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The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between August 23 and September 12.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 27, 2014 – 10:00 AM
6330 Highway 290 East (ITT Building, Rooms 3-4), Austin
The Quality Based Payment Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of the May 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes 3. Informational Presentations: a. Dr Walters: Episode based payment for Cancer Interventions b. Updates on initiatives, website c. Dr Gore: Issues Addressing Patients' Social Needs – Critical to Improving Health Status and Reducing Costs 4. Lunch (Recess) 5. Committee Discussions and Recommendations a. Alternative payment models b. End of life care c. Potentially preventable events 6. Public Comment 7. Next Meeting (November 19, 2014) 8. Adjourn.
Additional Information Contact: Matthew Ferrara, 512/380-4371
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 08:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Executive Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Report and discussion regarding personnel evaluation. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Finance Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Budget report. 3. Legislative Appropriations Request update. 4. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 08:45 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Electronic Medical Records and Communication Ad Hoc Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding stakeholder meeting. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 09:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Advertising Ad Hoc Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Consideration and possible action regarding specialty board certification advertising application. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Disciplinary Process Review Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding referrals and reports from the Texas Physician Health Program. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding renewals involving impaired licensees. 4. Reports and discussion regarding the Investigation, Litigation, and Compliance Departments. 5. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Rule Review and proposed changes to the following chapters in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code: A. Chapter 190, Disciplinary Guidelines, s190.8. Violation Guidelines. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding review of probationers appearances. 7. Consideration and approval of membership of the Expert Physician Panel. 8. Reports and discussion regarding cases over one year old. 9. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding appeals of dismissed complaints: (1:00 p.m.) A. Jurisdictional Complaints B. Jurisdictional-Not-Filed Complaints C. Non-Jurisdictional Complaints 10. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding routine follow-up on investigative files previously referred from DPRC for follow-up action, specifically including: 13-6223 13-6504 11. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Lobby Area, Room 100, Austin
Licensure Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding applicants for licensure, permits, and certification. a. Applicants appearing concerning eligibility b. Proposed orders offered by the Executive Director c. Physician licensure applicants to be licensed d. Surgical assistant licensure applicants to be licensed e. Acudetox applicants to be certified 3. Report on physician licensure statistics. 4. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding cancellation of licenses by request for incomplete registration. a. Surgical assistant b. Acudetox 5. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding Nonprofit Health Organizations. a. Applicants for initial certification b. Requests for biennial recertification c. Cancellation of organizations certified as Nonprofit Health Organizations 6. Report on Academic Stakeholders Workgroup Meeting 2014. 7. Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding proposed amendments to board rules. a. 163.7 Ten Year Rule 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: sandra.ramirez-carbajal@tmb.stat
House Select Committee on Health Care Education and Training
August 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension Building, Room E2.012, Austin
The committee will meet to hear invited testimony from select state agencies, institutions of private, public and higher education, the health care business community and other interested stakeholders to help the committee evaluate and assess the current state of the health care workforce in Texas. Public testimony is encouraged and welcomed. The Chair may limit testimony to 3 minutes per witness during public testimony. Contact Rep. Susan King: (512) 463-0718
Department of State Health Services
August 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Austin State Hospital Campus, West Auditorium, Building 582,4110 Guadalupe Street, Austin
House Bill 3793 Advisory Panel. Panel members and the public may attend the meeting by phone at 1-800-7876-1922. The access code for the public is 5166784. Panel members are asked to contact Ms. Tamra Boyd for the member access code. The Panel will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda. Call Meeting to Order Opening Remarks and Member Introduction Meeting Overview and Approval of Minutes from the July 31, 2014 Meeting Statewide Stakeholder Group Standards and Methodologies – Capacity Lunch Break Standards and Methodologies – Capacity Public Comment Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Tamra Boyd, 512/206-5056
Comptroller of Public Accounts
August 28, 2014 – 01:00 PM
111 East 17th Street, Room 205, L.B.J. Building, Austin
Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Oversight Task Force I. Introduction: Call to Order and Welcome II. Roll Call of Task Force Member Agencies A. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) B. Office of the Attorney General (OAG) C. Department of Public Safety D. State Auditor's Office E. Texas Department of Insurance F. Comptroller III. Public Comment IV. Action Item: Approval of Minutes from the May 27, 2014 meeting V. Update from HHSC – Office of Inspector General on Medicaid fraud prevention VI. Updates regarding fraud prevention from other Task Force Member Agencies VII. Discussion of future agenda items VIII. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Laura Brashear, 512/463-3901
Texas Medical Board
August 28, 2014 – 04:00 PM
333 Guadalupe #3, Suite 780, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of the Application for Temporary Suspension With Notice pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s164.059, of the license of Kenneth S. Koeneman, M.D., License Number K9826. 4. Adjourn.  Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Department of State Health Services
August 29, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Brown-Heatly Building, Room 1410/1420, 4900 North Lamar, Austin
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) and Preventable Adverse Events (PAE) Advisory Panel The Panel will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Announcements 3. Review of May 29, 2014 meeting minutes 4. HAI/PAE program a. Staffing update b. HAI/PAE rule changes/amendments c. PAE reporting status update d. HAI reporting data summary e. Facility HAI data audit report f. Status report on Multidrug resistant acinetobacter (MDR-A) and Carbapenem resistant enerococcus (CRE) reporting g. Status report on Clostridium difficle exceptional item activities 5. Update on Website activities 6. Report on recent training/educational activities 7. Review of items from the last meeting 8. Agenda items for next meeting 9. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Shawn Tupy, 512/776-2780
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 2, 2014 – 09:00 AM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed amendment to rules concerning Prohibition on Children's Health Insurance Program Balance Billing. Health and Human Services Commission will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed amended rules §370.4 under Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 370, Subchapter A, Definitions, and  §370.453 under Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 370, Subchapter E, Balance Billing.  The proposed amendment was published in the July 18, 2014, issue of the Texas Register. See 39 Tex. Reg. 5489 (July 18, 2014). The comments period ended on August 18, 2014.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 2, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Daybreak, 7401 West Cleburne Rd., Fort Worth
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Tarrant service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: 1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in community-based intermediate care facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities iv. Texas Home Living 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through DADS 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact:  Heather Kuhlman, Communications Specialist, HHSC, 512-462-6356,
House Committee on Human Services
September 3, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension Building, Room E2.030, Austin
The committee will meet to take invited and public testimony on the following interim charge: Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee.s jurisdiction, including implementation of the Balancing Incentives Program and relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs. Additional Information Contact: Rep. Raymond, 512/463-0558
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 10, 2014 – 09:00 AM
4900 N Lamar Blvd., Brown-Heatly Bldg., Public Hearing Rm, Austin
STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Opening Remarks a. Member introductions b. Approve meeting minutes from June 2, 2014 2. STAR Kids Updates 3. Additional Updates a. Member feedback b. Summary of other advisory committees 4. Discussion of home health promising practices 5. Public Comment 6. Determine Priorities and Possible Dates for future meetings 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact:

House Select Committee on Child Protection
September 10, 2014 – 10:00 AM
JH Reagan Building, Room 140, Austin
The Committee will meet to hear invited testimony from agencies that are participating in Border Support Operations, Sunset staff on recommendations related to child protection, and public testimony on the following issues related to child protection: Ongoing efforts to stabilize the Child Protective Services workforce, placing specific emphasis on improving work environment, enhancing the quality of supervision, and addressing the unique challenges facing different regions of the state and ongoing efforts to enhance the use of data to improve outcomes. Public testimony will be limited to three minutes. Contact Rep. Dawnna Dukes: (512) 463-0506
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 12, 2014 – 10:00 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg, Room 4501), Austin
Interagency Coordinating Council for HIV and Hepatitis (Council) 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Presentation on Medicaid 1115 Waiver and Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Projects Relevant to the Council, Amanda Broden, Health and Human Services Commission. 3. Recap of 2014 Texas HIV-STD Conference and 2014 Texas Viral Hepatitis Summit, Shelley Lucas & Larry Cuellar, Department of State Health Services 4. Discussion on the 2015 Interagency Coordinating Council for HIV and Hepatitis Report. 5. Roundtable discussion on members' current agency initiatives related to HIV and Hepatitis. 6. Discussion and identification of future agenda items and potential dates for future meetings. 7. Public comment. 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Clare Seagraves, 512/424-6967
– End of Report –

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State Board of Education March Meeting

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Legislative Update

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