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Six months after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius highlighted another facet of the law with the announcement of nearly $100 million in grants made possible primarily by the new law’s Prevention and Public Health Fund. The grants will support a variety of critical public health programs in states and local communities; everything from tobacco quit lines to HIV testing to programs that help address and tackle substance abuse and mental health issues.


Grants being announced represent proven programs run by divisions and centers across the Department of Health and Human Services. Nationally, nearly $68 million worth of the grants will go to fund key state and local public health programs supported through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Another $26.2 million worth of grants will go to state and community substance abuse and mental health programs from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). One grant from the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) will go toward launching the Healthy Weight Collaborative at the Prevention Center for Healthy Weight.


Texas Awards


Grant                                                                           Specific Grantee                                 Amount

CDC Local HIV Prevention Programs Grant             Houston Department of Health                      $891,108

CDC Local HIV Prevention Programs Grant             Texas Department of Health                           $850,016

CDC Expanded HIV Testing Grant                           Houston                                                          $145,567

CDC Expanded HIV Testing Grant                           Texas                                                               $145,567

CDC HIV Surveillance Grant                                                Houston                                                          $184,076

CDC HIV Surveillance Grant                                                Texas                                                               $142,681

CDC Tobacco Quitlines Grant                                   Texas Department of Health                           $100,000

CDC Epidemiology & Laboratory Capacity/

Emerging Infections Program Grant               Houston Department of Health and Human Services            $199,443

CDC Epidemiology & Laboratory Capacity/

Emerging Infections Program Grant                           Grant Management and Funds Coordination            $759,558


SAMHSA Primary Care & Behavioral Health Grant Austin Travis Co. Mhmr Center                     $494,900

SAMHSA Primary Care & Behavioral Health Grant Lubbock Regional Mental Health Retardation Center $500,000

SAMHSA Primary Care & Behavioral Health Grant Montrose Counseling Center                          $500,000


To view a list of all state awards:

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