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Before the 81st Regular Session of the Texas Legislature in 2009, the Sunset Advisory Commission made several recommendations for legislation that would require the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDOT) to develop a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning and programming process that includes all modes of transportation and involves all transportation stakeholders. The recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission report were incorporated in the transportation planning article of the department’s sunset bill, House Bill No. 300. Although HB 300 was not enacted, the concepts expressed in the Conference Committee Report for the bill provide a basis for revisions to the department’s existing planning and project development program.

On July 30, 2009, the Texas Transportation Commission (commission) created the Transportation Planning and Project Development Rulemaking Advisory Committee (rules advisory committee) to be comprised of eleven members, including representatives from large metropolitan planning organizations, small metropolitan planning organizations, counties, transit organizations, tolling authorities, small cities, councils of governments, and the Federal Highway Administration. The rules advisory committee met five times with department staff to render advice, review draft proposals and make specific recommendations. In addition to the rules advisory committee, the department solicited public comments on the draft rules. On May 4, 2010, with eight members present, the rules advisory committee unanimously recommended that the commission propose these rules.

A complete copy of the rules published in the Texas Register can be found by visiting:  

Archive - 88th Regular

Sunset Update

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Archive - 2013 to 2018

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