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TCEQ Air Quality Division is in the process of reallocating the HECT program in Harris County for the 2011 control period as specified under revised 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 101 Subchapter H Division 6, adopted on March 10, 2010, and effective March 26, 2010. 


TCEQ received 53 Form ECT-6H, Baseline Emissions Certification, submittals requesting a revised HRVOC allocation for 2011 for facilities in Harris County with a potential to emit more than 10.0 tons of HRVOC emissions. Air Quality Division staff have requested additional supplemental information from some HECT participants and is in the final stages of data analysis and review in support of the 2011 reallocation.  The Air Quality Division originally intended to post reallocated allowances by October 1, 2010, however, due to these requests, additional time is necessary to allow staff sufficient time to receive and review the requested information.  Therefore, staff anticipates the reallocated allowances will be posted by October 15, 2010, and the reallocated allocations will be available to participants on January 1, 2011.


Please contact Jay C. Tonne Jr., P.E. at (512) 239-1453 or for any questions regarding the allocation process or Brandon Greulich at (512) 239-4904 or for questions regarding TCEQ emissions banking and trading programs.

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