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The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) met on April 17 to hear informational presentations regarding innovative water solutions to conserve and manage existing water supplies and develop new supplies for Texas.  In particular, the Board received information on conservation in urban and rural settings, water reuse, and innovative strategies such as cloud seeding, evaporation suppression and aquifer storage and recovery.
According to the presentations, conservation will be one of the most widely used strategies going forward due to the ease and comparatively low cost of conservation.  The most significant hurdle to conservation is educating the public and convincing people to use conservation strategies.  Water reuse is a strategy already being implemented across the state today – significant savings can be achieved both in potable and non-potable reuse.  The Board also heard information regarding financing methods such as public private partnerships, which bring in private entities to help with project funding and risk mitigation.
Finally, the Board took up their regular agenda and received an update on HB 4 implementation meetings and the Texas Water Development Fund Program.
Please find the HillCo client report from this meeting attached.

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