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Health Care Sunset Bills
The information below covers legislation and the status of the Sunset bills of health care agencies under Sunset review
Health and Human Services Commission
·        HB 2304 (Price) was referred to House Human Services on March 16.

  • SB 200 (Nelson) was received by the House from the Senate on April 16.

HHSC Office of Inspector General
·        HB 3279 (Gonzales) was postponed until April 15 to wait for the Senate bill to come over.
·        SB 207 (Hinojosa) was placed on the Senate Intent Calendar on April 16.
Health and Human Services – Related Code Clarification
·        SB 219 (Schwertner) was signed by the Governor and enacted on April 2.
Department of State Health Services
·        HB 2510 (Price) was placed on the Major State Calendar on April 21.
·        SB 202 (Nelson) was heard and left pending by Senate Health and Human Services on March 23.
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
·        HB 2463 (Raymond) was received by the Senate from the House on April 13.
·        SB 205 (Campbell) was introduced and referred to Senate Health and Human Services on March 11.
Department of Aging and Disability Services
·        HB 2699 (Raymond) was heard and left pending by House Human Services on March 23.
·        SB 204 (Hinojosa) was received by the House from the Senate on April 14.
Department of Family and Protective Services
·        HB 2433 (Burkett) was scheduled for public hearing by House Human Services on April 20.
·        SB 206 (Schwertner) was referred to House Human Services on April 15.
Texas Health Services Authority
·        SB 203 (Nelson) committee report filed with Committee Coordinator.
·        HB 1680 (Raymond) was postponed on second reading until April 17.
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities
·        HB 1679 (Raymond) was received by the Senate from the House on April 14.
·        SB 210 (Birdwell) was referred to Senate Health and Human Services on February 23.
Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
·        HB 1678 (Raymond) was received by the Senate from the House.
·        SB 211 (Schwertner) was referred to Senate Health and Human Services on February 25.
·        SB 688 (Schwertner) was referred to Senate Health and Human Services on February 25.
Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities
·        HB 1989 (Burkett) was referred to House Human Services on March 12.
·        SB 212 (Birdwell) was received by the House from the Senate on April 16. 

Archive - 87th Session

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