The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between September 17 and October 7.
Health Professions Council
September 19, 2016 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Ste 2-225, Austin
Council Meeting Agenda The following items many not necessarily be considered in the order they appear and HPC may act on any agenda item. I Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions, Review Agenda II Announcements A. Consideration of Minutes from June 20, 2016 B. Budget and Planning Report – 4th Quarter Review – Legislative Appropriations Request discussion. C. Technology Report – Report on ITSS Agencies – Report on Website Progress – Report on Database Upgrade – Laserfiche Upgrade – DIR/VOIP D. Agency Roundtable – Training Suggestions – Sunset Discussion E. Public Comment. Additional Information Contact: John Monk, 512/305-8551
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee
September 20, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Frontiers of Flight Museum, Conference Rm, 6911 Lemmon Ave., Dallas
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee I.Call to Order II.Recognitions and Introductions III.Consent Items 1.Approval of Excused Absences 2.Approval of CMHCC Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2016 3.TDCJ Health Services Monitoring Reports -Operational Review Summary Data -Grievance and Patient Liaison Statistics -Preventive Medicine Statistics -Utilization Review Monitoring -Capital Assets Monitoring -Accreditation Activity Summary -Active Biomedical Research Project Listing -Administrative Segregation Mental Health Monitoring 4.University Medical Directors Reports -Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center -The University of Texas Medical Branch 5.Summary of CMHCC Joint Committee / Work Group Activities IV.Update on Financial Reports V.Summary of Critical Correctional Health Care Personnel Vacancies 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VI.Medical Directors Updates 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice -Health Services Division Fiscal Year 2016 Third Quarter Report 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VII.CMHCC Joint Medical Directors Working Group Update – Owen Murray, DO, MBA, Vice-President Offender Care Services University of Texas Medical Branch, Correctional Managed Care VIII.Public Comments IX.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marsha Brumley, 936/437-3542
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 20, 2016 – 10:30 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room), Austin
Perinatal Advisory Council 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of the minutes (Meeting May 2, 2016) 4. Perinatal Advisory Council report on determinations and recommendations regarding neonatal and maternal care* 5. Update from Subcommittee on Center of Excellence for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy* 6. Updates from Department of State Health Services* 7. Discussion on Maternal Levels of Care* 8. Lunch 9. Continue discussion on Maternal Levels of Care* 10. Public comment 11. Announce dates, times, and locations of upcoming meetings in 2016 12. Adjourn *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: David Williams, 512/380-4374
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 20, 2016 – 11:00 AM
701 West 51st St., Department of Aging and Disability Services, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Employment First Task Force 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review of August 15, 2016, meeting summary 3. Review and discuss suggested edits to 2016 Employment First Task Force report 4. Plan and discuss 2017 schedule and agenda topics 5. Public comment 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marc Mullins, 512/438-3641
Texas Medical Board
September 20, 2016 – 12:00 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Medical Radiologic Technology 1.Full Board call to order and roll call. 2.Board Member Report. 3.Executive Director's Report. Legislative update Budget update Outreach update Building badges Email Committees Election 4.Medical Director Report. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding pending litigation. 6.Workload report. 7.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding applicants appearing concerning eligibility. 8.Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding proposed licensure agreed orders/licensure remedial plans offered by the Executive Director. 9.Discussion, recommendation and possible action regarding proposed orders/remedial plans offered by the Executive Director. 10.Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 11.Consideration and approval of Modification Request/Termination Request Orders. 12.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Agreed Orders. 13.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Remedial Plans. 14.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding propose rule review and amendments to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 194. Non-Certified Radiologic Technicians. Agenda item #15 at 1:00 p.m. 15.Open forum for public comments. 16.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Department of State Health Services
September 21, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Austin State Hospital Campus, Building 582, West Auditorium, 909 West 45th Street, Austin
Joint Committee on Access and Forensic Services The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Opening remarks and introductions. 2. Approval of minutes from August 31, 2016 committee meeting. 3. Public comment. 4. Update on individuals waiting for inpatient services.* 5. Discussion of a letter of advice from the committee regarding the crisis in inpatient capacity and the backlog for forensic hospital admissions.* 6. DSHS committee updates.* 7. Discussion of the committee's annual report to the HHSC Executive Commissioner.* 8. Discussion of the agency's legislative report regarding the allocation methodology, utilization review protocol, and other recommendations.* 9. Systems spotlight.* 10. Future meetings and logistics. 11. Adjourn. This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Additional Information Contact: Tamra Boyd, 512/776-7111
House Select Committee on Mental Health
September 22, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.016, Austin
The Committee will meet to hear invited testimony related to mental health / behavioral health care services in Texas. Subject matters for testimony include, but are not limited to, Texas' State Hospitals and mental health bed allocation. Testimony will also address the availability of mental health services on the campuses of Texas institutions of higher education. Contact: Sandra Talton (512) 463-0470
Department of State Health Services
September 23, 2016 – 08:30 AM
Health and Human Services Commission, MHMR Center, Conference Room 164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Texas Radiation Advisory Board Meeting (TRAB) Topic Research Committee TRAB's Topic Research Committee will convene as posted to hear, consider, discuss and take formal action, as applicable and necessary, on the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of members and guests 3. Review and, as needed, discuss and take possible action concerning amendment and/or approval of the minutes of the May 20, 2016 TRAB Topic Research Committee meeting 4. Continuing Business A. Update on rulemaking priorities (Flynn, DSHS) B. Consideration of Advisory Statement on Public Better Understanding of Radiation (Hageman) C. Review and approval of the Fiscal Year-2015 TRAB Annual Report to the Commissioner D. Enforcement of Radiation Control Regulations by Police Officers (McLarty/Hageman) 5. New Business: A. Clarification regarding OSHA regulations versus NRC/DSHS regulations governing radiation dose limits. In 29 CFR 1910.1096, Table G-18, the lens of eyes dose is listed to be 1.25 rem/quarter-year. The NRC/DSHS regulations allow 15 rem/year to the lens of the eyes. 29 CFR 1910.1906(p) states that NRC and Agreement State Licensees shall be deemed to be in compliance with the radiation requirements of this section. (Emery/DSHS) B. Identify any additional topics that need further research to be addressed by the TRAB C. Identify topics to recommend for further discussion and/or to be addressed at future meetings of the Medical Committee, Industrial, Nuclear Power, Uranium, and Waste (INUW) Committee, or full Board 6. Public Comments 7. Summarize Committee meeting and recommendations for Committee Report and proposed action items for TRAB and for future agenda items for TRAB, the Medical Committee, or INUW Committees 8. Identification of Agenda Items for next or future Topic Research Committee Meeting 9. Adjourn At the discretion of the Chair, agenda items may be taken in any order and public comment may be permitted in connection with any agenda item. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. Additional Information Contact:
Department of State Health Services
September 23, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Health and Human Services Commission, MHMR Center, Conference Room 164, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Texas Radiation Advisory Board Meeting (TRAB) Industrial, Nuclear Power, Uranium and Waste Committee TRAB's Industrial, Nuclear Power, Uranium and Waste (INUW) Committee will convene as posted to hear, consider, discuss and take formal action, as applicable and necessary, on the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of members and guests 3. Review and, as needed, discuss and take possible action concerning amendment and/or approval of the minutes of the May 20, 2016 TRAB Industrial, Nuclear Power, Uranium and Waste Committee meeting 4. Continuing Business: A. Update and discussion on the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility (Maguire, DSHS) B. Update on Interim Storage of Spent Fuel activities (Maguire, DSHS) C. Update on Acquisition of WCS by Energy Solutions 5. New Business: A. Consideration of Advisory Statement on Public Better Understanding of Radiation B. Review and approval of the Fiscal Year-2015 TRAB Annual Report to the Commissioner 6. Public Comments 7. Summarize Committee meeting and recommendations for Committee Report and proposed action items for TRAB 8. Identification of Future Meeting Topics for this Committee 9. Adjourn At the discretion of the Chair, agenda items may be taken in any order and public comment may be permitted in connection with any agenda item. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Board's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. Additional Information Contact:
Department of State Health Services
September 23, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Health and Human Services Commission, MHMR Center, Conference Room 240, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Texas Radiation Advisory Board Meeting (TRAB) Medical Committee TRAB's Medical Committee will convene as posted to hear, consider, discuss and take formal action, as applicable and necessary, on the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of members and guests 3. Review and, as needed, discuss and take possible action concerning amendment and/or approval of the minutes of the February 5, 2016 TRAB Medical Committee meeting 4. Continuing Business: A. Follow up on the letter, drafted by Bob Emery, and sent to Dr. Hellerstedt, DSHS Commissioner, explaining TRAB's concern on the suspension of training requirements for Fluoroscopic guided imaging, was approved by the full TRAB at the April 12 teleconference. (Flynn/McLarty-DSHS) B. Progress on issue of Medical Physicist's certification under the Texas Medical Board C. Update the State's survey on Dermatology ELS (Electronically Generated Low Energy Sources for Skin Irradiation Therapy), regarding what instruments are used, what training is provided (Bruedigan, DSHS) D. Update on iodine-131 patient release best practices 5. New Business: A. Consideration of Advisory Statement on Public Better Understanding of Radiation (Metter) B. Review and approval of the Fiscal Year-2015 TRAB Annual Report to the Commissioner C. Change in practice by Radiation Control Program of contacting registrant prior to routine inspection, Unannounced Inspections (Beasley) 6. Public Comments 7. Summarize Committee meeting and recommendations for Committee Report and proposed action items for TRAB 8. Identification of Agenda Items for next Medical Committee Meeting 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Darlene Metter,
Department of State Health Services
September 23, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Health and Human Services Commission, MHMR Center, Conference Room 240, 909 W. 45th Street, Austin
Texas Radiation Advisory Board Meeting (TRAB) The Board will convene as posted to hear, consider, discuss and take formal action, as applicable and necessary, on the following agenda items, as time allows: 1. Call to order 2. Introduction of new and old members 3. Introductions of guests 4. Health and Human Services System (HHSS) Transformation Plan (Perkins) 5. Updates on the changes to the DSHS Radiation Control Program organization as a result of the July 2016 GAO report on Nuclear Security (Sullivan) 6. Approval of minutes: A. Review and, as needed, discuss and take possible action concerning amendment and/or approval of the minutes of the February 5, 2016 meeting B. Review and, as needed, discuss and take possible action concerning amendment and/or approval of the minutes of the April 12, 2016 teleconference meeting 7. Election of a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary 8. Resolutions for former TRAB members: Bradley Bunn, Amy Clark, Ian Hamilton, Nora Janjan, Melanie Marshall, Rosana Moreira, Jay Murphy, and Mark Pittman 9. Committee Reports and Recommendations: A. Industrial, Nuclear Power, Uranium and Waste Committee B. Medical Committee C. Topic Research Committee 10. Program Reports: A. Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) B. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) C. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) D. Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission (TLLRWDCC) E. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission – DeAnn Walker, State Liaison Officer 11. Routine and Continuing Business: A. Status of updating the Laser Safety regulations to the latest ANSI Standards (Flynn, DSHS) 12. New Business: A. Review of the requirements for the TRAB regarding the open meeting act and the maximum number of Committee members B. Review and approval of the Fiscal Year-2015 TRAB Annual Report to the Commissioner C. TRAB Consideration of the Advisory Statement for a Better Understanding of Radiation D. Report on the decommission and decontamination of the Sturgess in Galveston E. Report on Isotope Crossroads: Dallas Exercise on a radioactive transportation accident and release (Harris, Free, Hageman) F. Update on the Governor's Private Sector Advisory Council activities (Hageman) G. Update on the Preventive Radiological/Nuclear Detection program (Free, Hageman) H. Discussion of response from Dr. Hellerstedt to TRAB April 12, 2016 letter, regarding Fluoroscopy rule 13. Public Comments 14. Identification of Agenda Items and/or topics for next or future TRAB or TRAB Committee Meetings 15. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 23, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Health and Human Services Executive Council. 1. Welcome and opening remarks a. Introduction of members b. Introduction of new staff c. Purpose of Executive Council 2. Information Presentations* a. Transformation update b. Legislative Appropriations Request overview c. Inspector General quarterly report 3. Proposed rules* a. Regarding Proposed Rules for Home and Community-based Services Program and Community First Choice (CFC), Consumer Directed Services Option, and Contracting for Community Services: The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) proposes amendments to certain sections in Title 40 Texas Administrative code (TAC), Part 1, Chapter 9, Subchapter D Home and Community-based Services Program and CFC; Chapter 41 Consumer Directed Services Option; and Chapter 49 Contracting for Community Services. b. Regarding Proposed Rules for Reimbursement Methodology for Home and Community-Based Services and Texas Home Living Programs: HHSC proposes amendments to §355.723, in Title 1 TAC, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter F, concerning Reimbursement Methodology for Home and Community-Based Services and Texas Home Living Programs. c. Regarding Proposed Rules for Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification: HHSC proposes amendments to §§19.910 and 19.911, and new §19.2107, in Title 40 TAC, Part 1, Chapter 19 Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification. d. Regarding Proposed Rules for Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification: HHSC proposes an amendment to §19.101 and new §19.2113, in Title 40 TAC, Part 1, Chapter 19 Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification. e. Regarding Proposed Rules for Contracting to Provide Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): HHSC proposes an amendment to §60.6, the repeal of §60.10, and new §60.10, in Title 40 TAC, Part 1, Chapter 60, Contracting to Provide PACE. f. Regarding Proposed Rules for Nursing Facility Administrators concerning Referrals, Complaint Procedures, and Sanctions: HHSC proposes amendments to §§18.52, 18.53, and 18.54, in Title 40 TAC, Part 1, Chapter 18 Nursing Facility Administrators, Subchapter D Referrals, Complaint Procedures, and Sanctions. g. Regarding Proposed Rules for Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities: HHSC proposes new §92.22 and amendments to §§92.51 and 92.551, in Title 40 TAC, Part 1, Chapter 92 Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities. h. Regarding Proposed Rules for Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Minimum Standards Related to Emergency Behavior Intervention: DFPS proposes amendments to Title 40 TAC, Part 19, Chapter 748 related to General Residential Operations, and Chapter 749 related to Child-Placing Agencies regarding Emergency Behavior Intervention. i. Regarding Proposed Rules for School-Age and Before or After-School Programs: DFPS proposes amendments to Title 40 TAC, Part 19, Chapter 744 related to Minimum Standards for School-Age and Before or After-School Programs. 4. Adjourn. Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Government and Stakeholder Relations, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-487-3300.
Department of State Health Services
September 23, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, DSHS Central Office, Moreton Building, Conference Room M-204,, 1100 West 49th St, Austin
Promotor(a) or community health worker (CHW) training and Certification Advisory Committee Please check in with Security – someone will escort you to the Conference Room. Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access the meeting through webinar. Register for the webinar at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar. Welcome and introductions. Approval of minutes (July 29, 2016). *Action Item Public comment. CHW Spotlight: Sendero Health Plan, A Tu Lado-By Your Side. Training and Resources for CHWs Working with Veterans and their Families. Oral Health Training for CHWs. Shared Curriculum Report. Advisory Committee Workgroups Updates. Committee Business. – Review and recommend to DSHS applications for certification of training institutions. *Action Item – Officer Nominations. *Action Item Program Update. Committee Member Sharing: Describe a CHW, and his/her work, that embodies the spirit of a CHW. New business for consideration at next meeting. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Adriana Flores, 512/776-3860
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
September 26, 2016 – 02:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building Rooms 1410 and, 1420, Austin
Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council 1. Call to order and determination of quorum 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Report of the Office of Acquired Brain Injury 4. Present Texas BIAC officer nominations and elect Chair and Vice-chair (vote required) 5. Discussion of the purpose, goals, and priorities of the Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council (BIAC) 6. Review/establish Texas BIAC member/officer terms 7. Finalize and approve Texas BIAC bylaws (vote required) 8. Form committees of the Texas BIAC 9. Chairperson appoints committee leads forming the Executive Committee 10. Break 11. Development of the Texas BIAC action plan 12. Committees develop committee-specific action plans 13. Reconvene as a group to ensure the committee action plans effectively support meeting the goals of Texas BIAC. Address/assign any outlier issues 14. Member activity reports and announcements 15. Public comment 16. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Princess Katana, 512/706-7303
Statewide Health Coordinating Council
September 28, 2016 – 02:00 PM
Dept of State Health Services, Moreton Bldg, 1100 West 49th St, Room M-618, Austin
Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies (TCNWS) Advisory Committee ** This is a teleconference meeting ** call-in number: 1-646-749-3122 participant passcode: 711-929-525 The Committee will meet via teleconference to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Establish Quorum and Approval of Excused Absences 3. Review of September 28, 2016 Agenda 4. The following items are for discussion and possible action: a. Approval of Minutes of August 23, 2016 Meeting b. Supply and Demand Projections Report(s) 5. Final Announcements and Public Comment 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Pam Lauer, 512/776-6723
Texas Medical Board
September 30, 2016 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1.Call to order. 2.Roll call. 3.Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of James Kojiand, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Texas Medical Board
September 30, 2016 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1.Call to order. 2.Roll call. 3.Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of Damon G. Sacks, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Texas Medical Disclosure Panel
September 30, 2016 – 10:30 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, Exchange Bldg, Room N218, 8407 Wall Street, Austin
The Panel will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Call to Order I. Introduction of members and guests. II. Approval of minutes from the May 13, 2016 meeting. III. Review, discussion and possible action related to request from Jeff Gdula at the Texas Medical Association regarding alternative consent forms. IV. Review, discussion and possible action related to question from Susan Rush at Baylor Scott & White regarding whether Albumin would be considered a Blood Component. V. Discussion and possible action related to consent by CRNAs and PICC Line RNs. VI. Discussion and possible action related to use of nitrous oxide in laboring patients. VII. Review, discussion and possible action related to updates of Chapter 601.2-601.3. a. (b) Cardiovascular system b. (h) Hematic and lymphatic system c. (m) Nervous system treatments and procedures VIII. Discussion and possible action related to any other updates to Chapter 601.2-601.9. IX. Update and possible action regarding study on readability levels of consent forms/lists. X. Panel Vacancies. XI. Public Comment. XII. Next meeting date. XIII. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Pamela Adams, 512/834-6648
Texas Medical Board
September 30, 2016 – 12:30 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1.Call to order. 2.Roll call. 3.Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of Ermit De La Torre, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Texas Medical Board
September 30, 2016 – 01:00 PM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1.Call to order. 2.Roll call. 3.Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of Donald Hamilton, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
-End of Report-