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Earlier this afternoon the Senate passed the committee substitute of HB 1 as amended to third reading. The Senate later adjourned and then reconvened at 2:45 pm to start a new legislative day at which time HB 1 was brought up to pass out of the Senate.

Several Democrats rose to speak against passing the bill citing many of the concerns they previously debated last night on the floor arguing the budget bill does not fully fund caseload growth, health care needs, and public education needs. The Democratic members also argued that not all revenue options had been fully explored and that the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) should be further tapped.

Sen. Florence Shapiro, the Senate Education Committee chair responded to claims that enrollment growth was not being funded in the budget bill. She argued, “No student is being left out of the system. We’re paying for all of them.”

Senate Committee Finance Chair Steve Ogden gave closing remarks and stated “it is a courageous thing to vote for this budget.”

HB 1, as substituted and amended, has now passed out of the Senate with 19 ayes and 12 nays.

“In 20 years, we have never had the budget passed along partisan lines,” said Sen. Royce West speaking against the bill.

Texas Tribune posted a Live Blog on the Senate debate this afternoon.

Archive - 85th Session

Leman Sworn In

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJune 10, 2018

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