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The Senate Committee on Water & Rural Affairs has published its interim report to the 87th Legislature. The report covers recommendations on water storage, roles and responsibilities of river authorities, state groundwater regulatory framework, and various legislation passed during the 86th Session.

In his introductory letter, Senator Charles Perry highlighted the following recommendations. Expanded recommendations and additional information can be found in the full report.

Spotlight on Recommendations

  • Create the Texas Produced Water Consortium with industry stakeholders to pool research and innovation in one spot. This group will create policy recommendations, share technology, and create economically viable solutions for produced water use
  • Support the repeal of burdensome federal rules which limit the growth of water reuse in the state
  • Track produced water formally rather than relying on third-hand sources
  • Investigate reuse rules and regulations to utilize an already existing source of water
  • Require TCEQ to compile and publish a report each biennium detailing River Authority dam maintenance, responsibilities, and costs. The report would serve as an inventory so that decision makers and the public understand this critical infrastructure
  • Examine adding an elected member to River Authority boards in order to give the public needed input into the process
  • Encourage transparency between Groundwater Conservation Districts and users through improved notifications and rule making
  • Continue to fund flood mitigation projects and planning so that Texas can be better prepared for the next natural disaster; this includes earthen dams throughout the state
  • Clearly dictate the policy for hemp products in Texas and close the discrepancies between state and federal law
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