TEA is proceeding with federal identification, interventions and grant-funding processes under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The methodology for these identifications is detailed in the state’s ESSA consolidated plan and summarized in the 2024 Accountability Manual (PDF). The School Improvement (SI) federal identification lists are publicly available on the 2024 Accountability System webpage in compliance with federal mandates. Campuses’ underlying accountability reports in the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) Accountability application have also been updated to include the Identification for Schools for Improvement report.

Campuses Identified for Support under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

2024 Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools (Excel) – Lists those campuses that have been identified for comprehensive support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain.

2024 Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (Excel) – Lists those campuses that have been identified for targeted support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain.

2024 Additional Targeted Support Schools (Excel) – Lists those campuses that have been identified for additional targeted support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain