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Starting next week, the House chamber will have a calendar on Monday. Rep. Todd Hunter, Calendars Chair, pointed out during his floor announcement that the chamber can soon expect to meet Monday through Friday. He further noted Saturday deliberations can be anticipated in the near future.
House has a local and consent calendar posted for Thursday, April 13, at 10 a.m. Some of the bills on the calendar include:

  • HB 2413 (Burkett), relating to certain identifying information regarding career school or college students.
  • HB 2060 (Oliveira), relating to the eligibility requirements for employment as an ombudsman of the Office of Injured Employee Counsel under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act.
  • HB 1264 (Burkett), relating to the concurrent jurisdiction of certain municipal courts in certain criminal cases punishable by fine only.
  • HB 448 (Guillen), relating to the transfer of certain revenue into the state parks account.
  • HB 71 (Armando), relating to the transportation of certain mental health patients, as substituted.


  • Video Broadcasts:   House | Senate
  • Upcoming Committee Hearings: The latest hearing information can be found by visiting HillCo’s “Legislative News from Texas.” Please note that dates and times are subject to change and additional hearings dates may also be added at any time so you will want to re-visit the page frequently to confirm hearings. Formal hearings may not be broadcast.

Key Dates of Interest Coming Up

  • Saturday, April 15 – the first day that a Senator may place five bills or resolutions on the Senate Intent Calendar.
  • Monday, May 8 (119th Day) – The last day for House Committees to report HBs & HJRs.

Dates of Interest 
End of Session Deadlines
Bills on the Move
SB 4, also referred to as the sanctuary cities bill, was passed out of House State Affairs as substituted on April 12 (7-5).
HB 21 (Huberty) as substituted, which would address school finance, is set on the House April 19 Calendar. Chair Hunter notified the House he will propose a calendar rule that pre-filed amendments will be due Monday, April 17, by 5p.m.
HB 486 (VanDeaver), relating to school district ad valorem tax rates, was taken up in the House on April 12 but received a sustained point of order. The bill was recommitted to House Ways and Means on the same day.
Health Care
SB 313 (Schwertner), which is the sunset bill for the State Board of Dental Examiners, was voted out of the Senate unanimously as substituted on April 11 with 3 adopted floor amendments.
SB 293 (Hinojosa), relating to the proof required to impose payment holds in certain cases of alleged fraud by Medicaid Providers, was passed out of the Senate unanimously as substituted on April 10.
HB 280 (Howard),relating to a grant program for reducing workplace violence against nurses, was passed out of the House on April 12 (110-35).
SB 316 (Hinojosa), relating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser, was passed out of the Senate as substituted with 2 adopted floor amendments on April 12 (24-7).
HB 2005 (Larson), relating to the duty of the Texas Water Development Board to conduct studies of and prepare and submit reports on aquifer storage and recovery, was passed out of the House on April 12 (143-3).
HB 1862 (Lucio), relating to the designation of certain river or stream segments as being of unique ecological value, was passed out of the House as substituted on April 12 (91-55).
SB 626 (Schwertner), relating to eminent domain, was passed out of the Senate unanimously as substituted on April 10.
SB 509 (Huffman), which would require investment practices and performance reports for certain public retirement systems, was passed out of the Senate unanimously as substituted on April 10.
SB 750 (Birdwell), relating to restrictions on holder of package store permits, was passed out of the Senate on April 10 (24-7).

SB 461 (Lucio), relating to the notice required before the issuance of certain debt obligations by political subdivisions, was passed out of the Senate unanimously on April 12.

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