The Senate began earlier this week referring bills to committees and some Senate Committees are already meeting. See spotlight on hearings for more detail. It is expected the House Speaker will announce the House committees before the end of next week.
Friday, March 11, 2011 marks the 60th day of session and is the deadline for filing bills and joint resolutions other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and bills that have been declared an emergency by Governor Perry.
Spotlight on Hearings
Government Organization – 2/7/2011
Time: 1:30 PM or upon adjournment, Location: 2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.)
The Senate Committee on Government Organization will hold its organizational meeting to adopt rules for the 82nd Legislative Session and hear invited testimony from Ken Levine, Executive Director of the Sunset Advisory Commission.
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room)
Article III – Education
- School for the Blind and Visually Impaired & Special Provisions
- School for the Deaf & Special Provisions
- Texas Education Agency
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room)
Article III – Education – Higher Education
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room)
Article III – Education – Higher Education
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: Senate Chamber
They will be taking up one bill, SB 16 (Patrick) Relating to informed consent to an abortion.
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: E1.036 (Finance Room)
Article III – Education – Higher Education
Senate Finance did not conclude public testimony yesterday on Article II, Health and Human Services. The remaining witnesses were asked to come back on Monday to finish testifying. In addition, Senate Finance will hear testimony next week on Article III, Education. House Appropriations Chairman Jim Pitts has been reported saying that he expects House Appropriations to meet at the end of next week and the subcommittees to begin working the week following.
The LBB has published a list of the approved 2.5 percent reduction targets for all agencies and institutions. The statewide total is $438,412,091 for the adjusted targets. The cuts were expected to save around $500 million.