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Hearing locations, dates, and times listed below are subject to change. Please check the HillCo Partners news page to get the most recent postings on Legislative hearings.
The following legislative and state agency hearings have been scheduled from May 27 – June 6.
Tuesday, May 27 (Primary Runoff Election Day)
House Business & Industry Committee
May 27 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E2.014
The committee will hear invited testimony regarding:
Existing lien laws in Texas. Specifically:
Examine laws concerning the enforcement of contract liens affecting real property. Identify improvements, if any, that will enhance certainty of title following sale, enhance ability to ensure that sales are conducted by qualified trustees, prevent unnecessary litigation, facilities loss mitigation between borrowers and sellers, and protect the interests of homeowners, lenders and trustees. 
Study the imposition of mechanics' liens on automobiles and its impact on mechanics, car owners and purchasers, and lenders.
Review ad valorem tax lien lending after the implementation of SB 247 (83R) and the impact on homeowners, taxing authorities, mortgage lenders, and tax lien lenders. Review the procedures and powers of the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner to ensure compliance with SB 247.
Study the impact of SB 1024 (82R) on wage theft and law enforcement and regulatory agencies' responses to wage theft claims.
Wednesday, May 28
House Business & Industry Committee
May 28 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E2.014
The committee will only meet if all testimony was not completed in the Business & Industry's May 27th hearing. If all testimony was heard, this hearing for May 28th will be cancelled.
House Ways & Means Committee
May 28, 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E2.010
The committee will meet to discuss the following interim charge:
Review the various state event trust fund accounts to ensure that the accounts are operated in a manner that is transparent and accountable.
Among the accounts considered will be:
Major Events Trust Fund;
Special Events Trust Fund;
Events Trust Fund; and
Motor Sports Racing Trust Fund.
If you have interest in appearing before the committee please contact the committee office at 512-463-0822. 
Thursday, May 29
Texas Transportation Commission
May 29 – 9:00 AM
The TTC will hold a commission meeting.
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
May 29 – 10:00 AM
Suite 185, 5806 Mesa Dr., Austin
The TABC will hold a commission meeting.
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles I, IV & V; and
House Corrections Committee
May 29 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E1.030
The committees will meet in a joint hearing to discuss the following interim charge:
Monitor the administration of the Correctional Managed Health Care system and examine forecasts for short and long-term criminal justice populations and health care cost trends.
Invited testimony only.
House Corrections Committee
May 29 – 12:00 PM
Capitol Extension Room E2.010
The committee will consider testimony on the following interim charge:
Study and review the correctional facilities and processes within Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department with emphasis on efficiencies, effectiveness, and recidivism. Examine the existing programmatic approach per facility in the areas of the vocation, education, visitation, rehabilitation, health and mental health services, parole supervision, and reentry initiatives. Evaluate opportunities for partnerships between facilities and private industries to offer education, job training, and potential employment for offenders during incarceration, parole, and final release.
The Committee will not consider testimony for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department at this hearing and will consider this agency at a later date.
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles I, IV & V
May 29 – Upon Adjournment
Capitol Extension – Room E1.030
The subcommittee will meet upon adjournment of the joint hearing with the House Corrections Committee to discuss the following interim charge:
Examine the status of the state’s information technology (IT) infrastructure, the effectiveness of data center consolidation in reducing IT costs, and the effectiveness of the Department of Information Resources' Cooperative Contracts Program in delivering best value for the state in IT purchases.
The subcommittee will hear invited and public testimony.
Friday, May 30
Public Utility Commission of Texas
May 30 – 9:30 AM
Room 7-100 , William B. Travis Building , 1701 Congress Ave, Austin
The PUC will hold an open meeting.
Texas Water Development Board
May 30 – 10:00 AM
TecH2O Center, 10751 Montana Avenue, Rio Grande Auditorium, El Paso
The TWDB will hold a work session.
Monday, June 2
State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee
June 2 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E2.010
The committee will hold an organizational meeting in accordance with Section 15.438 of the Texas Water Code.
Invited testimony only.
Tuesday, June 3
Senate Jurisprudence Committee
June 3 – 10:00 AM
Texas Capitol – Room 2E.20
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:
Monitor the implementation of Senate Bill 393 and Senate Bill 1114 and determine if any statutory changes are necessary to clarify the intent of this legislation. In addition, determine those school districts that have implemented the graduated sanctions envisioned by Senate Bill 393 and decide if any additional statutory changes are necessary to ensure that school districts are complying with its intent.
Monitor the implementation of statewide electronic filing as mandated by the Texas Supreme Court to determine if any additional training or resources are needed by local jurisdictions. In addition, determine those jurisdictions that have imposed the local transaction fee, as created by House Bill 2302, to determine how it is being utilized and if its continued collection is necessary.
The committee will also:
Take invited and public testimony regarding allegations requiring the forfeiture of  future rights to nondisclosure as a condition of plea agreements in certain counties.
Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes.
Wednesday, June 4
House Human Services Committee
June 4 – 9:00 AM
Capitol Extension – Room E2.030
The committee will meet to consider invited and public testimony on the following interim charge:
Examine crisis resources for individuals with co-occurring mental illness and intellectual/developmental disabilities. Identify strategies to serve individuals with complex behavioral and medical needs in the community.
The committee will also hear a Health and Human Services Commission executive update on the STAR+PLUS managed care expansion/transition.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
June 4 – 9:30 AM
Room 201S, Bldg. E, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin
The TCEQ will hold a commissioners’ agenda meeting.

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