Durable skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity are in high demand by colleges, employers, and the military. Now, the most essential durable skills identified by America Succeeds, an educational policy organization, are integrated within the extensive library of middle and high school Career and Technical Education courses offered by Edmentum, a premier provider of K-12 learning acceleration solutions. Through this partnership, educators can ensure that middle and high school students have the opportunity to develop these essential skills, which according to research account for 85% of career success.

“Secondary education is undergoing a significant transformation, and a major part of that involves new ways of thinking on how to better prepare students for their future careers,” said Jamie Candee, CEO of Edmentum. “We are excited that this partnership enables us to integrate the Durable Skills framework into Edmentum’s CTE courses, and help students develop the critical skills they will need throughout their lives and across any career path they may choose.” Hear more from Jamie Candee at this link.

Read more about the partnership: Edmentum and America Succeeds Announce Durable Skills… | Edmentum

Learn more about Edmentum’s CTE resources: Reimagining Career-Connected Learning to Serve All Students | Edmentum