In early June, TEA announced the approval of programs for the HB 1416 Accelerated Instruction Ratio Waiver List. HB 1416 authorized TEA to develop a list of recommended programs that districts may use if they cannot meet the 4:1 student to tutor ratio for students who require accelerated instruction. Districts may still choose any instructional materials they wish for accelerated instruction, but only the products on the TEA approved list may be used to waive the ratio. Certain instructional resources that were previously approved for accelerated instruction tutorials are no longer on the approved list. The state has not provided specific funding for accelerated instruction and with the draw-down of ESSER funds, most districts are using local or federal funds, or tapping into their state-funded Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment. TEA will be engaging in a second round of reviews this fall, with results expected to be announced early in 2025, so the list is likely to expand at that time.