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The following state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between August 22 and September 11.

Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 24, 2015 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin
Senate Bill 1150, Relating to Increasing Efficiency and Protection for Medicaid Managed Care Providers – Work Group. This meeting will be webcast. Conference Line: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code: 1101316 1. Welcome  2. Provider enrollment update* 3. Centralized credentialing update* 4. Survey recommendations update* 5. Network adequacy update*  6. Prior authorization forms* a. Non-emergency ambulance transportation form b. Behavior health standard authorization form c. Long term services and supports communication form 7. Next steps* *Public comment will be taken after this agenda item. Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Charles Bredwell, Program Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission at 512-462-6337,

Texas Council on Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders
August 25, 2015 – 10:30 AM
Department of State Health Services, Moreton Building, Room M-653, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin
All agenda items listed may be discussed by the Council and action may be taken. 1. Welcome/Call to Order/Roll Call/Excuse Absent Members. 2. Approval of minutes from February 25, 2015, meeting. 3. Department of State Health Services (DSHS) update. 4. Presentation on Texas data and barriers to population-level data collection on Alzheimer's disease. The presentation will be conducted by the DSHS Office of Surveillance, Evaluation and Research (OSER). 5. Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium (TARCC) report on funding. 6. University of Texas at Austin – TARCC membership. 7. TARCC 5-year review. 8. TARCC budget. 9. Time and date for next Council meeting. 10. Public Comment 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Lynda Taylor, 800/242-3399
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 26, 2015 – 01:30 AM
701 West 51st. St. (John H. Winters Building, Room 360W), Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Housing Subcommittee Meeting 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee (IDD SRAC), Housing Subcommittee Meeting Minutes from July 29, 2015. 3. Drafting letter to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs with specific recommendations in effort to obtain higher interest in building/rehabing housing for the IDD community. 4. Discuss findings from figures provided by Texas Education Agency of potential upcoming housing needs among school aged individuals. 5. Discuss and set agenda items for September 23, 2015. 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Penny Larkin, 512/438-5029
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Executive Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Report and discussion regarding personnel evaluation. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action on the FY 15 Internal Audit. 4. Update on Sunset Self-Evaluation Report. 5. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Finance Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Budget report. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 09:15 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Public Information Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding the board's online presence. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 09:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Telemedicine Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Presentation. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding call coverage. 4. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 10:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Lobby Area, Room 100, Austin
Licensure Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding applicants for licensure, permits, and certification. a. Applicants appearing concerning eligibility b. Proposed orders offered by the Executive Director c. Physician licensure applicants to be licensed d. Surgical assistant licensure applicants to be licensed e. Acudetox applicants to be certified 3. Report on physician licensure statistics. 4. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding cancellation of licenses by request or for incomplete registration. a. Surgical assistant b. Acudetox 5. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding Nonprofit Health Organizations. a. Applicants for initial certification b. Requests for biennial recertification c. Cancellation of organizations certified as Nonprofit Health Organizations 6. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding proposed amendments to board rules. a. 163.1 Definitions (Licensure) b. 163.2 Alternative License Procedures c. 166.1 Physician Registration d. 166.2 Continuing Medical Education e. 171.5 Duties of PIT Holders to Report f. 172.5 Visiting Physician Temporary Permit g. 175.3 Penalties h. 175.4 Fee Exemption for Military Service Member, Military Veteran, or Military Spouse i. 184.2 Definitions (Surgical Assistants) j. 184.4 Qualifications for Licensure (Surgical Assistants) k. 184.6 Licensure Documentation (Surgical Assistants) l. 184.8 License Renewal (Surgical Assistants) m. 184.21 Impaired Surgical Assistants n. 184.25 Continuing Education (Surgical Assistants) 7. Report on Academic Stakeholders Meeting. 8. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding specialty board certification as a remedy for clerkships. 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
August 27, 2015 – 10:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Disciplinary Process Review Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding referrals and reports from the Texas Physician Health Program. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding increased level of testing of probationer's who are transferred from PHP. 4. Discussion and possible direction regarding Soberlink waiver requests. 5. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding renewals involving impaired licensees and an appeal process of decisions made. 6. Reports and discussion regarding the Investigation, Litigation and Compliance Departments. 7. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Rule Review and proposed changes to the following chapters in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code: A. Chapter 165, Medical Records, s165.6 – Medical Records Regarding an Abortion on an Unemancipated Minor. B. Chapter 178, Complaints, s178 – Complaint Procedure Notification. C. Chapter 187, Procedural Rules, s187.35 – (Subchapter D) Presentation of Proposal for Decision, s187.37 – (Subchapter D) Final Decisions and Orders, s187.38 – (Subchapter D) Motions for Rehearing, s187.85 – (Subchapter J) Purpose and Construction, s187.86 – (Subchapter J) Scope, s187.87 – (Subchapter J) Definitions, s187.88 – (Subchapter J) Complaint Process and Resolution, s187.89 – (Subchapter J) Notice of Availability of Mandatory Mediation. D. Chapter 189, Compliance Program, s189.16 – Monitoring, Proctoring, or Supervising Physician/Professional's Recommendation for Competency Assessment (new section). E. Chapter 195, Pain Management Clinics, s195.1 – Definitions, s195.2 – Certification of Pain Management Clinics. F. Chapter 197, Emergency Medical Service, s197.1 – Purpose, s197.2 – Definitions, s197.7 – Physician Supervision of Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic or Licensed Paramedic Care Provided in a Health Care Facility Setting (new section). G. Chapter 198, Standards for Use of Investigation Agents, s198.1 – Purpose, s198.3 – Practice Guidelines for the Use of Investigational Agents, s198.4 – Use of Investigational Agents for Patients with Terminal Illnesses. H. Chapter 200, Standards for Physicians Practicing Complementary and Alternative Medicine, s200.3(7) – Practice Guidelines for the Provision of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 8. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding review of probationers appearances. 9. Consideration and approval of membership of the Expert Physician Panel. 10. Reports and discussion regarding cases over one year old. 11. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding appeals of dismissed complaints: A. Jurisdictional Complaints: i. Investigations 14-2562 14-5456* 15-0901* 15-1072* 15-1201 15-1453 15-1915 15-2174 15-3071 15-3159* 15-3959 ii. Legal Files 14-0811 (14-0822) 14-0831 (14-3457) 15-0009 (14-2911)* 15-0019 (14-4129) B. Jurisdictional-Not-Filed Complaints: 15-2193 15-2797* 15-2869 15-2907 15-2934 15-3294 15-3385 15-3418 15-3445 15-3640 15-3762 15-4053* 15-4311 15-5099 15-5276 15-5440 15-5505 15-5534 15-5552 15-5624 15-5817 15-5820 15-5923 15-5927 15-6071 15-6089 15-6093 15-6094 15-6106* 15-6509 C. Non-Jurisdictional Complaints 15-1245 12. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding routine follow-up on investigative files previously referred from DPRC for follow-up action, specifically including: 14-5720 14-6360 13. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez, 512/305-7111
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
August 27, 2015 – 02:00 PM
Austin HHSC-CO2 Building, Room #164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Enforcement Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order – Introduction of Members, Guests, and Staff 2. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Board Members who are Inexcusably Absent from Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings, as defined under Texas Occupations Code Section 605.057(a)(5) 3. Review and Approve May 14, 2015, Committee Minutes 4. Review, Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Complaint #1070-15-0002 5. Review, Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Complaint #1070-15-0006 6. Staff Report Concerning Update on Open Cases, to include Tabled Cases 7. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Closed Cases 8. Set Next Meeting Date 9. Propose Agenda Items 10. Public Comment 11. Adjournment Action may be taken on any of the above items. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session as authorized by the Government Code. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the chair. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board/committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item if it exists. The Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Board/Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 28, 2015 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. ( Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room), Austin
Health and Human Services Commission Council The Council meeting can be viewed live and on demand via streaming internet. The link to view the council meeting is 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the June 12, 2015 Council Meeting minutes. 3. Executive Commissioner's Status Report: Update from the 84th Legislative Session. 4. Action Items Related to Rules.* a. Regarding Managed Care Organization Requirements Concerning Out-of-Network Providers: HHSC proposes to amend Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 353, Subchapter A, s353.4, Managed Care Organization Requirements Concerning Out-of-Network Providers. b. Regarding Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F: HHSC proposes to amend Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F, s354.1832, Prior Authorization Procedures; and s354.1924, Preferred Drug List. HHSC proposes to repeal Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F, s354.1928, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee; s354.1941, Conflict of Interest Policy. HHSC proposes as new Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F, s354.1941, Drug Utilization Review Board; s354.1942, Conflict of Interest Policy. c. Regarding Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board; Drug Clinical Prior Authorization: HHSC proposes to amend Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 353, Subchapter J, s353.903, Definitions; s353.907, Prior Authorization Requirements. d. Regarding Vendor Drug Program Medicaid Audit Appeals: HHSC proposes to amend Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F, Division 5, s354.1891, Vendor Drug Providers Subject to Audit. e. Regarding Reimbursement for Certain Drugs in Disasters; Medicaid Fee-For-Service Drug Reimbursement: HHSC proposes to amend s354.1835, Prescriber Identification Numbers; s354.1863, Prescription Requirements; and s354.1901, Pharmacy Claims. HHSC proposes new s354.1868, Exceptions in Disasters. f. Regarding Medicaid Fee-For-Service Drug Reimbursement: HHSC proposes to amend Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter J, Division 28, s355.8541, Legend and Nonlegend Medications; s355.8546, Brand-Name Drugs; s355.8547, Reimbursement for Compound Prescriptions; s355.8548, 340B Covered Entities; and s355.8551, Dispensing Fee. HHSC proposed to repeal Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter J, Division 28, s355.8545, Texas Maximum Allowable Cost. 5. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: 512/487-3300
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
August 28, 2015 – 10:00 AM
Austin HHSC-CO2 Building, Room #164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Licensing and Accreditation Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order – Introduction of Members, Guests, and Staff 2. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Board Members who are Inexcusably Absent from Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings, as defined under Texas Occupations Code Section 605.057(a)(5) 3. Review and Approve May 15, 2015, Committee Minutes 4. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Pending Technician Applications DG (Orthotics) MT (Orthotics and Prosthetics) 5. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Pending Student Applications CD (Orthotics) EG (Orthotics) NJ (Orthotics and Prosthetics) CK (Orthotics and Prosthetics) MM (Orthotics and Prosthetics) RM (Prosthetics) TM (Orthotics and Prosthetics) TP (Prosthetics) JR (Orthotics and Prosthetics) 6. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Pending Assistant Applications BH (Orthotics and Prosthetics) DR (Orthotics) 7. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Pending Practitioner Applications MA (Orthotics) GGB (Prosthetics) BG (Orthotics and Prosthetics) RP (Orthotics and Prosthetics) SW (Prosthetics) 8. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Pending Unique Qualifications Applications CB (Orthotics) MD (Orthotics) HS (Orthotics and Prosthetics) 9. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action to Approve or Disapprove the Following Facility Accreditation Applications BSOP-B (Orthotics and Prosthetics) CTI (Orthotics) DDOP-I (Orthotics and Prosthetics) HCM-S (Orthotics and Prosthetics) OI-A (Orthotics) OI-SA (Orthotics) O-SA (Orthotics and Prosthetics) SP-SA (Prosthetics) 10. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Recommendations to the Board on Authorizing Executive Director to Issue Certain License, Registration and Accreditation Approvals 11. Set Next Meeting Date 12. Propose Agenda Items 13. Public Comment 14. Adjournment Action may be taken on any of the above items. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session as authorized by the Government Code. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the chair. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board/committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item if it exists. The Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Board/Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
August 28, 2015 – 01:00 PM
Austin HHSC-CO2 Building, Room #164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Rules Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order – Introduction of Members, Guests, and Staff 2. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Board Members who are Inexcusably Absent from Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings, as defined under Texas Occupations Code Section 605.057(a)(5) 3. Review and Approve May 15, 2015 Committee Minutes 4. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action by the Rules Committee Regarding Amendments to the Rules Concerning the Licensure and Regulation of Orthotics and Prosthetics, 22 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 821, including possible amendments to: a. Rule s821.15 Accreditation of Prosthetic and Orthotic Facilities regarding a new posting requirement for hours of operation 5. Discussion and Possible Action regarding a New Rule establishing Two Different Levels Orthotic Assistant licensure, with Different Educational Requirements and Different Scopes of Practice 6. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Application Process for Assistants 7. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Examinations 8. Review, Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Recommendations from the Rules Workgroup, including Proposed Recommendations to the Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics regarding possible amendments, repeal, and new rules 22 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 821, including recommendations on rule review as required by Texas Government Code 2001.039 9. Set Next Meeting Date 10. Propose Agenda Items 11. Public Comment 12. Adjournment Action may be taken on any of the above items. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session as authorized by the Government Code. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the chair. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board/committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item if it exists. The Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Board/Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
August 28, 2015 – 02:00 PM
Austin HHSC-CO2 Building, Room #164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Board Meeting The Board will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order – Introduction of Members, Guests, and Staff 2. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Board Members who are Inexcusably Absent from Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings, as defined under Texas Occupations Code Section 605.057(a)(5) 3. Review and Approve the May 15, 2015, Board Meeting Minutes 4. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Committee Appointments 5. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Reports from the Board Committees a. Licensing and Accreditation Committee – report from August 28, 2015 – Number of Applications Reviewed – Number of Applications Approved – Number of Applications Denied – Number of Applications Tabled – Review, Discussion, and Possible Action regarding Process for License, Registration and Accreditation Approval b. Enforcement Committee – report from August 27, 2015 – Number of Cases Reviewed – Disciplinary Action Recommended – Number of Cases Closed – Number of Cases Tabled – Staff Report Concerning Update on Open Cases, to include Tabled Cases – Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Closed Cases c. Rules Committee – report from August 28, 2015 – Review, Discussion, and Possible Action by the Rules Committee Regarding Amendments to the Rules Concerning the Licensure and Regulation of Orthotics and Prosthetics, 22 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 821, including possible amendments to: — Rule s821.15 Accreditation of Prosthetic and Orthotic Facilities regarding a new posting requirement for hours of operation – Discussion and Possible Action regarding a New Rule establishing Two Different Levels Orthotic Assistant licensure, with Different Educational Requirements and Different Scopes of Practice – Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Application Process for Assistants – Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Examinations – Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Recommendations from the Rules Workgroup, including Proposed Recommendations to the Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics regarding possible amendments, repeal, and new rules 22 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 821, including recommendations on rule review as required by Texas Government Code 2001.039 6. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Possible Amendments, Repeal, and New Rules 22 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 821, Including Rule Review as Required by Texas Government Code 2001.039 7. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Process for Approval of Licensure Applications by Executive Director 8. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Changes to Application for Licensure/Registration 9. Review, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Agreed Orders for Case #s 1070-12-0013, 1070-12-0014 & 1070-12-0033; and 1070-13-0002 10. Executive Session, Discussion, and Possible Action on Staff Attorney's Report Regarding All Pending Hearings at the State Office of Administrative Hearings including: Case #s 1070-10-0074 & 1070-10-0075; and Case #s 1070-11-0034, 1070-11-0035, &1070-13-0027; and Case# # 1070-13-0029 11. Update on Transition Activities to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) with Respect to the Provisions of Senate Bill 202. 12. Presiding Officer's Report on Current Challenges and Accomplishments; Interaction with Stakeholders, State Officials, and Staff; Committee Appointments and Functions; Workload of Board Members; and General Information Regarding the Routine Functioning of the Board 13. Executive Director's Report on Program Operations; Customer Service Accomplishments, Inquiries, and Challenges; Current and/or Historical Licensee Statistics; Media, Legislative, and Stakeholder Contacts and Concerns; Workload Processing; Special Projects Assigned to Executive Director; General Information Regarding the Routine Functioning of the Licensure Program; and Executive Director's Report Concerning Update on Open, Tabled, and Closed Cases as well as Disciplinary Action Log and Tool 14. Professional Licensing and Certification Unit Management Report on Unit Organization and Staffing; Program Costs and Revenue; Current Operational Initiatives; Customer Service Accomplishments and Challenges; Workload Processing and Statistical Information; Status of Rulemaking within the Unit; Legislative and Media Contacts and Tracking; General Information on Functioning of the Unit 15. Set Next Meeting Dates 16. Propose Agenda Items 17. Public Comment 18. Adjournment Action may be taken on any of the above items. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session as authorized by the Government Code. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the chair. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board/committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item if it exists. The Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Board/Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 28, 2015 – 03:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building , Public Hearing Room , 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed new rule concerning Reimbursement Methodology for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services Program. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed new rule §355.9040 under Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter M, Miscellaneous Programs.  This rule establishes the reimbursement methodology for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services program administered by the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services.  HHSC, under its authority and responsibility to administer and implement rates, is proposing this rule to codify the reimbursement methodology for this program, which provides services to individuals with a traumatic brain injury or traumatic spinal cord injury. The proposed new rule was published in the August 7, 2015, issue of the Texas Register. See 40 TexReg 4971 (August 7, 2015). Written Comments.  Written comments on the proposed amendments to the rules may be submitted at the public hearing or, within 30 days of publication of this proposal in the Texas Register, to Judy Myers, Senior Rate Analyst, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Division, HHSC, by mail to 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751; by fax to 512-730-7484 or by email to
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 31, 2015 – 08:30 AM
Brown-Heatly Building , Public Hearing Room , 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Medical Benefit Policy for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on proposed Medicaid medical benefit policies for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. The policies are being proposed as directed by the 2016-17 General Appropriations Act (Article II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 50, House Bill 1, 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015). The proposed policies will be published August 20, 2015, on the HHSC website under the Medicaid Medical and Dental Policy page, which can be found at Written Comments.  Written comments on the proposed policies may be submitted by email to Comments will be received through September 11, 2015.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 1, 2015 – 10:00 AM
2222 Welborn St. (Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children), Dallas
Texas Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities Executive Committee Meeting 1. Call to Order: Roll Call of Members/Establish Quorum 2. Greetings and Introductions: Richard Garnett, Ph.D. 3. Approval of Minutes from May 1, 2015 4. Child Safety Task Force Report: Ashley Givens 5. Texas Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Collaborative: Mary Tijerina, Ph.D. 6. Executive Director Report on Texas Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities: Janet Sharkis, MS 7. Scheduling of Next Meeting 8. Public Comment 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angela Morales, 512/206-4544
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 3, 2015 – 04:15 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 1430), Austin
Children's Policy Council This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to the day and time of the meeting. 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Election of Officers (vote required) 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Vicki Magee, 512/420-2826
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 9, 2015 – 02:00 PM
701 West 51st St. (Health and Human Services Commission, John B. Winters, Public Hearing Room), Austin
Open Forum on Issues Related to Nursing Facility Implementation Into STAR+PLUS Call-in: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code: 7171813 The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) would like to invite nursing facility providers and provider association representatives to participate in an open forum to discuss issues related to nursing facility implementation into managed care STAR+PLUS regarding: questions and concerns regarding change of ownership (CHOW) and vendor hold processes, reimbursements of hospital-owned nursing facilities, and the Quality Improvement Payment Program (QIPP). The managed care organizations (MCOs) and HHSC staff will be present to address questions and concerns from the public. Those that are unable to attend in person can still participate in the discussion by calling into the conference line. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/462-6356
-End of Report-

Archive - 2012 & Earlier

Textbooks – Attorney General Decision

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 8, 2010
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Conservation Plan Annual Reports Due

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 25, 2012
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TCEQ Meeting January 20

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 15, 2016

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