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Below is a spotlight on legislative interim hearings posted to date for the month of March. For up-to-date hearing postings, visit the HillCo Legislative News page.
On March 17
The House Committee on Defense & Veterans’ Affairs will meet to hear from state agencies, discuss veteran issues of statewide concern, and to receive updates on legislation passed last session.
On March 21
The Senate Select Committee on Property Tax Reform & Relief will meet in Lubbock to hear testimony regarding reducing the tax burden on property owners and general information on the property tax system.
The House Select Committee on Emerging Issues in Texas Law Enforcement is meeting to study issues surrounding body cameras to determine best practices and whether additional legislation will be necessary.
The House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence will meet to consider indigent defense programs and innocence projects around the state to determine best practices and the effectiveness of the programs.
On March 22
The House Select Committee on Mental Health will hold a hearing to study children’s mental health and behavioral health issues.
The House Committee on Business & Industry is meeting to conduct legislative oversight of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and to study the designated doctor process in the workers’ compensation system.
On March 23
The House Committee on Business & Industry will hold a hearing to continue legislative oversight and to study issues surrounding the purchase of insurance by state entities from the State Office of Risk Management.
The Senate Veteran Affairs & Military Installations Subcommittee on Border Security is holding a hearing to study local government efforts to secure their border cities and to identify areas where the state can invest in strengthening local law enforcement infrastructure in that regard.
On March 24
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III and the House Committee on Higher Education will meet jointly to review current funding formulas for community colleges.
On March 29
The House Committee on Investments & Financial Services will hold a hearing to evaluate policies to prevent financial exploitation of aging Texans and to conduct legislative oversight of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction.

The House Committee on Homeland Security & Public Safety will hold a hearing to review the functions of the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the state's natural disaster preparedness planning efforts and monitor the implementation of the "two steps, one sticker" program. 
The Senate Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Higher Education will hold a joint hearing to consider the implementation of HB 5 (83R) in preparing students for postsecondary education and workforce training, implementation of the 60x30TX plan, and to study teacher shortage and retention issues.
The Senate Committee on State Affairs will meet to study issues surrounding compensation provided to private property owners for property purchased or taken with eminent domain authority.
The Senate Committee on Transportation is meeting to discuss State Highway Fund grants and loans made to Regional Mobility Authorities and issues related to oversize and overweight vehicles.
The Senate Select Committee on Transportation Planning will hold a hearing to discuss and examine issues related to transportation planning, financing and performance.
On March 30
The Senate Finance Committee will meet to study the potential for continuing to phase out the franchise tax as well as the state’s current sales tax holiday structure.
The Senate Committee on Business & Commerce is meeting to discuss cyber-security efforts undertaken by state entities and to monitor implementation of legislation addressed by the committee last session.
The Senate Committee on Criminal Justice will meet to hear testimony related to guidelines and practices in county and municipal jails related to health, welfare and safety of those in custody.
The House Committee on Transportation will hold a hearing to review debt service on bonds issued for toll projects, the potential for accelerating bond payments and to determine a proposed plan for eliminating certain toll roads.
The House Select Committee on Transportation Planning is meeting to receive an update from TxDOT on project selection and prioritization processes, to receive revenue projections from state and federal funds and to review outstanding debt and payment schedules.
The Joint Interim Committee to Study TRS Health Benefit Plans will meet to study and review health benefit plans administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, particularly TRS-Care.
On March 31
The Health and Human Services Transition Legislative Oversight Committee will meet to hear testimony regarding the HHSC Transition Plan, the vocational and rehabilitation services transfer, and child abuse prevention services consolidation.

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HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 19, 2023

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