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The Senate recessed until 8:00 p.m. Saturday, October 16th.

The House recessed until 4:00 p.m. Saturday, October 16th.

Video Broadcasts: House | Senate

Floor Calendars: House | Senate

Bills Moving to Conference

SB 1 (Bettencourt) relating to the provision of direct relief from ad valorem taxes to certain property owners in this state through the distribution of certain federal economic assistance money received by the state and a study of the provision of additional ad valorem tax relief.

  • Senate Conferees: Bettencourt (Chair), Creighton, Kolkhorst, Lucio, and Perry
  • House Conferees: Reps. Meyer (Chair), Bonnen, Button, Guillen, and Raymond 

SB 8 (Nelson) relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction regarding appropriations.

  • Senate Conferees: Sens. Nelson (Chair), Creighton, Huffman, Kolkhorst and Nichols
  • House Conferees: Reps. Bonnen (Chair), Capriglione, Mary Gonzalez, Walle, and Wilson 

Bills Finally Passed

SB 4 (Huffman), the Senate redistricting map, was finally passed (81-60) in the House on 10/15.

SB 7 (Huffman), the State Board of Education redistricting map, was finally passed (84-61) in the House on 10/15.

HB 1 (Hunter), the House Redistricting map, was finally passed (18-13) in the Senate on 10/15. 

Bills on the Move

SB 52 (Creighton) relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education passed out of the Senate (30-1) on 10/15 with five amendments. Amendments include changing the term “TRB” to “capital construction assistance projects,” $48 million for the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, $30 million to A&M Corpus Christi and $35 million UT RGV to address referred maintenance, re-allocated some of the A&M funds to Prairie View A&M, and $15 million for U of H Downtown.

HB 25 (Swanson) relating to requiring public school students to compete in interscholastic athletic competitions based on biological sex was passed by the Senate (19-12) as amended on 10/15. HB 25 will now move back to the House for concurrence on Senate amendments or conference to resolve differences.

HB 160 (Wilson) relating to making supplemental appropriations for education initiatives, institutions, and related agencies and giving direction regarding appropriations passed out of the House (141-0) on 10/15 as amended.

HB 161 (Capriglione) relating to making supplemental appropriations relating to health and human services and giving direction regarding appropriations passed out of the House (144-0) on 10/15 as amended.

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