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The 85th Legislative Session comes back to the Capitol today with looming deadlines after a busy weekend.

On Sunday, Gov. Greg Abbott signed SB 4, the sanctuary cities bill, into law. It was one of his emergency items for the 85th and will take effect September 1, 2017.

On Saturday, May 6, the House met to take up a full calendar of bills. By the time the House had gaveled out they had completed most of their Friday calendar minus 17 bills. Today, when the House comes back in they will have several days of calendars – all rolled into the Supplemental Calendar. Of course, the process is not set up so that every bill on the calendar will be taken up – many will die due to calendar deadlines. This pace increases tensions as a major deadline approaches on May 11th which is the last day for the House to consider 2nd reading HBs/HJRs on the Daily or Supplemental Calendar.

Other key deadlines this week include today, May 8, which is the last day for House committees to report out HBs/HJRs and tomorrow, May 9, by 10p the last House Daily Calendar with HBs/HJRs must be distributed/posted.
The Senate deadlines and rules differ and for the most part, their deadlines occur in the last week of session. However, it is imperative to watch when bills are placed on the Senate Intent Calendar because starting May 19, bills on the Senate Intent Calendar can be considered the first day are posted. 
The House will reconvene today at 10 a.m.
The Senate will reconvene today at 11 a.m.
Video Broadcasts:   House | Senate
End of Session Deadlines
Upcoming Senate Committee Meetings
State Affairs – 5/8/2017
Time: 9:00 AM, Location: Senate Chamber
Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs – 5/8/2017
Time: 2:00 PM or upon adjournment, Location: E1.012 (Hearing Room)
Intergovernmental Relations – 5/8/2017
Time: 2:30 PM or upon adjournment, Location: E1.028 (Hearing Room)
Upcoming House Committee Meetings
Human Services – 5/8/2017
Time: 9:00 AM (Canceled), Location: E2.030
Special Purpose Districts – 5/8/2017
Time: 1:30 PM, Location: Agricultural Museum, 1W.14
Government Transparency & Operation – 5/8/2017
Time: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess, Location: E2.028
Licensing & Administrative Procedures – 5/8/2017
Time: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess, Location: E2.026

Archive - 85th Session

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Archive - 87th Session

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