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In an 8-4 decision the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission voted yesterday afternoon to replace the 3-member Texas Railroad Commission with one elected official and change the agency’s name to the Oil and Gas Commission.

In response to the decision for having one elected official, Commissioner Williams said, “I applaud Chairman Hegar and the Sunset Commission members for their decision placing the authority and responsibility of America’s premier state energy agency in the hands of a single statewide elected official. Texans will get undivided leadership, direction and accountability. Smaller, cheaper, faster government will save taxpayer dollars. The Texas Railroad Commission will become an even stronger advocate for American energy security. I’m confident this is in the best interest of Texas.”

All Sunset recommendations were adopted, some others that were modified before being adopted:

•           Modification of 2.5 regarding statutory inclusion of plugged orphan wells and abandoned wells rather than by appropriation rider

•           Modification of 3.5 of only complaints through the enforcement process

Under new items, the only item adopted was number 56, a management action: “as a management action, direct the agency to revise its notice of hearing provided to parties affected by forced pooling, providing an easily understood description of forced pooling and the hearing process.  Also, authorize, by statute, a party affected by forced pooling to request a hearing on the matter in the county where the proposed well will be drilled.  Finally, authorize the Commission, by statute, to develop a fee schedule, by rule, for increased charges associated with re-filing permits previously withdrawn.” 

Sunset hearing materials can be found at:

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