On 11/15, Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Rio Grande City), announced at a press conference he has switched his party affiliation to the GOP.

Members Departing or Seeking Other Offices

Since the last HillCo Advisory send out, Rep. John Cyrier (R-Lockhart), Rep. Joe Deshotel (D-Beaumont), Rep. Garnet Coleman (D-Houston), and Rep. Ina Minjarez (D-San Antonio) have announced they will not be running for re-election. Sen. John Whitmire (D-Houston) has announced his intent to run in the 2023 Houston mayoral election. However, he has noted he intends to serve in the Legislature during the 88th session in 2023 and he will not be required to resign in order to run in the 2023 November election. In total, there will be 26 vacant seats in the House and Senate.