The following is a report on the topics for discussion in the upcoming November 12 meeting of the Sunset Advisory Commission. A link to the full agenda can be found here.
Expected Testimony
The Sunset Advisory Commission is accepting invited testimony only at this meeting of the Commission. Thus, only the Teacher Retirement System will be providing testimony to the Commission. Based on previous Sunset hearings and provided documents (found here), this testimony will likely consist of an overview of Sunset Staff Report recommendations, as well as a presentation by TRS officials on their Self-Evaluation. Invited testimony has the option of providing testimony either in person in front of the commission or virtually, either by videoconference or call. As of the writing of this report, TRS has not made a decision regarding whether they will provide in-person testimony or remote testimony.
Expected Action
The Commission is expected to act on across-the-board recommendations at this meeting.
The Commission will also be considering possible action on the recommendations provided on several agencies, including Texas Parks and Wildlife. Those recommendations and reports can be viewed here, and a previous HillCo report outlined testimony provided by Sunset Staff and TPWD officials at the September 23 meeting of the Sunset Commission.