Many districts launched High-Impact Tutoring initiatives during the 21-22 school year to accelerate students’ learning and comply with HB 4545. Ector County ISD is an example of the positive outcomes that can result from high-impact tutoring. ECISD’s tutoring project included over 6,000 K-12 students. Students were identified for tutoring based on NWEA MAP scores as well as STAAR or EOC data. One of the tutoring companies they relied upon was Air Tutors, a TEA-approved service in the Vetted Texas Tutor Corps. Air Tutor’s virtual tutoring services were customized for Ector County’s curriculum, formative assessments, and schedule. Student achievement goals were set, and if students met benchmarks on the NWEA MAP, Air Tutors was compensated at a higher rate due to an innovative, outcomes-based contractual agreement with the district.
This year, ECISD received a B rating on the Texas A-F Accountability system for the first time in school district history, the result of the hard work and dedication of ECISD educators and students. In 2019, 20 schools were rated a D or an F. In 2022, however,19 schools are either an A or a B, and the overall number of A and B schools has doubled. Air Tutors tutoring services were used in 50% of the schools in the A and B grades. High-impact tutoring supported teachers and students with engaging, highly qualified tutors and personalized instruction aligned to the curriculum. During the 22-23 school year, ECISD plans to expand its relationship with Air Tutors, based on their efficacy data from last school year. Associate Superintendent Dr. Lilia Nanez commented in a recent article that the tutoring services reduced stress on teachers and were an excellent investment of the district’s ESSER funds.
Read more about Air Tutors
Read more about ECISD accountability ratings