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Howard Wolf was named chair of a committee that will be responsible for advising the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) on implementing changes and recommendations resulting from a recent review of TxDOT.

At its May 26, 2010 meeting, the commission received the report from Grant Thornton on its review of the management and organization of the department. The report contained specific findings and recommendations for changes to the department.

On July 2nd, the commission authorized the department to secure the services of Howard Wolf , an attorney and appointee to the Sunset Advisory Commission in 2003, who will be responsible for advising the commission in its selection of changes resulting from the review that are to be implemented and for advising the department and the commission on the implementation of those changes.

Wolf will be assisted by Jay Kimbrough, general counsel for the Texas A&M University System and former senior advisor to Gov. Rick Perry.

Lt. Governor David Dewhurst released the following statement on the appointment of Howard Wolf and Jay Kimbrough:

“Howard has an outstanding record of success in reorganizing and leading major national and international corporations in the private sector, as well as a deep commitment to public service. He’s an independent thinker who’s shown time and again his sole guiding principle is to do what is right for all the citizens of Texas. I appreciate Howard’s willingness to take on this important project on a strictly volunteer basis.”

“Jay has a long track record of successfully tackling some difficult assignments for the people of Texas. I know he will attack this new assignment with the same direct, mission–oriented commitment he always does. TxDOT will be a much stronger, more effective agency as a result of this project.”

Archive - 85th Session

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HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffNovember 17, 2018

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