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The Texas Transportation Commission will convene next week for its monthly workshop and meeting Dec. 15-16. On Dec. 15, the Commission will conduct its workshop beginning at 1:30 p.m. to discuss several items, including a report on the 2010 Updated Texas Transportation Funding Challenge findings, and an update on the implementation of the 2008 Sunset Commission staff recommendations.

The Commission will conduct its meeting at 9 a.m. on Dec. 16 and is scheduled to receive the final report from the TxDOT Restructure Council regarding recommendations from the Grant Thornton management and organization review and other audits and studies of the department. The Commission also will consider authorizing funding from the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program for feasibility studies, a service development plan and environmental work between Oklahoma City, Okla. and San Antonio, with a possible extension to South Texas; and designating a time period in 2011 for the submission of Pass-Through Toll Program proposals.

December 15th agenda:

December 16th agenda:

Archive - 86th Session

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