifying values, goals, strategies, and timelines 8. Discussion of topic selection for 2018 legislative report (vote may be taken)* 9. Action items for staff or member follow-up 10. Public comment 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 4, 2017 – 10:30 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing, Room), Austin Perinatal Advisory Council
AGENDA: Perinatal Advisory Council April 4, 2017 10:30 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room Austin, TX 78751 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of the minutes (Meeting on January 24, 2017) 4. Updates from Perinatal Advisory Council Chair* 5. Discussion on Recommendations from Centers of Excellence for Fetal Diagnostics and Therapy (CEFDT) subcommittee.* 6. Lunch 7. Continue discussion on CEFDT Recommendations.* 8. Updates from Department of State Health Services* 9. Public comment 10. Health and Human Services Commission Announcements a. Member Rotation per House Bill 15, 83rd Texas Legislature (Regular Session) b. Dates, times, and locations of remaining 2017 meetings 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: David Williams, 512/380-4374
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 4, 2017 – 01:30 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 4501), Austin
Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee Meeting AGENDA: Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee Meeting April 4, 2017 1:30 p.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Room 4501 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and accept February 7, 2017, subcommittee meeting minutes 3. Discuss issues related to medical and waiver transportation 4. Discuss Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) dental services 5. Discuss IDD data 6. Discuss how to achieve and prioritize subcommittee goals 7. Public comment 8. Discuss future agenda and action items 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Joy Kearney, 512/487-3458
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 5, 2017 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing, Room 3501), Austin
Day Habilitation and Employment Services Subcommittee Meeting AGENDA: Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Day Habilitation and Employment Services Subcommittee Meeting April 5, 2017 10 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 3501 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and adopt February 8, 2017, meeting minutes 3. Public comment 4. Discussion of Home and Community-based Services settings 5. Break 6. Member discussion of future agendas 7. Discuss goals, strategies, and subcommittee structure 8. Public comment 9. Discuss agenda and action items of next meeting 10. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Joy Kearney, 512/462-6278
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 5, 2017 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly, Public Hearing Room), Austin
Early Childhood Intervention Advisory Committee AGENDA: Early Childhood Intervention Advisory Committee April 5, 2017 10 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78751 Texas Penal Code Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes 3. Early Childhood Intervention program update 4. Legislative update 5. Program Director/committee member updates 6. Public comment (limited to five minutes per person) 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Tammy Miller, 512/424-6795
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
April 5, 2017 – 03:00 PM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introduction – Roland Goertz, MD, Chair 2. Consideration of Summary Notes for April 15, 2016 meeting – Dr. Goertz 3. Consideration and discussion of Annual Financial Reports submitted by programs – Clare Hawkins, MD 4. Consideration and discussion of Annual Written Reports submitted by programs summarizing activities of the last year – Dr. Goertz 5. Update on the Faculty Development Center – Cindy Passmore, Executive Director, Faculty Development Center 6. Legislative Update – Tom Banning, CEO and Executive Director, Texas Academy of Family Physicians 7. Coordinating Board Update – Coordinating Board Staff 8. Consideration of the Selection of Chair and Vice Chair for Fiscal Year 2017 – Dr. Goertz 9. Consideration and discussion of Future Agenda Items and Future Meeting Dates – Dr. Goertz 10. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Suzanne Pickens, 512/427-6240
Department of State Health Services
April 7, 2017 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, Tower Building, 1100 West 49th Street, Room 607, Austin
Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call meeting to order and introduction of members, guests, and staff. 2. Approval of the agenda for the April 7, 2017 Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee. 3. Approval of the minutes from the February 3, 2017 Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee meeting. 4. Review of the feedback provided by school nurses and administrators in response to the Stock Epinephrine Feedback Form. 5. Discussion and possible action regarding the latest draft of the stock epinephrine rule language. 6. Discussion on the required reporting webpage. 7. Discussion and possible action regarding future updates on the rule process and resource development to implement SB 66. 8. Public comment. 9. Adjournment. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. The Presiding Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact: Anita Wheeler, 512/776-7279
Department of State Health Services
April 7, 2017 – 12:30 PM
Austin State Hospital Campus, 4110 Guadalupe Street, Bldg. 626 – Nifty Fifty Conference Room, Austin
Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: I. Call to Order II. Approval of previous meeting minutes (June 17, 2016) III. Update on the Division for Disease Control and Prevention Services IV. Texas HIV Medication Program (THMP) Budget Update V. AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)/State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) update reports VI. Discussion of consideration of addition of Egrifta to THMP formulary VII. Discussion of THMP recertification process VIII. Schedule next meeting IX. Public comments X. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Mary Richards, 512/776-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 12, 2017 – 10:00 AM
909 West 45th St. (Department of State Health Services, CO2 Building, Room 164), Austin
Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee AGENDA: Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee April 12, 2017 10 a.m. Meeting Site: Department of State Health Services CO2 Building Room 164 909 West 45th St. Austin, TX 78751 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Family experience presentation 3. Approval of January 11, 2017, meeting minutes (Action) 4. Sharing of Texas System of Care (TxSOC) communities' accomplishments 5. TxSOC Conference and strategic plan (Action) 6. Texas Children Recovering from Trauma Initiative update and report 7. Lunch break 8. First Episode Psychosis Program and Transition-age Youth update or discussion 9. Youth Voice on Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee Workgroup update 10. Legislative updates and roundtable discussion 11. Program updates a. Alliance for Adolescent Recovery and Treatment in Texas b. TxSOC 12. Public comment 13. Next steps 14. Announcements 15. Next meeting – July 12, 2017 16. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Lillian Stengart, 512/487-3312