Bill Research Report
07-10-2017 – 16:54:17
– Indicates Tracked Legislation
HB 41 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth appropriations. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 42 | Keough, Mark(R) | Relating to the selection of the board of directors of an appraisal district; authorizing the imposition of a fee. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 43 | Bonnen, Greg(R) | Relating to general procedures and requirements for do-not-resuscitate orders. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 44 | Keough, Mark(R) | Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 45 | Keough, Mark(R) | Relating to the selection of chief appraiser of an appraisal district; authorizing a fee. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 46 | Simmons, Ron(R) | Relating to the regulation of discrimination by political subdivisions. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 47 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of early voting by mail; increasing a criminal penalty. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 48 | Keough, Mark(R) | Relating to the selection and administration of an appraisal review board; authorizing a fee. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 49 | Geren, Charlie(R) | Relating to the authority of a district court to hear and determine certain ad valorem tax appeals. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 50 | Simmons, Ron(R) | Relating to the regulation of discrimination by school districts. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 51 | Thierry, Shawn (F)(D) | Relating to pregnancy-related deaths and maternal morbidity, including postpartum depression. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 52 | Simmons, Ron(R) | Relating to the establishment of an individualized education plan account program for certain children with disabilities. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 53 | Romero, Ramon(D) | Relating to the repeal of certain provisions governing state and local enforcement of immigration laws and other provisions related to immigration law. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 54 | Thierry, Shawn (F)(D) | Relating to requiring a school district to reimburse classroom teachers at certain grade levels for the cost of classroom supplies purchased with personal money. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 55 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 56 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to regulation by a property owners' association of certain religious displays. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 57 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to the release of extraterritorial jurisdiction by certain populous municipalities for certain purposes, including municipal incorporation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 58 | Simmons, Ron(R) | Relating to the establishment of a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 59 | Walle, Amando(D) | Relating to maternal morbidity and pregnancy-related deaths. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 60 | Hinojosa, Gina (F)(D) | Relating to the use of regional mobility authority toll projects by public school buses. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 61 | Hinojosa, Gina (F)(D) | Relating to transportation allotment credit for school districts required to take action to reduce wealth per student. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 62 | Hinojosa, Gina (F)(D) | Relating to an adjustment under the foundation school program of the taxable value of property for school districts. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 63 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 64 | Raymond, Richard(D) | Relating to an appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund for classroom teacher salary increases. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 65 | Raymond, Richard(D) | Relating to an appropriation of money from the general revenue fund for classroom teacher salary increases. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 66 | Minjarez, Ina(D) | Relating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver's license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 67 | Minjarez, Ina(D) | Relating to the receipt by certain relative caretakers of dependent children of supplemental financial assistance and the assignment of those relative caretakers as protective payees for financial assistance payments. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 68 | Minjarez, Ina(D) | Relating to the adoption of the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 69 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Relating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 70 | Workman, Paul(R) | Relating to a property owner's right to remove a tree or vegetation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 71 | Bohac, Dwayne(R) | Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 72 | Bohac, Dwayne(R) | Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of a Purple Heart recipient or the surviving spouse of a Purple Heart recipient. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 73 | Bohac, Dwayne(R) | Relating to the prevention of fraud committed by a person voting early by mail. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 74 | Cosper, Scott (F)(R) | Relating to the applicability of the law governing the provision of state aid to certain local governments disproportionately affected by the granting of ad valorem tax relief to disabled veterans. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 75 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to transferring to the property tax relief fund one-half of any unencumbered balance of general revenue at the end of a state fiscal biennium. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 76 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to a supplemental appropriation for Teacher Retirement System of Texas retiree health. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 77 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to an optional fee in lieu of the dedication of parkland as a condition of approval by a municipality of land development or use. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 78 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to school district tax rates, property values, and tax collections used by the commissioner of education in allocating Foundation School Program funding. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 79 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to the salary paid to classroom teachers employed by public schools. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 80 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 81 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to the number of registered voters of a taxing unit other than a school district who are required to sign a petition for an election to determine whether to reduce the ad valorem tax rate. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 82 | Darby, Drew(R) | Relating to the abolition of school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 83 | Metcalf, Will(R) | Relating to dedicating certain state revenue to the purpose of retiring state debt. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 84 | Metcalf, Will(R) | Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 85 | Lucio III, Eddie(D) | Relating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical cannabis for medical use by patients with certain debilitating medical conditions. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 86 | Swanson, Valoree (F)(R) | Relating to prohibited acts for a physician or applicant for a medical license. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 87 | Bell, Cecil(R) | Relating to the authority of a property owner to request that notice of a protest hearing before the appraisal review board be delivered by certified mail or electronic mail. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 88 | Bell, Cecil(R) | Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 89 | Hinojosa, Gina (F)(D) | Relating to early voting by certain persons who are caretakers of persons with certain disabilities. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 90 | Hinojosa, Gina (F)(D) | Relating to an opportunity to correct a defect in an early voting ballot voted by mail and to the use of an application for an early voting ballot to change a voter's registration address within the county. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 91 | Swanson, Valoree (F)(R) | Relating to the abolition of ad valorem taxes and a study of alternative methods of taxation to replace revenue lost to political subdivisions as a result of the abolition of ad valorem taxes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 92 | Rodriguez, Eddie(D) | Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 93 | Rodriguez, Eddie(D) | Relating to compensation to be paid to an emergency services district for a municipality's annexation of the district's territory. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 94 | Rodriguez, Eddie(D) | Relating to municipal regulation of property of political subdivisions. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 95 | Swanson, Valoree (F)(R) | Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of the residence homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HB 96 | Swanson, Valoree (F)(R) | Relating to signature verification on an early voting ballot voted by mail. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HCR 16 | Raymond, Richard(D) | Urging U.S. Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification a federal balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 16 | Keough, Mark(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 17 | Schofield, Mike(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 18 | Howard, Donna(D) | Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to pay at least 50 percent of the cost of maintaining and operating the public school system and prohibiting the comptroller from certifying legislation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 19 | Bohac, Dwayne(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 20 | Bohac, Dwayne(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of a Purple Heart recipient. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 21 | Darby, Drew(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment abolishing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 22 | Metcalf, Will(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 23 | Bell, Cecil(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
HJR 24 | Swanson, Valoree (F)(R) | Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total market value of the residence homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 H Filed |
SB 14 | Hall, Bob(R) | Relating to property owner's right to remove a tree or vegetation. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 20 | Taylor, Van(R) | Relating to the continuation and sunset review of certain governmental entities subject to abolishment on September 1, 2017. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 21 | Nelson, Jane(R) | Relating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 22 | Hall, Bob(R) | Relating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 23 | Hall, Bob(R) | Relating to prohibition of certain regulations by a county, municipality, or other political subdivision. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 24 | Hall, Bob(R) | Relating to protection of energy critical infrastructure. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 25 | Hall, Bob(R) | Relating to distracted driving; creating a criminal offense. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 26 | Miles, Borris (F)(D) | Relating to the use of certain controlled substances by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant and the designation of neonatal abstinence syndrome. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 27 | Miles, Borris (F)(D) | Relating to the automatic enrollment of certain women in the Texas women's health program. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SB 28 | Taylor, Van(R) | Relating to certain governmental entities subject to the sunset review process. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |
SCR 1 | Hall, Bob(R) | Requesting a joint interim committee to study the security of the Texas electric grid. |
Last Action: | 7-10-17 S Filed |