A teacher symposium, Bringing Teacher Quality into Focus: Preparing the Students of Today for the Texas of Tomorrow presented by Raise Your Hand Texas and Texas High School Project, was held on September 23rd at the University of Texas Alumni Center.
The morning session included a panel discussion on the teacher quality continuum. It was pointed out that current times are the most challenging time to be a teacher. Professional developments as well as evaluation methods and performance pay were all issues brought forward on the panel.
Kati Haycock, President of the Education Trust, presented some interesting data during the afternoon session arguing that although Texas has students performing at higher levels than other states, the gaps remain large for Texas. Doing better as a nation while other countries outperform us on testing, means there is still a need for Texas to raise achievement standards of students. Haycock cited studies which show that quality teaching is the most important elements of student success.
Seven steps were recommended:
1) Raise Standards for entry into the teaching field
2) Scrutinize preparation routes
3) Generate solid growth data for all districts
4) Demand honest evaluation
5) Differentiated compensation
6) Evaluate principals on improving teacher results, but make sure they have necessary authority
7) Stand up for those who are short changed – equity for all students
The capacity audience included prominent business leaders, education policy organizations, several of the state’s leading superintendents, as well as members of the Texas Legislature who asked questions and expanded on several issues raised throughout the symposium.