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The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between January 17 and February 6.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 20, 2015 – 8:45 AM
701 West 51st St. (DADS, Winters Bldg., Public Hearing Room), Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Housing Sub-Committee Meeting 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of the Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee, Housing Subcommittee October 7, 2014 and December 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes 3. Updates: a. Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) b. Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC) 4. Review of Adaptive Aids Availability, Cost-Effectiveness, and Assistance of Onsite Supports 5. Updates from Subcommittee Members Agenda: 6. Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda Items 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Laura Gold, 512/438-5986
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 20, 2015 – 9:00 AM
535 Portwall St. (Houston Food Bank), Houston
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Provider Training That the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff and Medicaid managed care organization representatives will conduct provider training sessions to offer information on and respond to questions about three Medicaid managed care initiatives that HHSC will implement March 1, 2015: Community First Choice; Texas Dual Eligibles Integrated Care Demonstration Project (Dual Demonstration); and the inclusion of nursing facility services in STAR+PLUS managed care program. Community First Choice will be implemented in the STAR+PLUS and STAR Health programs, and the Dual Demonstration and nursing facility project will impact the STAR+PLUS program. These provider trainings will be held across the state to educate providers that currently serve or that will begin serving individuals in STAR+PLUS or STAR Health about what changes to expect. This training session will be divided into three portions: The Community First Choice session will be directed towards providers of Community First Choice services. The Dual Demonstration session will be directed towards providers of Medicare and Medicaid services. The nursing facility session will be directed towards nursing facilities and providers who service nursing facility residents. You can learn more about these Medicaid managed care initiatives by visiting the following websites: Community First Choice – first-choice/ Dual Demonstration – medicaid/managed-care/dual-eligible/ Nursing Facility Project – managed-care/mmc/starplus-adding- nursing.shtml 1. Community First Choice 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 2. Dual Demonstration 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 3. Nursing Facility Project 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/730-7437
Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee
January 20, 2015 – 10:00 AM
1000 Red River Street, Room 513E, Austin
The Oversight Committee may discuss or take action regarding any item on this agenda, and as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq., may meet in closed session concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call/Excused Absences 3. Adoption of Minutes from November 19, 2014 meeting 4. Contract Terms for Product Development Grants 5. Consultation with General Counsel 6. Future Meeting Dates and Agenda Items 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Mary Gerdes, 512/305-8484
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 20, 2015 – 10:00 AM
701 W 51st St. (DADS, Winters Bldg., Public Hearing Room), Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Commissioner Address 3. Committee Chair Update 4. Review and Adoption of October 7, 2014, Meeting Minutes (Vote Required) 5. Community First Choice Update 6. Review of HHSC Listening Sessions 7. Timetable for Upcoming Projects and Pilot Initiatives 8. Lunch 9. Subcommittee Updates a. Assessment Tool b. Housing c. Quality d. Discussion and Adoption of the Principles for IDD Redesign (Vote Required) e. Transition to Managed Care 10. Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Member Survey Discussion 11. Public Comment 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Cassandra Marx, 512/420-2857
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 21, 2015 – 10:00 AM
4900 N Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Conf. Rm. 1420), Austin
Children's Policy Council (CPC) This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to the day and time of the meeting. 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Approval of November 20, 2014, Meeting Minutes 3. Committee reports a. Legislative update and bill tracking 4. CPC Legislative Presentation 5. Presentation: Learning collaborative on the Maternal and Child Health Bureau Children with Special Health Care Needs Core Outcomes Standards 6. Public Comment 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sherry Broberg, 512/420-2856
Texas Board of Nursing
January 22, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting Agenda
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2015 – 10:00 AM
1416 S. New Rd. (Heart of Texas Workforce Solutions Center), Waco
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Provider Training The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff and Medicaid managed care organization representatives will conduct provider training sessions to offer information on and respond to questions about two Medicaid managed care initiatives that HHSC will implement March 1, 2015: Community First Choice and the inclusion of nursing facility services in STAR+PLUS managed care. Community First Choice will be implemented in the STAR+ PLUS and STAR Health programs, and the nursing facility project will impact the STAR+PLUS program. These provider trainings will be held across the state to educate providers who currently serve or will begin serving individuals in STAR+PLUS or STAR Health about what changes to expect. This training session will be divided into two portions: The morning session will be directed towards providers of Community First Choice services. The afternoon session will be directed towards nursing facilities and providers who service nursing facility residents. You can learn more about these Medicaid managed care initiatives by visiting the following websites: Community First Choice – first-choice/ Nursing Facility Project – http://www.hhsc.state. nursing.shtml 1. Community First Choice 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2. Nursing Facility Project 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/730-7437
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2015 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
STAR+PLUS Stakeholder Meeting. Call-in: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code: 1101316 This meeting will be webcast. 1. Welcome 2. Financial Update* 3. Duals Demonstration Update* 4. Community First Choice Update* 5. Nursing Facility Carve-in Update* 6. Electronic Visit Verification Update* 7. Long-term Services and Supports Update* 8. Health Plan Management Update* 9. Open Discussion *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Contact: Charles Bredwell, Program Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-462-6337,
Texas Board of Nursing
January 23, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting Agenda
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 23, 2015 – 10:00 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Room 4501), Austin
Advisory Committee on Qualifications for Health Care Translators and Interpreters 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes from December 5, 2014 meeting. (vote required) 3. Report on administrative action items from last meeting, including continuation of work on: a. Communication plan for the committee's recommendations. b. Interpreter registry proposal. c. Committee's web sites. 4. Discussion on disseminating information on the committee's recommendations to the Executive Commissioner for implementing applicable regulations pursuant to Texas Government Code s531.706. 5. Approval of proposal for registry of interpreters and translators. (vote required) 6. Discussion of proposed legislation related to committee recommendations to the Executive Commissioner for implementing applicable regulations pursuant to Texas Government Code s531.706. 7. Public comment. 8. Discuss goals and work plan of the committee for 2015. 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Paula Traffas, 512/438-2944
Texas Medical Disclosure Panel
January 23, 2015 – 10:30 AM
Department of State Health Services, Exchange Building, Room N-102, 8407 Wall Street, Austin
The Panel will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Call to Order I. Introduction of members and guests. II. Approval of minutes from the September 12, 2014 meeting. III. Discussion of power morcellation and occult malignancy in gynecologic surgery. IV. Discussion of FDA warning on corticosteroid injections. V. Discussion related to when a consent form must be signed. VI. Discussion of possible additions to Frequently Asked Questions. VII. Continuation of the review of any other updates to 25 TAC s601.2 – s601.9. VIII. Update regarding study on readability levels of consent forms/lists. IX. Public Comment. X. Next meeting date. XI. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Pamela Adams, 512/834-6648
Texas Medical Board
January 23, 2015 – 01:30 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of Larry Dean Davis, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Carbajal, 512/305-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 27, 2015 – 10:00 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 1410), Austin
Texas System of Care Consortium 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. A Family System of Care Experience 3. Sunset Recommendations Overview 4. Texas Family Code Section 262.353 Final Report Overview 5. Updates – Medicaid 1915c Waiver – Youth Empowerment Services (YES) 6. Policy Opportunities and Current Legislative Interests Related to Children's Mental Health 7. Public Comment 8. (Recess) 9. Approval of October 28, 2014, meeting minutes (Action) 10. Texas System of Care (SOC) Consortium Business a. Texas SOC Initiative/Office b. Youth Representation on Consortium c. Legislative Report 11. Presentation: Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CLC) and the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (CLAS) Standards 12. System of Care Expansion Implementation Updates a. Communications i. Report ii. Anti-stigma Project iii. Children's Mental Health Awareness Day b. Community Update c. Data Dashboard Development d. Family Voice Update 13. Announcements 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sherri Hammack, 512/954-8563
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 28, 2015 – 10:00 AM
6330 Highway 290 East (HHSC, ITT Building, Rooms 3-4), Austin
The Quality-Based Payment Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of the August 27, 2014, Meeting Minutes 3. Resignations (Susan Mellott, Dr. Gregory Sheff) 4. Informational Presentations: a. Summary of the Sunset Commission Recommendations b. Medical alerts to managed care c. Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Texas d. Update on the 'At Risk' portion of managed care compensation e. Beacon Health Systems: Payment models for behavioral health (global, bundled, integrated into medical homes, etc.) f. 3M potentially preventable software: Establishment of state panel for review Lunch (Recess) Informational Presentations continued: g. Rate setting for vaccines and medical supplies 5. Committee Discussions and Recommendations a. Sunset Report recommendations related to modifications in network adequacy and reporting of non-emergent use of the emergency room (Trey Berndt) b. Sunset Report recommendations related to quality monitoring and use of antipsychotic medications in Texas facilities, as that pertains to DADS 6. Public Comment 7. Next Meeting (To Be Determined) 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Matthew Ferrara, 512/380-4371
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 29, 2015 – 9:00 AM
8700 Tesoro (Alamo Area Council of Governments, Al J. Notzon lll Board Room, 1st Floor), San Antonio
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Provider Training The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff and Medicaid managed care organization representatives will conduct provider training sessions to offer information on and respond to questions about three Medicaid managed care initiatives that HHSC will implement March 1, 2015: Community First Choice; Texas Dual Eligibles Integrated Care Demonstration Project (Dual Demonstration); and the inclusion of nursing facility services in STAR+PLUS managed care program. Community First Choice will be implemented in the STAR+PLUS and STAR Health programs, and the Dual Demonstration and nursing facility project will impact the STAR+PLUS program. These provider trainings will be held across the state to educate providers that currently serve or that will begin serving individuals in STAR+PLUS or STAR Health about what changes to expect. This training session will be divided into three portions: The Community First Choice session will be directed towards providers of Community First Choice services. The Dual Demonstration session will be directed towards providers of Medicare and Medicaid services. The nursing facility session will be directed towards nursing facilities and providers who service nursing facility residents. You can learn more about these Medicaid managed care initiatives by visiting the following websites: Community First Choice – first-choice/ Dual Demonstration – medicaid/managed-care/dual-eligible/ Nursing Facility Project – managed-care/mmc/starplus-adding- nursing.shtml 1. Community First Choice 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 2. Dual Demonstration 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 3. Nursing Facility Project 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/730-7437
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 29, 2015 – 09:00 AM
701 W 51st St. (DADS, Winters Bldg., Public Hearing Room), Austin
Drug Utilization Review Board 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2014 Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board Meeting (Vote Required) 3. Hepatitis C Update: Josh Dominguez, Pharm. D. 4. Report on Recent Retrospective DUR Proposals: Larry Dent, Pharm D, BCPS a. Overutilization of Antibiotics b. Multiple Drug Therapy Regimen Review (Polypharmacy) 5. Outcome Report on Overutilization of Antibiotics Intervention: Larry Dent, Pharm D, BCPS – A Follow up to the November 2014 DUR Board Meeting Questions/Comments 6. Retrospective DUR Proposals (Vote Required): Larry Dent, PharmD, BCPS a. Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia b. Anxiolytics & Sedative/Hypnotics c. Asthma Disease Management 7. Prospective Prior Authorization Proposals (Clinical Edits), (Vote Required): Christina Faulkner, PharmD. a. Lidocaine Patches b. Allergen Extracts – Grastek / Oralair/ RagwitekTM c. Anxiolytics and Sedatives/Hypnotics (ASH) Edit Update – Alprazolam (Xanax) 8. Retrospective Drug Use Criteria for Outpatient Use in the Vendor Drug Program (Vote Required): Jennifer Seltzer, PharmD. a. Long-Acting Beta2-Agonists Metered-Dose Inhalers (revision based on November 2014 DUR Board Meeting comments, no vote required) b. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors c. Benzodiazepines (not including sedative/hypnotics) d. HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors e. Ketorolac – Oral/Intranasal (Toradol', Sprix') f. Serotonin 5-HT1B/1D Receptor Agonists 9. Texas Sunset Commission 2014-15 Review of Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC): Andy Vasquez, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Deputy Director, Vendor Drug Program 10. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Joe Urtado, 512/707-6099
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
January 29, 2015 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower 2 – Room 400A, Austin
Agenda I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Announcements III. Review of the applicability of sterile compounding rules to nuclear pharmacies IV. Discussion V. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Allison Benz, 512/305-8037
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
January 29, 2015 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower 2 – Room 400A, Austin
Nuclear Pharmacy (Class B) Stakeholders Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Announcements III. Review of the applicability of sterile compounding rules to nuclear pharmacies IV. Discussion V. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Allison Benz, 512/305-8037
Department of State Health Services
January 29, 2015 – 10:00 AM
Residence Inn, Seaworld/Lackland, 2828 Cinema Ridge, San Antonio
Audiology Scope of Practice Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to order. 2. Introduction of members, staff, and guests. 3. Review and approval of the minutes from the Audiology Scope of Practice Committee meeting held October 16, 2014. 4. Public Comment. 5. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action concerning Title 22 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 741: a. s741.44 – Requirements, Duties, And Responsibilities of Supervisors. b. s741.81 – Requirements for an Audiology License. c. s741.82 – Requirements for an Intern in Audiology License. d. s741.83 – Waiver of Clinical and Examination Requirements for Audiologists. e. s741.84 – Requirements for an Assistant in Audiology License. f. s741.85 – Requirements for a Temporary Certificate of Registration for Audiologists. g. s741.86 – Licensing in Audiology for Military Service Members, Military Veterans, and Military Spouses. h. s741.91 – Requirements for Dual Licenses in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. i. s741.112 – Required Application Materials. 6. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action regarding application procedures. 7. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action regarding changes to Title 22 TAC s741.216 – Requirements for Providing Telepractice Services in Audiology. 8. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action regarding licensee self-reporting of out-of-state criminal history. 9. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action regarding review of board frequently asked questions related to the scope of practice of audiologists. 10. Discussion, deliberation, and possible recommendations and action regarding review of jurisprudence exam questions related to the scope of practice of audiologists. 11. Items for future consideration. 12. Discussion and possible action regarding the next meeting date. 13. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Katie Brice, 512/834-6627
Department of State Health Services
January 30, 2015 – 9:00 AM
Children's Hospital of San Antonio, 333 N. Santa Rosa St, San Antonio
Injury Prevention Committee of the Governor.s EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Call to Order/Roll Call 1. Texas EMS and Trauma Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) and Texas Trauma Care Foundation (TTCF) Injury Prevention Reports 2. Implementation and evaluation of hospital-based injury prevention components 3. Planning for 2015 Injury Prevention committee activities 4. Update on Injury-Free Texas website 5. National injury prevention updates 6. Scheduling of future meetings General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary of this meeting for the February 20, 2015 GETAC meeting Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Phil Lockwood, 512/834-6700 X 2032
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 30, 2015 – 09:00 AM
701 West 51st St. (DADS, Winters Bldg., Public Hearing Room), Austin
Pharmaceutical & Therapeutics Committee 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes from November 21, 2014, Pharmaceutical & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee meeting (Vote Required). 3. Old Business: Report on HHSC decisions on acceptance of the P&T Committee recommendations from the November 21, 2014, meeting. 4. New Business: Drug Classes to be reviewed for the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) (Drug Classes Listed Below): a. Acne Agents, Oral b. Acne Agents, Topical c. Analgesics, Narcotic Long d. Analgesics, Narcotic Short e. Angiotensin Modulator Combinations f. Angiotensin Modulators g. Antimigraine Agents, Other h. Antimigraine Agents, Triptans i. Bladder Relaxant Preparations j. H. pylori Treatment k. Hepatitis C Agents l. Immunomodulators, Atopic Dermatitis m. Intranasal Rhinitis Agents n. Neuropathic Pain o. Phosphate Binders p. Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors q. Progestins for Cachexia r. Proton Pump Inhibitors s. Smoking Cessation t. Stimulants and Related Agents 5. New drugs to be reviewed for the Medicaid PDL (Drugs Listed Below): a. Anticoagulants / Xarelto Dose Pack b. Antiemetics/Antivertigo Agents / Akynzeo c. Antifungals, Topical / Kerydin d. Bronchodilators, Beta Agonist / Striverdi Respimat e. COPD Agents / Spiriva Respimat f. HAE Treatments / Ruconest g. Hypoglycemics, Incretin Mimetics/Enhancers / Trulicity h. Hypoglycemics, SGLT2 / Xigduo XR i. Immune Globulins / Hyqvia j. PAH Agents, Oral and Inhaled / Revatio suspension 6. Therapeutic and Clinical Drug Reviews and Updates: Chris Andrews, Pharm.D., Magellan Medicaid Administration. 7. Texas Sunset Commission 2014-15 Review of HHSC Update: Andy Vasquez, Medicaid/CHIP Deputy Director, Vendor Drug Program. 8. Executive Work Session. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 531, and in accordance with Title 1Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Subchapter F, s354.1928, the Pharmaceutical & Therapeutics Committee may meet in Executive Session on one or more items listed under New Business. 9. Announcements of Drugs Recommended for the Medicaid PDL. 10. Adjourn. 11. Next Meeting Date: Friday, April 24, 2015. Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Joe Urtado, 512/707-6099
Department of State Health Services
January 30, 2015 – 10:00 AM
Moreton Bldg, Conference Room M-100, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin
Promotor(a) or community health worker training and certification advisory committee teleconference Please check in with Security – somone will escort you to the Conference Room. Members of the public may also access the meeting through conference call and webinar. Via Conference Call 888-503-8175, Conference Code 7901251. Conference Call Instructions: Dial and log in to webinar in 5-10 minutes prior to the start time using the conference phone number and conference code. Weblink: CenturylinkWeb/TitleVCHW (Ctrl+Click) Web instructions link: Instructions.shtm (Ctrl + Click) The Committee will meet in a telephone conference call meeting to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda. Welcome and introductions Approval of minutes Public comment Texas Results from the National Community Health Worker (CHW) Survey Adverse Childhood Experiences Finding and the implications for CHWs CHW Spotlight: Linda Casares, Promotora Community Health Workers – A Partner in Hypertension Control Break 2015 CHW Advisory Committee Activities Workplan Program Update Committee Business: -Review and recommend to DSHS applications for certification of training institutions Committee Member Updates New business for consideration at next meeting Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Beatrice Smith, 512/776-2208
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
February 3, 2015 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 2-225, Austin
Board Business Meeting Agenda A. Announcements Meeting Procedures Board Members Staff Continuing Education B. Discussion and Approval of Minutes (Tab 01) TSBP Board Business Meeting Held November 4, 2014 Temporary Suspension Hearings C. Discussion of and Possible Action Regarding Rules C.1 Final Adoption of Rules C.1.1 Amendments to s281.8 Concerning Grounds for Discipline for a Pharmacy License (Tab 02) C.1.2 Amendments to s291.1 Concerning Pharmacy License Application (Tab 03) C.1.3 Amendments to s291.3 Concerning Notifications (Tab 04) C.1.4 Amendments to s291.133 Concerning Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations (Tab 05) C.1.5 Amendments to 295.1 and 297.9 Concerning Change of Name for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Tab 06) C.1.6 Amendments to 303.1 and 303.2 Concerning Drug Destruction (Tab 07) C.2 Proposal of Rules C.2.1 Amendments to 291.104 and 291.106 Concerning Class E Pharmacies (Tab 08) C.2.2 Amendments to s295.6 Concerning Emergency Temporary Pharmacist License (Tab 09) C.2.3 New Rule s297.11 Concerning Emergency Temporary Pharmacy Technician Registration (Tab 10) C.2.4 Amendments to s295.9 Concerning Inactive License Continuing Education Requirements (Tab 11) C.2.5 Amendments to s297.3 Concerning Criminal History Background Checks for Pharmacy Technician Renewal Applications (Tab 12) C.3 Rule Reviews in Accordance with Government Code, Section s2001.039 (Tab 13) C.3.1 For Adoption C.3.1.1 Chapter 291 Concerning Pharmacies (All Classes of Pharmacies) (291.1-291.3, 291.5-291.11, 291.14-291.19, 291.22-291.24, 291.27-291.29) (Tab 14) C.3.1.2 Chapter 291 Concerning Pharmacies (Clinic Pharmacy(Class D)) (291.91-291.94 )(Tab 15) D. Discussion of and Possible Action Concerning Reports of Committees/Task Forces D.1 Pilot Project Concerning a Waste Identification and Disposal System (Tab 16) E. Discussion of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Reports and Discussions E.1 Financial Update E.1.1 Review of FY2015 Expenditures (Tab 17) E.1.2 Review of Board Member Travel Budget (Tab 18) E.1.3 Update on Legislative Appropriations Request for FY2016-2017 (Tab 19) E.2 Update Concerning Program to Aid Impaired Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students E.2.1 Update on Number of Participating Individuals (Tab 20) E.2.2 Professional Recovery Network (PRN) E.2.2.1 Presentation and Discussion Concerning PRN Expenditures and Activities by PRN Director Courtney Hulbert (Tab 21) E.3 Discussion Concerning Section 562.062 of the Pharmacy Act and s291.34(b)(7) of the Rules Relating to Emergency Refills (Tab 22) E.4 Discussion Concerning an Amendment to the Pharmacy Act to Allow Tech Check Tech in Class A Pharmacies (Tab 23) E.5 Discussion Concerning ASC Pharmacy and Class F Pharmacy Rules (Tab 24) E.6 Discussion Concerning Procedures Relating to Immunizations and Hand Sanitization (Tab 25) E.7 Discussion Concerning Increase in Various Fees (Tab 26) E.8 Discussion Concerning Continuing Education Requirements for Pharmacy Technicians (Tab 27) E.9 Report on Appeals from State Office of Administrative Hearings Cases and Other Court Actions (Tab 28) E.10 Report on Continuing Education Initiative (Tab 29) E.11 Update on Legislation Filed During the 83rd Texas Legislative Session that has an Impact on TSBP and/or the Practice of Pharmacy (Tab 30) E.12 Update on Legislation Filed During the 84th Texas Legislative Session that has an Impact on TSBP and/or the Practice of Pharmacy (Tab 31) F. Disciplinary Orders F.1 Consideration of Proposals for Decision F.1.1 In the Matter of Pamela Yeluma Fomunung, Pharmacist License #33021, and Rapha Pharmacy, Pharmacy License #25602 (Tab 32) F.1.1.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Pamela Yeluma Fomunung, Pharmacist License #33021, and Rapha Pharmacy, Pharmacy License #25602 F.1.2 In the Matter of Rana Okasha, Pharmacist License #51285 (Tab 33) F.1.2.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Rana Okasha, Pharmacist License #51285 F.1.3 In the Matter of Rudi Vincent DelPup, Pharmacist License #32618 (Tab 34) F.1.3.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Rudi Vincent DelPup, Pharmacist License #32618 F.2 Report on Agreed Board Orders Entered by Executive Director (Tab 35) F.3 Discussion of and Action on Proposed Agreed Board Orders and Default Orders (Tab 36) F.4 Discussion of and Action on Proposed Remedial Plans (Tab 37) F.5 Executive Session to Consider Confidential Agreed Board Orders (Tab 38) G. Consideration of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Enforcement Reports G.1 Report on Complaints Closed and Dismissed During the Previous Quarter (Tab 39) G.2 Report on Status of Active/Pending Complaints (Tab 40) H. Miscellaneous H.1 Board Member Training Concerning the Ethical and Professional Responsibilities Related to State of Texas Purchasers and Contract Managers (Tab 41) H.2 Items to be Placed on Agenda for May 2015 Board Meeting (Tab 42) H.3 Discussion of and Possible Action on Recent Conferences and Events American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL November 5-7, 2014 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Mid-Year Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA December 7-11, 2014 H.4 Discussion of and Possible Action on Upcoming Conferences and Events Technician Informal Conference, Austin, February 19, 2015(Dembny) Informal Conference, Austin, March 3-5, 2015 (Wiesner) Technician Informal Conference, Austin, March 26, 2015 (Mendoza) Informal Conference, Austin, April 7-8, 2015 (Miller) Texas Pharmacy Association (TPA) Spring Leadership Symposium, Austin, TX April 7-8, 2015 Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA April 7-10, 2015 Technician Informal Conference, Austin, April 23, 2015 (Miller) Texas Society of Health System Pharmacist (TSHP) Annual Seminar, San Antonio, TX April 23-26, 2015 TSBP Board Business Meeting, Austin May 5-6, 2015. Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
February 3, 2015 – 10:00 AM
6104 45th St. (Teaching and Mentoring Communities), Lubbock
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Provider Training The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff and Medicaid managed care organization representatives will conduct provider training sessions to offer information on and respond to questions about two Medicaid managed care initiatives that HHSC will implement March 1, 2015: Community First Choice and the inclusion of nursing facility services in STAR+PLUS managed care. Community First Choice will be implemented in the STAR+ PLUS and STAR Health programs, and the nursing facility project will impact the STAR+PLUS program. These provider trainings will be held across the state to educate providers who currently serve or will begin serving individuals in STAR+PLUS or STAR Health about what changes to expect. This training session will be divided into two portions: The morning session will be directed towards providers of Community First Choice services. The afternoon session will be directed towards nursing facilities and providers who service nursing facility residents. You can learn more about these Medicaid managed care initiatives by visiting the following websites: Community First Choice – first-choice/ Nursing Facility Project – http://www.hhsc.state. nursing.shtml 1. Community First Choice 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2. Nursing Facility Project 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/730-7437
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
February 3, 2015 – 10:00 AM
2405 Robert Dedman Dr. (UT Thompson Conf. Ctr., Room 3.102), Austin
Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency (IHCQE) Board of Directors Meeting 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Opening Statements 3. Old Business: a. Review and approval of meeting minutes of November 12, 2014 (Vote Required) b. Recommendations Report Update 4. Staff Update: a. Texas Open Meetings Act b. Conflict of Interest Forms c. State of IHCQE d. Legislative Update 5. Background Presentations a. Bundled Payments in Cancer Care (Dr. Thomas Feeley) 6. Lunch (Recess) 7. Board Discussion of Institute Priorities for 2015 – 2017* a. Current projects i. Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) Project b. Review work group structure (Vote May Be Taken) i. Existing workgroups ii. New workgroups iii. Identify priority topics, activities/projects, and work group leads 8. Final Board Action a. Identification of other agenda items for next meeting b. Discussion of future meeting dates i. Full Board Meetings – May 14, 2015, August TBD, November TBD ii. Work Group Meetings – TBD 9. Public Comment 10. Review of items requiring staff action prior to the next meeting 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
February 4, 2015 – 10:00 AM
200 Pine St. (Hendrick Medical Center, Shelton Building, Aux.
Conf. Rm., 2nd Fl.), Abilene
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Provider Training The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff and Medicaid managed care organization representatives will conduct provider training sessions to offer information on and respond to questions about two Medicaid managed care initiatives that HHSC will implement March 1, 2015: Community First Choice and the inclusion of nursing facility services in STAR+PLUS managed care. Community First Choice will be implemented in the STAR+PLUS and STAR Health programs, and the nursing facility project will impact the STAR+PLUS program. These provider trainings will be held across the state to educate providers who currently serve or will begin serving individuals in STAR+PLUS or STAR Health about what changes to expect. This training session will be divided into two portions: The morning session will be directed towards providers of Community First Choice services. The afternoon session will be directed towards nursing facilities and providers who service nursing facility residents. You can learn more about these Medicaid managed care initiatives by visiting the following websites: Community First Choice – first-choice/ Nursing Facility Project – http://www.hhsc.state. nursing.shtml 1. Community First Choice 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 2. Nursing Facility Project 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Heather Kuhlman, 512/730-7437
-End of Report-

Archive - 86th Session

Assessment Scoring and Reporting

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffOctober 21, 2020
Archive - 2012 & Earlier

Texas HHSC Holds Stakeholder Meeting

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 3, 2009

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