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The Senate chamber today heard the committee substitute to SB 4. Bill author Sen. Florence Shapiro said the bill would create a teacher evaluation system based on the effectiveness and quality of public school teachers. Sen. Shapiro also offered a floor amendment which she stated would address the concerns of many teachers. The amendment made several changes, including:

  • Adding language stating the performance of a teacher’s students on assessment instruments required may not be the primary indicator for determining teacher effectiveness.
  • A section was added addressing the qualifications of appraisers.
  • The commissioner must develop, validate and test the proposals regarding the redesign of the recommended appraisal process.

The floor amendment was adopted and the bill was passed out of the Senate with 28 ayes and 3 nays.

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Health Care Hearings – February 16, 2018

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffFebruary 16, 2018

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