Texas Senate voting requirements for a quorum to final passage can be found below and on the Senate website.
Senate Rule | Question | Vote |
5.02 | Quorum | 2/3 Membership (21) |
5.11 | Special Order | 5/9 Present |
5.14(c) | Suspend Intent Calendar | 4/5 Present |
6.10 | Reconsider | Majority of Present |
10.02 | Final Passage, Const. Amendment | 2/3 Membership (21) |
6.20 | Vetoed House Bill | 2/3 Membership (21) |
6.20 | Vetoed Senate Bill | 2/3 Present |
7.19 | Adopt Amendment at Third Reading | 2/3 Present |
5.13 | Suspend Regular Order of Business | 5/9 Present |
22.01 | Rescind or Amend Senate Rule | Majority of Membership (16) |
22.01 | Suspend Senate Rule unless otherwise specified | 5/9 Present |
16.06(3) | Confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointments | 2/3 Present |
7.18 | Suspend Three Day Rule | 4/5 Present |
6.09 | Previous Question | 5 Seconds & Majority of Present |
7.13 | Consider Bill during first 60 days | 4/5 Membership (25) |
7.07(b) | Introduce Bill after first 60 days | 4/5 Membership (25) |
6.08 | Re-referral | 5/9 Present |
6.08 | Commit | Majority of Membership (16) |