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HR 4, the resoultion that details the Texas House rules for the members of the 84th and establishes or modifies House Committees was filed January 14. A discussion and a vote on the resolution is expected tomorrow. The bill proposes several changes to the current construction of the committees such as:
Changes to Membership
Criminal Jurisprudence – from 9 to 7
Defense & Veterans’ Affairs – from 9 to 7
Energy Resources – from 11 to 13
General Investigating, Transparency in Government Operations, & Ethics (Procedural) – from 5 to 7
Land & Resource Management – from 9 to 7
Special Purpose Districts – from 9 to 7
Transportation – from 11 to 13
Ways & Means – from 9 to 11
New Committees & Combined
Juvenile Justice & Family Issues – new
Technology – There is no longer a stand-alone technology committee; jurisdiction of this committee was moved into Government Transparency & Operations
New Subcommittees

  • Economic & Small Business Development
    • Removes Manufacturing Subcommittee
    • Adds Small Business Development Subcommittee
  • Higher Education
    • Adds Postsecondary Education & Workforce Readiness Subcommittee
  • Investments & Financial Services
    • Adds State & Local Bond Indebtedness Subcommittee
  • Natural Resources
    • Adds Special Water Districts Subcommittee
  • Public Education
    • Adds Educator Quality Subcommittee
  • Transportation
    • Adds Long-Term Transportation Infrastructure Planning Subcommittee
  • Ways and Means
    • Adds one or more subcommittees focusing on specific method of taxation, one must consider property taxation  

Scope of New Committee & Subcommittees

Economic & Small Business Development
Small Business Development Subcommittee

The establishment, operation, and well-being of small businesses and their employees in the state and (2)  identifying and addressing federal, state, and local regulatory barriers or impediments to the establishment, operation, and well-being of small businesses and their employees in the state.

Higher Education
Postsecondary Education & Workforce Readiness Subcommittee

The chair of the committee shall appoint a permanent subcommittee on postsecondary education and workforce readiness consisting of not fewer than five members to consider all matters pertaining to the availability of postsecondary educational opportunities in the state, including opportunities at: (1) public or private institutions of higher education; (2)  nonprofit colleges or universities; and (3)  career schools or colleges, or any other postsecondary educational providers in the state.

Investments & Financial Services
State & Local Bond Indebtedness Subcommittee

Consisting of not fewer than five members to consider all matters pertaining to bonded indebtedness by a state or local governmental entity, including: (1)  the authority to issue bonds and the effects of issuing bonds; (2)  the economic impact of bonded indebtedness; and (3)  the transparency of, and information provided to taxpayers regarding, transactions related to the issuance of bonds.

Natural Resources
Special Water Districts Subcommittee

The chair of the committee shall appoint a permanent subcommittee on special water districts consisting of not fewer than five members to consider all matters pertaining to special water districts within the jurisdiction of the committee, including: (1) the organization and operation of the districts; (2) the powers and duties of the districts; and (3)  the districts' role in the conservation of natural resources and the control and development of land and water in the state.

Public Education
Educator Quality Subcommittee

The chair of the committee shall appoint a permanent subcommittee on educator quality consisting of not fewer than five members to consider all matters pertaining to ensuring the high quality of teachers in the state, including: (1) ways to improve the quality of the existing teacher workforce and recruit well-qualified individuals into the workforce; and (2) the adequacy of existing certification programs for new teachers.

Long-Term Transportation Infrastructure Planning Subcommittee

The chair of the committee shall appoint a permanent subcommittee on long-term transportation infrastructure planning consisting of not fewer than seven members to consider all matters pertaining to the transportation needs of the state during the next 10 years and funding mechanisms to provide for meeting those needs.

Ways and Means
One or more subcommittees focusing on specific method of taxation, one must consider property taxation

The chair of the committee shall appoint one or more subcommittees consisting of not fewer than five members each, with each subcommittee focusing on a specific method of taxation and all matters pertaining to that method.  One subcommittee must be appointed to consider property taxation.

Juvenile Justice & Family Issues*
The committee shall have seven members, with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to:
 (1)  the commitment and rehabilitation of youths; (2) the construction, operation, and management of correctional facilities of the state and facilities used for the commitment and rehabilitation of youths; (3)  juvenile delinquency and gang violence; (4)  criminal law, prohibitions, standards, and penalties as applied to juveniles; (5)  criminal procedure in the courts of Texas as it relates to juveniles; (6)  civil law as it relates to familial relationships, including rights, duties, remedies, and procedures; and (7)  the following state agencies: the Texas Juvenile Justice Board, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, the Office of Independent Ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and the Advisory Council on Juvenile Services.
Expanded Scope
Government Transparency & Operations (previously the Government Efficiency and Reform Committee) scope now includes:
“advances in science and technology, including telecommunications, electronic technology, or automated data processing, by state agencies, including institutions of higher education; (5)  the promotion within the state of an advance described by Subdivision (4); (6)  cooperation between the state or a local governmental entity and the scientific and technological community, including private businesses, institutions of higher education, and federal governmental laboratories; and (7)  the Texas Emerging Technology Advisory Committee and the Sunset Advisory Commission.”
General Investigating, Transparency in Government Operations, & Ethics (Procedural) (previously the General Investigating and Ethics Committee) scope now includes:
The committee may investigate a matter related to the misconduct, malfeasance, misfeasance, abuse of office, or incompetency of an individual or officer under Chapter 665, Government Code.  The committee has all the powers and duties conferred by that chapter for the purpose of conducting the investigation, including the authority to propose articles of impeachment. (d)  The committee has jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the conduct of and ethical standards applicable to state and local government officers and employees, including individuals appointed to offices of the executive branch of state government for the purpose of ensuring that an appointed officer is acting in the best interests of the state agency or institution for which the officer is appointed. (e) The committee has jurisdiction over the operation of, including transparency in the reporting of financial transactions by, agencies of the judicial and executive branches of state government and affiliated entities, foundations, or related support groups.
No Changes to membership or expansion of scope
Agriculture & Livestock
Business & Industry
Calendars (Procedural)
Corrections – *juvenile and family justice scope have been moved to new committee
County Affairs
Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Environmental Regulation
Homeland Security & Public Safety
House Administration (Procedural)
Human Services
International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence*juvenile and family justice scope have been moved to new committee
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Local & Consent Calendars (Procedural)
Public Health
Redistricting (Procedural)
Rules & Resolutions (Procedural)
State Affairs
Urban Affairs
The Texas House will consider HR 4 on Thursday morning, January 15. 

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Quality Assurance Team 2017 Annual Report

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 7, 2017

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