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The following legislative and state agency health care related hearings have been scheduled between April 4 and April 24.
Senate Health & Human Services Committee
April 6, 2015 – 01:00 PM
Texas Capitol, Senate Chamber, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills: SB 571 – Rodríguez, Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental hygiene. SB 706 – Garcia, Relating to classification of a liquid substance used to fill an electronic cigarette as a hazardous substance. SB 1128 – Zaffirini, Relating to certain diagnostic testing during pregnancy. SB 1129 – Zaffirini, Relating to the transportation of a person with a mental illness. SB 1243 – Burton, Relating to donation of unused prescription drugs. SB 1279 – Campbell | et al., Relating to designated emergency infant care providers for certain abandoned children. SB 1462 – West, Relating to the prescription, administration, and possession of certain opioid antagonists for the treatment of suspected opioid overdoses. SB 1496 – Uresti, Relating to background checks conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain child-care providers. SB 1540 – Perry, Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission to obtain criminal history record information of certain applicants for employment and current employees. SB 1699 – Huffman, Relating to the designation of May as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month. SB 1999 – Menéndez, Relating to adult day care. Contact: Meagan Kirby (512) 463-0360
House County Affairs Committee
April 6, 2015 – 02:00 PM or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension, Room E2.012, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills, among others: HB 2809 – Anderson, Charles "Doc", Relating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in certain counties. HB 2476 – Guerra, Relating to the repeal of the statutory provision regarding the abolishment of health care funding districts in certain counties located on the Texas-Mexico border. HB 3185 – Raney, Relating to the creation of county health care funding districts in certain counties. HB 2038 – Geren, Relating to legal representation for certain emergency services districts. HB 973 – Hernandez, Relating to the compensation and per diem compensation of emergency services commissioners. HB 2519 – Coleman, Relating to expenditures made by emergency services districts and the sale of district property. Contact: Katy Reagan (512) 463-0760
House Human Services Committee
April 6, 2015 – 02:00 PM or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension, Room E2.030, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills: HB 2360 – Thompson, Senfronia, Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain residential educational child-care facilities serving victims of human trafficking. HB 3823 – Price, Relating to rate-setting and data collection processes under the program of all-inclusive care for the elderly. HB 3092 – Rose, Relating to developing and maintaining risk assessment criteria for use by department personnel in determining whether an elderly or disabled person is in imminent risk of abuse. HB 4001 – Raymond, Relating to the provision of habilitation and certain health care services by a home and community support services agency; authorizing a fee, providing penalties, and requiring an occupational license. HB 1880 – Laubenberg, Relating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies. HCR 84 – Clardy, Commending mental health professionals on the occasion of National Mental Health Month. HB 2718 – Parker, Relating to a program to allow faith- and community-based organizations to offer supplemental assistance to certain recipients of public assistance. HB 2903 – Davis, Sarah, Relating to training requirements for certain child-care workers. HB 1069 – Rodriguez, Eddie, Relating to services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and certification requirements for interpreters for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing; providing an administrative penalty; requiring a fee and changing the rate of a fee; requiring an occupational certification. HB 1260 – King, Susan, Relating to creation by rule of the Department of Aging and Disability Services of a schedule of support services a state supported living center may provide and the applicable fee for those services. HB 1769 – Zerwas, Relating to prohibited resident admission requirements before certain inspections of an assisted living facility license applicant. HB 2711 – Riddle, Relating to transportation of an individual with a mental illness by emergency medical services personnel. Contact: Jim Terrell (512) 463-0786
House Public Health Committee
April 7, 2015 – 08:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.012, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills: HB 764 – King, Susan | et al., Relating to the use, collection, and security of health care data collected by the Department of State Health Services. HB 839 – Naishtat, Relating to presumptive eligibility for the Medicaid and child health plan programs for certain children. HB 1052 – Parker, Relating to designating September as Hydrocephalus Awareness Month. HB 1212 – Price, Relating to the designation and regulation of abusable synthetic substances, the emergency scheduling of certain controlled substances, and the prosecution and punishment of certain offenses involving a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue. HB 1263 – Raymond, Relating to the regulation of the practice of physical therapy. HB 1409 – Thompson, Senfronia | et al., Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental hygiene. HB 1483 – Zerwas | et al., Relating to the dispensing of aesthetic pharmaceuticals by physicians and therapeutic optometrists; imposing fees. HB 1550 – Zerwas | et al., Relating to the administration of epinephrine by pharmacists. HB 1661 – Guerra, Relating to Medicaid billing for the services of substitute dentists. HB 1924 – Coleman, Relating to the authority of a psychologist to delegate certain care to an intern. HB 1940 – Thompson, Senfronia, Relating to the improvement of oral health care access through the regulation of dental hygiene practitioners, dental hygienists, and dentists in this state. HB 2023 – Naishtat | et al., Relating to the appointment of a forensic medical director responsible for statewide coordination and oversight of forensic mental health services provided by the Department of State Health Services. HB 2079 – Thompson, Senfronia, Relating to the designation of May as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month. HB 2131 – Davis, Sarah | et al., Relating to the designation of centers of excellence for fetal care and healthy outcomes in this state. HB 2267 – Davis, Sarah, Relating to the requirement to obtain a license to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant; providing administrative and criminal penalties; imposing fees. HB 2340 – Sheffield, Relating to regulation of prescribed pediatric extended care centers; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. HB 2897 – Davis, Sarah, Relating to the identification requirements of certain health care providers associated with a hospital. HB 3115 – Coleman, Relating to coverage for certain services relating to postpartum depression under the medical assistance and CHIP perinatal programs. HB 3246 – Crownover, Relating to the authority of a pharmacist to dispense and deliver tobacco cessation drugs. HB 3333 – Clardy, Relating to financial provisions applicable to certain public hospitals. HB 3366 – Sheffield, Relating to the reimbursement of prescription drugs under the Medicaid managed care and child health plan programs. HR 922 – Thompson, Senfronia, Expressing support for raising awareness of metastatic breast cancer and for expanding research into its causes and the development of more effective treatments. Contact: Rudy England (512) 463-0806
House Ways & Means Committee
April 7, 2015 – 08:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.010, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bill among others: HJR 43 – Raymond, Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the taxation of the sale or use of certain prescription medicine. Contact: Jennifer Raab (512) 463-0822
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 7, 2015 – 10:00 AM
2405 Robert Dedman Dr. (UT Thompson Conf. Ctr., Room 3.102), Austin
Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency Full Board Meeting 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Staff Update.* (Vote May Be Taken) a. 84th Legislative Session b. Serious and Persistent Mental Illness Project Update c. Board Discussion 3. Health Literacy.* (Vote May Be Taken) a. Review objectives and strategies b. Board Discussion 4. Value-Based Care among All Payers.* (Vote May Be Taken) a. Review objectives and strategies b. Board Discussion 5. Lunch. (Recess) 6. Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Best Practices.* (Vote May Be Taken) a. Review objectives and strategies b. Board Discussion 7. Innovation in Health Care Delivery and Systems.* (Vote May Be Taken) a. Review objectives and strategies b. Board Discussion 8. Review of board or staff action items for follow-up prior to next meeting. 9. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
House Business & Industry Committee
April 7, 2015 – 11:30 or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension, Room E2.016, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bill, among others: HB 760 – Zedler, Relating to the eligibility of certain physicians to provide and receive remuneration for workers' compensation health care services. Contact: Angelina Lopez (512) 463-0766
Senate Health & Human Services Committee
April 8, 2015 – 08:00 AM
Texas Capitol, Senate Chamber, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills: SB 1475 – Garcia, Relating to establishing an enhanced Medicaid managed care consumer support system. SB 1560 – Zaffirini, Relating to chemical dependency treatment facilities. SB 1574 – Uresti, Relating to emergency response employees or volunteers and others exposed or potentially exposed to certain diseases or parasites. SB 1881 – Zaffirini, Relating to authorizing supported decision-making agreements for certain adults with disabilities. SB 1889 – Zaffirini, Relating to the disclosure and use of certain information in the Department of Family and Protective Services central registry of child abuse or neglect cases and the report of certain information regarding those cases to the legislature. Contact: Meagan Kirby (512) 463-0360
House Committee on Higher Education
April 8, 2015 – 08:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.014, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills, among others: HB 3078 – Darby, Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to recommend a uniform pre-nursing curriculum for undergraduate professional nursing programs offered by public institutions of higher education. HB 3318 – Clardy, Relating to the definition of medical schools for medical residency programs. Contact: Cameron Cocke (512) 463-0782
House State Affairs Committee
April 8, 2015 – 10:30 Am or upon adjournment
Reagan Building, Room 140, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills, among others: HB 2835 – King, Susan, Relating to the name of the program serving certain persons with special health care needs and prioritizing services provided under the program. HB 3130 – Farney | et al., Relating to coverage provided by certain qualified health plans for abortions. HB 3241 – Price | et al., Relating to state agency contracting. Contact: Toni Barcelona (512) 463-0814
House Insurance Committee
April 8, 2015 – 02:00 PM or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension, Room E2.036, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bills, among others: HB 574 – Bonnen, Greg, Relating to the operation of certain managed care plans with respect to health care providers. HB 616 – Bonnen, Greg, Relating to payment of and disclosures related to certain out-of-network provider charges; authorizing a fee; providing a penalty. HB 963 – Bonnen, Greg | et al., Relating to the designation of certain optometrists, therapeutic optometrists, and ophthalmologists as preferred providers. HB 1105 – Thompson, Senfronia, Relating to reimbursement under preferred provider benefit plans for services provided by licensed podiatrists. HB 1514 – Sheffield, Relating to health insurance identification cards issued by qualified health plan issuers. HB 1624 – Smithee, Relating to transparency of certain information related to certain health benefit plan coverage. HB 1638 – Smithee, Relating to nonpreferred provider claims under a preferred provider benefit plan related to emergency care. HB 2133 – Raymond | et al., Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain equipment and supplies associated with diabetes treatment. HB 2172 – Smithee, Relating to coverage of telehealth services or telemedicine medical services under health benefit plans. HB 2348 – Price, Relating to nondiscrimination against physicians in payment for telephone consultation services. HB 2467 – King, Phil, Relating to the exclusion from the premium and maintenance tax base of federal fees imposed on insurers and other providers under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and recouped from policyholders, whether separately stated or through rates charged for health care coverage. HB 2541 – Zerwas, Relating to health benefit plan coverage of certain treatments for enrollees diagnosed with a terminal illness; authorizing administrative and civil penalties. HB 2927 – Guillen, Relating to alternative dispute resolution of certain insurance payment disputes with certain physicians and health care providers. HB 2959 – Zerwas, Relating to Medicaid interception of certain insurance payments. HB 3024 – Guerra, Relating to coordination of dental benefits under certain insurance policies. HB 3025 – Farney, Relating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. HB 3102 – Frullo, Relating to the disclosure by health care practitioners and facilities of patient liability for payment for certain health care services. HB 3133 – Smithee, Relating to notice and availability of mediation for balance billing by a facility-based physician. HB 3550 – Muñoz, Jr., Relating to prohibited conduct by vision plans with respect to the practice of optometry and therapeutic optometry. Contact: Jesse Sifuentez (512) 463-0788
House Investments & Financial Services Committee
April 8, 2015 – 02:00 PM or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension, Room E2.028, Austin
The committee will meet to take up and consider the following bill, among others: HB 2954 – Klick, Relating to an electronic financial record matching program to verify the assets of certain applicants and recipients under the medical assistance program. Contact: Julie Young (512) 463-0871
Department of State Health Services
April 8, 2015 – 02:00 PM
Greenlights For Nonprofit Success, 8303 N. MoPac Expressway, Suite A201, Austin
Public Health Funding and Policy Committee (PHFPC) The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Welcome/Call to Order 1. Approval of March 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes 2. Office of the Assistant Commissioner Updates 3. Legislative Update 4. Preparedness Funding Formula Update 5. Unbundling of Contracts Update 6. Core Services Workgroup Update 7. 1115A Waiver for Chronic Disease 8. General Public Comment 9. Agenda Items for Next Meeting 10. Future Meeting Dates/Locations Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Glenna Laughlin, 512/776-7770
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Executive Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion of Comptroller contract training requirements. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Physician Health Program (PHP) Committee. 4. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 08:45 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Finance Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Budget report. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Lobby Area, Room 100, Austin
Licensure Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding applicants for licensure, permits, and certification. a. Applicants appearing concerning eligibility b. Proposed orders offered by the Executive Director c. Physician licensure applicants to be licensed d. Surgical assistant licensure applicants to be licensed e. Acudetox applicants to be certified 3. Report on physician licensure statistics. 4. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding cancellation of licenses by request for incomplete registration. a. Acudetox 5. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding Nonprofit Health Organizations. a. Applicants for initial certification b. Requests for biennial recertification 6. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding Visiting Physician Temporary Permits. 7. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding license issuance. 8. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding proposed amendments to board rules. a. 163.6 Examinations Accepted for Licensure b. 166.2 Continuing Medical Education c. 184.4 Qualifications for Licensure d. 187.13 Informal Board proceedings Relating to Licensure Eligibility e. 187.24 Pleadings 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7111
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Disciplinary Process Review Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding referrals and reports from the Texas Physician Health Program. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding renewals involving impaired licensees. 4. Reports and discussion regarding the Investigation, Litigation and Compliance Departments. 5. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Rule Review and proposed changes to the following chapters in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code: A. Chapter 170, Pain Management, s170.1. Purpose, s170.2. Definitions, s170.3.Guidelines B. Chapter 180, Texas Physician Health Program and Rehabilitation Orders, s180.4. Operation of the Program C. Chapter 187, Procedural Rules, s187.43. Proceedings for the Modification/Termination of Agreed Orders and Disciplinary Orders, s187.61. Ancillary Proceeding, s187.70. Purposes and Construction, s187.72. Decision of the Panel, s187.73. Termination of Suspension D. Chapter 189, Compliance Program, s189.7. Modification/Termination Hearings E. Chapter 190, Disciplinary Guidelines, s190.14. Disciplinary Sanction Guidelines F. Chapter 197, Emergency Medical Service, s197.4. Online Medical Direction 6. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding review of probationers appearances. 7. Consideration and approval of membership of the Expert Physician Panel. 8. Reports and discussion regarding cases over one year old. 9. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding appeals of dismissed complaints: A. Jurisdictional Complaints: i. Investigations  ii. Legal Files B. Jurisdictional-Not-Filed Complaints C. Non-Jurisdictional Complaints 15-0160 10. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding routine follow-up on investigative files previously referred from DPRC for follow-up action 11. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sandra Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 10:00 AM
701 West 51st St. (DADS, Winters Bldg., Public Hearing Rm), Austin
Medicaid Health Information Exchange Advisory Committee This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to on April 9, 2015, at 10 a.m. 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Committee Minutes. (vote required)* 3. State and Federal Developments.* 4. Statewide Health Information Exchange Activities.* 5. Electronic Health Record Incentive Program and Meaningful Use.* 6. Update on Health and Human Services Health Information Exchange Policy.* 7. The State of Interoperability.* 8. Usability, Workflow, and Cognitive Support in Electronic Health Records: Lessons Learned From Office of the National Coordinator Funded Strategic Health Information Technology Advanced Research Projects Program.* 9. Public Comment. 10. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: David Fulton, 512/462-6233
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 12:30 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Rm 1420), Austin
Employment First Task Force 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Review and Approval of January 15, 2015, Meeting Summary. 3. Public Comment. 4. Task Force Updates. a. New Member Introduction. b. Chair Webb Retirement. c. Update on Association of People Supporting Employment First, Texas Chapter. d. Employment First Task Force PowerPoint Presentation. e. Other Updates. 5. Updates from State Agencies. a. Update on Employment First Policy Adoption. b. Report from Department of Aging and Disability Services on Task Force Recommendations. c. Money Follows the Person Employment Pilot Update. d. Updates from Other State Agencies Regarding Task Force Recommendations. 6. Update on Policy Issues. 7. Education and Outreach Activities Discussion. 8. Next Meeting Date Discussion. 9. Announcements. 10. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marc Mullins, 512/438-3641
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 01:00 PM
1106 Clayton Ln. (HHSC, Twin Towers, Room 480 West – A), Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Membership Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Review Membership Applications. 3. Public Comment. 4. Old and New Business. 5. Adjourn. The next Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 10, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Committee meetings will be held the day before on Thursday, July 9, 2015, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Contact: Gabi Teal, Public Health and Prevention Specialist, Office of Acquired Brain Injury, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-706-7319, This meeting is open to the public. Additional Information Contact: Gabi Teal, 512/706-7319
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 01:00 PM
1106 Clayton Ln. (HHSC, Twin Towers, Room 480 West-A, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Education and Resources Committee1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Review Promotional Materials. 3. Update on Brain Injury Awareness Day and Month. 4. Discuss Participation at Brain Injury Activities and Events. 5. Public Comment. 6. New Business. 7. Adjourn. The next Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 10, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Committee meetings will be held the day before on Thursday, July 9, 201,5 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Additional Information Contact: Gabi Teal, 512/706-7319
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 02:00 PM
1106 Clayton Lane (HHSC, Twin Towers, Room 480 West – A, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Identification and Special Populations Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Discuss future plans for subcommittee. 3. Public Comment. 4. New Business. 5. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Gabi Teal, 512/706-7319
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 03:15 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
1. Full Board call to order and roll call. 2. Public Hearing on proposed amendments to 22 Texas Administrative Code: 1. Chapter 174. Telemedicine a. s174.2 Definitions b. s174.5 Notice to Patients c. s174.6 Telemedicine Medical Services Provided at an Established Medical Site d. s174.8 Evaluation and Treatment of Patient 2. Chapter 190. Disciplinary Guidelines a. s190.8 (l)(L) Violation Guidelines 3. Adjourn public hearing on proposed rules, 22 TAC 190.8(l)(L) and 22 TAC 174.2-174.8. 4. Recess board meeting. Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Texas Medical Board
April 9, 2015 – 03:15 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225 (William Hobby Building), Austin
Hearing on Proposed Board Rule 190.8(l)(L) & Board Rule 174.2-174.8 1. Call to Order. 2. Public hearing to receive comments from interested persons concerning the amended rule proposed under Texas Occupation Code, Chapter 153, Section 153.001, which provides the Texas Medical Board with the authority to promulgate and adopt rules consistent with the Act governing its administration, including rules relating to the practice of medicine, including telemedicine. The proposed rules, 22 TAC 190.8(1)(L), and 22 TAC 174.2-174.8, were published in the March 6, 2015, issue of the Texas Register. Any interested person may appear and offer comments or statements, either orally or in writing; however, questioning of commenters will be reserved exclusively to the Texas Medical Board or its staff as may be necessary to ensure a complete record. While any person with pertinent comments or statements will be granted an opportunity to present them during the course of the hearing, the Texas Medical Board reserves the right to restrict statements in terms of time or repetitive content. Organizations, associations, or groups are encouraged to present their commonly held views or similar comments through a representative member where possible. Persons with disabilities who have special needs and who plan to attend the meeting should contact Laura Fleharty of Texas Medical Board at (512) 305-7174. 3. Adjourn public hearing on proposed rules 22 TAC 190.8(1)(L), and 22 TAC 174.2-174.8. Additional Information Contact: Rita Chapin, 512/305-7016
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 9, 2015 – 04:00 PM
1106 Clayton Lane (HHSC, Twin Towers, Room 480 West – A), Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Legislative and Policy Committee 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Updates on legislation affecting brain injury. 3. Review 2015 Action Plan. 4. Public Comment. 5. New Business. 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Gabi Teal, 512/706-7319
Texas Medical Board
April 10, 2015 – 08:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Full Board 1. Reconvene. 2. Full Board call to order, roll call, and Mission Statement. Our Mission is to protect and enhance the public's health, safety and welfare by establishing and maintaining standards of excellence used in regulating the practice of medicine and ensuring quality health care for the citizens of Texas through licensure, discipline, and education. 3. Board Member Report. 4. Executive Director Report. Budget Legislative Update Outreach Update 5. Medical Director Report. Remedial plans at QA 6. Public Information Update. 7. Physician Assistant Liaison report. 8. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding modification/termination hearings. 9. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding adoption of electronic medical records and communication position statement. 10. Consideration and possible action regarding pending litigation. 11. Consideration and approval of Modification Request/Termination Request of Non-Public Rehabilitation Orders. 12. Consideration and approval of Modification Request/Termination Request Orders. 13. Consideration and possible action for Agreed Board Orders. 14. Consideration and approval of Mediated Settlement Agreed Orders. 15. Consideration and approval of Remedial Plans. 16. Consideration and approval of Nunc Pro Tunc Orders. 17. Consideration and approval of Orders of Referral. 18. Consideration and approval of Order to Show Cause. 19. Consideration and approval of Amended Proposal for Decision 20. Consideration and approval of Remand of Amended Final Orders. 21. Consideration and approval of Cease and Desist Agreed Orders. 22. Report on Cease and Desist Orders approved by Executive Director. 23. Report on Motions for Rehearing Requests. 24. Report on Temporary Suspensions. 25. Report of Suspension by Operation of Law. 26. Report on Automatic Orders. Agenda item #27 at 10:00 a.m. 27. Consideration and approval of Proposal for Decisions for: 1. Chau Doan Khuu, M.D., SOAH #503-13-0863 2. Russell Roby, M.D., SOAH #503-12-8054 3. Fredrick S. Leach, M.D., Ph.D., SOAH #503-13-4300.MD Agenda item #28 at 10:30 a.m. 28. Consideration and approval of Determinations of Default 1. Kenneth S. Koeneman, M.D. 29. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding proposed amendments and rule review to the following in 22 Texas Administrative Code. Agenda Item #30 at 11:00 a.m. 30. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding the adoption of proposed amendments and rule review to 22 Texas Administrative Code: 1. Chapter 161. General Provisions a. s161.3 Organization and Structure 2. Chapter 163, Licensure a. s163.1 Definitions, b. s163.7 Ten Year Rule, c. s163.11 Active Practice of Medicine 3. Chapter 165. Medical Records a. s165.1(a) Medical Records 4. Chapter 172. Temporary and Limited Licenses a. s172.8 Faculty Temporary License 5. Chapter 174. Telemedicine a. s174.2 Definitions b. s174.5 Notice to Patients c. s174.6 Telemedicine Medical Services Provided at an Established Medical Site d. s174.8 Evaluation and Treatment of Patient 6. Chapter 176. Health Care Liability Lawsuits and Settlements a. s176.1 Definitions. 7. Chapter 190. Disciplinary Guidelines a. s190.8 (1)(L) Violation Guidelines 31. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding adoption of proposed rule changes to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 183, Acupuncture. 32. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding adoption of proposed rule changes to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 185, Physician Assistants. 1. s185.4 Procedural Rules for Licensure Applicants Agenda Item #33 at_11:30 a.m. 33. Open forum for public comments. 34. Adjourn. Discussion/Action Items – to be considered at any time the full board is in session: 1. Consideration and approval of the February 13, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes. 3. Committee reports and the consideration and approval of minutes and action items of committees meeting during the board meeting. Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Department of State Health Services
April 10, 2015 – 09:00 AM
Coastal Bend Reg. Advisory Council, 1201 Laguna Shores, Corpus Christi
Education Committee of the Governor's EMS & Trauma Advisory Council The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Development of the Advanced Practice Paramedic/Community Health Paramedic curriculum. 2. Stroke specific continuing education objectives for EMS personnel certification and recertification. General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary of this meeting for the next GETAC meeting Members Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Phil Lockwood, 512/834-6700 X 2032
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 10, 2015 – 09:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Public Hearing Room), Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to the day and time of the meeting. 1. Call to order and determination of quorum. 2. Welcome and introductions. 3. Approval of January 9, 2015, Minutes (vote required *). 4. Report by the Chair. 5. Member activity reports and announcements. 6. Committee Reports and Assignments: a. Membership Committee b. Education and Resources Committee c. Legislative Committee d. Pediatric and Young Adult Outcomes Committee 7. Acceptance of Committee Reports (vote required *). 8. Report by the Office of Acquired Brain Injury. 9. Guest Speaker on Long Term Brain Injury Services. 10. General Public Comment. 11. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Gabi Teal, 512/706-7319
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 13, 2015 – 10:30 AM
6330 East Highway 290 (ITT Institute Bldg., Theory/Classrooms #3 and #4), Austin
The Perinatal Advisory Council 1. Welcome. 2. Approval of the Minutes. (Meeting February 11, 2015) 3. Status of Draft Rules proposed for Neonatal Levels of Care. 4. Discussion on Maternal Levels of Care. 5. Lunch. (Recess) 6. Discussion on Maternal Level of Care. 7. Public Comment. 8. Set agendas, dates, times and locations of upcoming meetings in 2015. 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: David Williams, 512/380-4374
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee
April 14, 2015 – 01:00 PM
209 W 14th St, Suite 500, 5th Floor Conference Room, Austin
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee I.Call to Order II.Recognitions and Introductions III.Consent Items 1.Approval of Excused Absences 2.Approval of CMHCC Meeting Minutes, December 9, 2014 3.TDCJ Health Services Monitoring Reports Operational Review Summary Data Grievance and Patient Liaison Statistics Preventive Medicine Statistics Utilization Review Monitoring Capital Assets Monitoring Accreditation Activity Summary Active Biomedical Research Project Listing Administrative Segregation Mental Health Monitoring 4.University Medical Directors Reports The University of Texas Medical Branch Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 5.Summary of CMHCC Joint Committee / Work Group Activities IV.Update on Financial Reports V.Summary of Critical Correctional Health Care Personnel Vacancies 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VI.Medical Directors Updates 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice Health Services Division FY 2014 First Quarter Report 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VII.Hepatitis C Policy and Program Update; and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection Policy and Program Update- Stephanie Zepeda, Pharm D, Director, Pharmacy Services, UTMB CMC VIII. Public Comments IX. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marsha Brumley, 936/437-3542
Texas Board of Nursing
April 16, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting, Agenda available here: Additional Information Contact: Patricia Vianes-Cabrera, 512/305-6811
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
April 16, 2015 – 09:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Public Conference Room), Austin
Promoting Independence Advisory Committee. This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to the day and time of the meeting. 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. 84th Legislative Session Update. 3. Senate Bill 7 Implementation Update. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Assessment. b. Nursing Facility Carve-In. c. Community First Choice. d. Dual Demonstration Project. 4. STAR+PLUS Waiver Interest List Update. 5. Employment First Task Force Update. 6. State Supported Living Center Update. 7. Public Comment. 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: April Young, 512/424-6911
Texas Board of Nursing
April 16, 2015 – 02:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Board of Nursing for the state of Texas.  Notice of public hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from Carrington College To Establish An Associate Degree Nursing Education Program in Mesquite, Texas Date and Time: April 16, 2015 at 2 PM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by April 1, 2015. Address written testimony to: Katherine A. Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Virginia Ayars, 512/305-7660

Texas Board of Nursing
April 17, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting, Agenda available here: Additional Information Contact: Patricia Vianes-Cabrera, 512/305-6811
Department of State Health Services
April 24, 2015 – 09:00 AM
Texas Children's Hospital, Meyer Bldg, 1919 S Braeswood Blvd., Houston
Injury Prevention Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Implementation and evaluation of hospital-based injury prevention 2. Planning for 2015 Injury Prevention committee activities 3. State and national injury prevention updates 4. Scheduling of future meetings General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary of this meeting for the next GETAC meeting Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Phil Lockwood, 512/776-7111
-End of Report-

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Straus Not Running for Re-Election

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffOctober 25, 2017
Archive - 2013 to 2018

Midnight Deadline – 122nd day

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMay 11, 2017

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