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Governor Greg Abbott has presented his budget to the 88th Legislature. Below is a spotlight on the recommendations he made to the 88th Legislature of his budget priorities.

Property Taxes

  • I recommend the 88th Legislature utilize $15 billion to build on the promises made in 2019 by strengthening the statutory compression mechanism and further compressing tax rates in a sustainable manner.
  • I also recommend senior citizens should be automatically enrolled in the additional $10,000 homestead exemption on school property taxes, and their county property taxes should be frozen.
  • Furthermore, I recommend small businesses be provided targeted relief with an increased exemption for business personal property.

Public Education

Education Freedom – I recommend the 88th Legislature further empower parents by establishing an Education Savings Account program that allows funding to follow the student to the educational provider and/or services of the parent’s choosing.

TEA Curriculum Reform – I recommend the 88th Legislature address curriculum challenges with outcomes that enhance student performance, minimize inappropriate and ideological content, improve quality of classroom instructional materials, help ease teachers’ workloads, and ensure curriculum transparency for parents.

School Safety & TCHATT – I recommend the 88th Legislature continue enhancing the security of our schools by:

  • Providing no less than $600 million to make necessary school safety improvements including technology upgrades, hardening equipment, and expanded mental health resources, as well as other school safety needs
  • Providing $6.6 million for officer ALERRT training; and
  • Providing $142 million to sustain the statewide implementation of TCHATT.

Special Education Funding – I recommend the 88th Legislature align special education funding with the student-first school finance system established in House Bill 3 by implementing the recommendations of the Texas Commission on Special Education Funding, which include transitioning to a service intensity-based formula system, investments in the special education educator workforce, and increased funding for evaluations.

Teacher Workforce – I recommend the 88th Legislature invest in our teaching professionals by (1) increasing pay and supports for current teachers, including through the Teacher Incentive Allotment, (2) expanding access to high-quality educator preparation programs such as teacher residencies and apprenticeships, and (3) improving teacher supports in the classrooms.

Benefit Enhancement for Retired Teachers – I recommend that the 88th Legislature authorize a benefit enhancement for retired teachers in the Teacher Retirement System. to honor our commitment to those who have educated our Texas children.

Higher Education

Community College Performance Funding Structure – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide the resources necessary to fully implement the TXCCCF recommendations.

My Texas Future – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $20M to the THECB to further expand My Texas Future tool and other advising services to reach all Texas students.

Healthcare Workforce – I recommend the 88th Legislature increase our investment in new and existing programs like GME funding, nursing shortage reduction incentives, and physician and behavioral health loan repayment programs to bolster the healthcare workforce.

University Endowment to Enhance Research Excellence – I recommend the 88th Legislature create permanent endowments for the emerging research universities that do not currently have access to the Permanent University Fund, including $1 billion each for the University of Houston and Texas Tech University, as well as new resources for Texas State University and the University of North Texas.

Building Stronger Families

Family Resources – I recommend the 88th Legislature continue the expansion of Alternatives to Abortion program and provide necessary funding to continue the ongoing development of the Family Resources website.

Women’s Health – I recommend the 88th Legislature appropriate sufficient funds to extend postpartum coverage up to 12 months and to continue the Healthy Texas Women program.

State Employee Paid Family Leave – I recommend the 88th Legislature appropriate sufficient funds to cover any expansion in personnel costs related to implementing a paid parental leave program for state employees.

Caring for the Vulnerable

Foster Care – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide funds to enable both the Department of Family and Protective Services and providers to transition to an updated rate methodology and provide bridge rate increases until the new rate methodology can be implemented.

Community Based Care Services – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide the funding, including planning grants, to more expeditiously transition from the legacy foster care system to true, functional community based care.

Child and Adult Protective Services – I recommend the 88th Legislature appropriate adequate funding to support DFPS reform, improve CPS investigative response, maximize the use of kinship care, and support the continuation of APS elder financial exploitation units across the state of Texas.

Community Attendants – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide the funds necessary to increase the rates paid to maintain safe and comfortable homes for some of our most vulnerable Texans.

Nursing Homes – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $450 million to increase nursing home rates to allow facilities to hire and retain the staff needed and provide the safe facilities our senior citizens deserve.

Behavioral Health Treatment Capacity – I recommend the 88th Legislature continue the modernization and expansion of the state and community behavioral health system, prioritizing a Regional Behavioral Health Campus in Uvalde, and supporting behavioral health workforce initiatives.

Veterans Mental Health – I recommend the 88th Legislature increase funding for programs like the Texas Veterans + Family Alliance Grant Program to fully leverage available matching dollars and expand mental health services for our veteran community.

Investments in Infrastructure

Texas’ Highway & Roadway Capacity – I recommend the 88th Legislature build on the $26.5 billion dedicated for highway funding under Proposition 1 (2014) and Proposition 7 (2015) so that TxDOT can continue to adequately address Texas’ roadway needs.

Ship Channel Improvement Revolving Fund – I recommend the 88th Legislature fund the Ship Channel Improvement Revolving Fund, which will provide low-cost loans to non-federal sponsors of Texas’ waterways to deliver these critical channel deepening and widening projects.

Flood & Water Infrastructure – I recommend the 88th Legislature appropriate $500 million to protect millions of residents, businesses, and critical ports and refineries along the Gulf Coast from catastrophic damage from storms. Additionally, the Legislature should prioritize funding for water, wastewater, and flood prevention projects.

Broadband Development Office – I recommend the 88th Legislature fully fund the Broadband Development Office to ensure Texas is prepared and ready to leverage federal funds to continue expansion broadband across the state.

Economic Development

Governor’s Economic Development & Tourism Office – I recommend the 88th Legislature replenish the Texas Enterprise Fund, provide adequate funding to the Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program, and appropriate all hotel and motel occupancy taxes dedicated for Texas’ tourism promotion programs.

CHIPS Act – I recommend the 88th Legislature consider a cross-government approach to ensure Texas is competitive for CHIPS Act related opportunities, as well as ensure state funding is available to fully leverage the federal funding provided through the CHIPS Act.

Economic Incentive Tools – I recommend the 88th Legislature develop necessary economic incentives to continue attracting major capital investment and manufacturing to Texas while also incentivizing the creation of new energy production.

Space – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $350 million for the creation of The Texas Space Commission to support the development of a coordinated strategic plan that will position Texas as a global leader in space travel, research, and technology.

Business Courts – I recommend the 88th Legislature approve and fund the creation of business courts in which complex commercial litigation will be heard by judges chosen for their specialized expertise.


Public Safety

Operation Lonestar – I recommend the 88th Legislature maintain funding for Border Security and provide all the resources necessary to secure our southern border.

Texas National Guard Benefits – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide additional education and enhanced death benefits for Texas National Guard service members who are deployed on state active duty.

Public Safety Grants – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide additional funding to supply law enforcement agencies with Narcan and consider how to address the effects of increased indigent healthcare costs.

Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) Grant Program – I recommend the 88th Legislature increase the TAG Grant Program Rider by $1 million per fiscal year for the establishment of a new TAG Center in the Midland-Odessa region.

Bail Data Systems Reform – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide the Office of Court Administration with the resources necessary to make information technology upgrades for bail-related data systems including $6 million to replace judicial branch legacy systems.

Victims of Crime – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $120 million to sustain vital victim assistance services in Texas.

Guardianship – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $5 million to establish the Elder Abuse Grant Program.

Rural Law Enforcement Grants – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide $350 million for rural law enforcement grants.

High-Risk Absconder Task Force – I recommend the 88th Legislature appropriate $3 million to support the creation of a statewide OIG Absconder Task Force.

General Budget

Compact for Seniors – I recommend the 88th Legislature provide Texas senior citizens with automatic enrollment in the additional $10,000 homestead exemption, implement a freeze on county property taxes for homesteads, reduce state fees, and increase access to information on state and local services.

State Park Investments – I recommend the 88th legislature make additional investments to meet growing demands and to further develop our state park system.

Cyber Security Enhancements and IT Modernization – I recommend the 88th Legislature continue to address long-term investment needs and solutions for cyber security enhancements and technology modernization.

Election Integrity – I recommend the 88th Legislature ensure the continued integrity of Texas elections by fully funding the Secretary of State’s Forensic Audit and Election Division.

Pension Stabilization – I recommend the 88th Legislature ensure ERS, LECOSRF, and JRS-2 retirement funds remain fully solvent and actuarily sound and use the one-time surplus to further reduce the ERS Legacy Fund liability, saving taxpayers money in future years.

Federal Funds – I recommend the 88th Legislature review programs created by the IIJA, CHIPS Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act to determine which, if any, programs may be beneficial for Texas to pursue and provide any necessary non-federal matching dollars in the General Appropriations Act.

Archive - 85th Session

House Speaker Filings

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Archive - 2013 to 2018

Sales Tax Revenue – Declined by 1.4%

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