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  • Tuesday, May 10, 2011 (120th day)
    • Deadline for house to distribute last House Daily Calendar with nonlocal house bills and joint resolutions
      • [relates to House Rule 6, Sec. 16(a), requiring 36-hour layout of daily calendars prior to consideration]
  • Wednesday, May 11, 2011 (121st day)
    • Deadline for house to distribute last House Local and Consent Calendar with consent house bills
      • [relates to House Rule 6, Sec. 13, requiring 48-hour layout of local and consent calendars prior to consideration]
  • Thursday, May 12, 2011 (122nd day)
    • Last day for house to consider nonlocal house bills and joint resolutions on second reading
      • [House Rule 8, Sec. 13(b)]
  • Friday, May 13, 2011 (123rd day)
    • Last day for house to consider nonlocal house bills and joint resolutions on third reading and to consider consent house bills on second and third reading
      • [House Rule 8, Sec. 13(b)]

For a complete list of deadlines, please visit: A calendar of the deadlines can also be downloaded at:


House: Recessed until Wed, May 11, 2011 10:00 am

Listen to House Chamber:

House Calendars:


Senate: Adjourned until Wed, May 11, 2011 11:00 am

Listen to Senate Chamber:

Senate Calendars:


Spotlight on Bills on the Move


HB 400 – Eissler – relating to flexibility for public schools to administer primary and secondary education efficiently. HB 400 had a point of order called on the bill that was sustained last night. The bill was returned to committee and then later placed on the House Major State Calendar for Thursday, May 12.


Environmental & Energy

SB 1693 – Carona/Thompson – relating to periodic rate adjustments by electric utilities passed the House as amended on May 10 with 140 ayes and 3 nays.

HB 444 – Creighton/Nichols – relating to notification of applications for permits for certain injection wells, passed the Senate on May 10 with 31 ayes and zero nays.


Health Care

HB 2098 – Davis, John – relating to the authority of physicians and physician assistance to form certain entities passed the House on May 10 as amended with 144 ayes and zero nays.

HB 1013 – Brown – relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Medical Board passed the House on May 10 as substituted and amended with 141 ayes and one nay.

HB 1405 – Smithee/Deuell – relating to provision by a health benefit plan of prescription drug coverage specified by formulary, passed the Senate as substituted on May 10 with 31 ayes and zero nays.

HB 13 – Kolkhorst – Relating to the Medicaid program and alternate methods of providing health services to low-income persons in this state, passed to third reading in the House as substituted and with 3 amendments.

HB 5 – Kolkhorst – also known as the “health care compact” bill which would effectively ask the federal government to give Texas and other states block grants was voted favorably from the Senate committee on Health and Human Services yesterday, May 10.


HB 12 by Solomons, relating to the enforcement of state and federal laws governing immigration by certain governmental entities, also known as the “sanctuary cities” bill, passed the House as substituted and amended on May 10 with 100 ayes and 47 nays. The bill continued to receive emotional discussion with the further amendments proposed on third reading yesterday in the House.  HB 12 would prohibit certain governmental entities — including cities, counties and school districts — from adopting policies that prohibit law enforcement agencies from enforcing federal immigration laws. The bill now heads to the Senate.

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