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House: Adjourned until Mon, Apr 18, 2011 1:00 pm

Senate: Adjourned until Mon, Apr 18, 2011 11:00 am

There are 45 days left to the 82nd Regular Session. Monday, May 9, 2011 is the next deadline on the legislative calendar. May 9 is the last day for house committees to report house bills and house joint resolutions. For a complete list of deadlines, please visit: A calendar of the deadlines can also be downloaded at:

Spotlight on Bills on the Move

SB 18 – Estes – Relating to the use of eminent domain authority passed favorably out of the House as amended April 14 with 144 ayes and 0 nays.

HB 360 – Jackson, Jim – Relating to ballot language for a proposition to approve the imposition or increase of a tax or the issuance of bonds passed the House favorably with 142 ayes and 0 nays on April 14.

SB 620 – Nelson – Relating to the reporting of health care-associated infections and preventable adverse events passed favorably out of the Senate with 31 ayes and 0 nays and was received in the House on April 14.

SB 1109 – Williams – Relating to state agency procurement and the comptroller’s procurement powers and duties passed favorably out of the Senate with 31 ayes and 0 nays and was received in the House on April 14.

HB 600 – Solomons – Relating to the composition of the districts for the election of members of the State Board of Education passed out of the House with 138 ayes and 34 nays on April 15.

SB 458 – Seliger – Relating to initial claims under the unemployment compensation system passed favorably out of the House with 140 ayes and 0 nays on April 15.

HB 2499 – Cook  – Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Information Resources passed to third reading in the House as amended on April 15. 

Upcoming Sunset Bills

HB 2605 – Taylor – Relating to the continuation and functions of the division of workers’ compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance is set on the House Major State Calendar for April 18. Worker’s Compensation sunset bill amendments are due by 1:00 p.m., Sunday.

SB 661 – Nichols – Relating to the continuation of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the Public Utility Commission of Texas and to the transfer of functions from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is set on the Senate Intent Calendar for April 18.

SB 660 – Hinojosa – Relating to the review and functions of the Texas Water Development Board, including the functions of the board in connection with the process for establishing and appealing desired future conditions in a groundwater area is set on the Senate Intent Calendar for April 18.

SB 1420 – Huffman – Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation is set on the Senate Intent Calendar for April 18.

HB 2694 – Smith, Wayne – Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and abolishing the On-site Wastewater Treatment Research Council is set on the House Major State Calendar for April 19.

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