Each year, Renaissance publishes a report, What Kids are Reading, with data about students’ interactions with print and digital texts. The report examines HOW MUCH students are reading and WHAT student are reading in grades K—12. By grade levels, the report details students’ favorite texts in English and Spanish, fiction and nonfiction, as well as popular new texts and texts dealing with diversity, inclusion, and social-emotional learning. The good news this year: the data showed that “kids are still reading—as much, as well, and at the same levels as before.” In fact, students with access to a digital library spent twice as much time reading in the fall of 2020. (p.16)
As Dr. James S. Kim, Harvard Professor of Education, wrote in the introduction, “Stated simply, the headline for this report should be: “During COVID-19, our kids are reading, widely and deeply!” He continues, “these wonderful books help build character and courage. They remind us that other ordinary kids have had to overcome challenges as great as the ones we’re facing today.” Download the complete, free report.