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The Senate Democratic Caucus held a press conference on July 21 to discuss SB 1, the legislative process, and grid reliability.

This report is intended to give you an overview and highlight of the discussions on the various topics taken up. It is not a verbatim transcript of the discussions but is based upon what was audible or understandable to the observer and the desire to get details out as quickly as possible with few errors or omissions.


Sen. Carol Alvarado

  • All Democrats stand together against SB 1, SB 1 affects all voters
  • Members of the Senate Democratic caucus were in DC last week, standing in solidarity with House caucus members, goal was to stand against SB 1, use parliamentary tools to delay bill, and encourage federal action
  • Texas Democrats are ready to bring fight back to Austin, bill continues to make voting troublesome for disabled individuals & seniors
  • Allows untrained watchers to bully voters, bans options making it more difficult for working class voters, does not allow for online voter registration


Sen. John Whitmire

  • Should not be in a special session, special sessions are for unfinished business, but facing a new agenda similar to a regular session
  • Gov. Abbott has not met with any Democrats, breaking quorum is part of the legislative process
  • Fought as best we could to oppose on the Senate floor while colleagues were talking to national leadership
  • Cannot continue to divide state by parties, all in this together; concerned about impact election bill impact on Republican voters as well, will be intimidated by poll watchers, will make it more difficult for seniors
  • Gov. threatening to arrest is a nonstarter, should welcome members into your office
  • Hope that Republican colleagues feel strongly enough to walk out on issues


Sen. Borris Miles

  • Supports colleagues in efforts to support House members to defeat SB 1 & HB 3
  • SB 1 is a discriminatory, divisive, suppressive, and intimidation bill focused on minorities, especially African Americans; designed and created due to what took place in Harris County
  • No voter scandals or fraud occurring in Texas, big issue is the fear that minority and Democratic voters are increasing
  • Will continue to work and fight


Sen. Nathan Johnson

  • 41 counties will see hours expanded, 40 are Republican counties
  • 3 will see hours restricted, Bexar, Harris, and El Paso
  • Criminalizing county registrars from sending out vote by mail applications, but political parties are not; sends wrong message
  • Saw weird & bad provisions get added to the voting bill in the CCR, concerned about what is coming into these bills later
  • Seeing some other agenda dressed up as election security, feels partisan and discriminatory
  • If poll watchers break their oaths, nothing happens, can cause problems that are not easy to deal with
  • Voter turn out would’ve been larger without efforts to suppress the vote
  • Measures like online voter registration were directed by courts, still cannot register online outside of driver license renewal
  • Take election security seriously, but not in favor of rigging the game


Sen. Roland Gutierrez

  • Want fair, accessible, and secure elections
  • Only fraud being perpetrated on the people of Texas is Gov. Abbott bringing out the boogeyman every election cycle; Gov. Abbott fails to do his job, failed to provide relief for Winter Storm Uri
  • Need FERC and NERC guidelines for winterizing utilities, had a bill that generated equity for companies without passing through to consumers
  • Where is the special session for winterization? For health care?
  • Democratic Caucus was working hard to work with federal leadership and agencies
  • If Gov. Abbott wants to bring legislators back, should fix the grid, health care, and do something about mass shootings



  • Was it always part of the plan to return before the end of special session, did you miss an opportunity to speak on the election bill?
    • Sen. Alvarado – Many spoke in committee, return was predicated on how many were here
    • Sen. West – Will need to do this again, will be another session on this, will have an opportunity to review what was said and prepare for the second special session
  • Had many measures during session o restrict Gov’s powers during a pandemic
    • Sen. Whitmire – This issue was addressed by Sens. Birdwell & Hall, Republican base was concerned about Gov’s action
    • Gov should listen to the people of Texas, people of Texas are concerned about COVID
    • No ideal model, have to use judgment, listen to district; will continue to monitor events and keep all options open
    • Reaching out to other side to join us in being effective, Gov. needs to meet with Democrats; would like to discuss poll watchers, Republican party itself is divided and could have impact on primary
    • Changes hours and days has nothing to do with fraud
  • Asks about staff salaries
    • Sen. Menendez – May not get a check from the state, but everyone of us is determined in taking care of our staff
    • Gov. is acting like a dictator, can’t arrest us and can’t eradicate a branch of government
    • Sen. Manchin didn’t realize extent of voter ID laws, free reign given to poll watchers; many in Washington aren’t aware of how bad this bill is
    • All of us are united against bill as it suppresses votes, will fight to ensure no on eligible is turned away
  • Did you think you had an impact?
    • Sen. Menendez – Yes, many have been talking about this
    • Sen. Miles – Have had an impact across the country
    • Sen. Alvarado – Raised awareness among federal counterparts
    • Sen. Johnson – Didn’t go just to change minds, also went to learn about what next steps are available
  • House broke quorum this time, is the Senate discussing this?
    • Sen. West – All options are on the table, want a sit down with the Governor to look at Barbara Jordan Fair Elections Act, other elections measures that is agreeable to all Texans and expands right to vote
  • Asks after grid reliability
    • Sen. Whitmire – No better prepared for the next freeze than we were for the last one; reports are supposed to be due until September & winter is approaching
    • ERCOT has issued advisories since the storm, public safety & economic development issue that is being ignored by Gov. Abbott
    • Sen. Miles – People of the state do not have confidence in ERCOT or PUC
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