HB 3060 (Thompson, Ed) Relating to the regulation of recycling and recycled products
- Defines “advanced recycling facility” and adds associated activities such as depolymerization and solvolysis to the exemption from regulation as solid waste facilities
- Goal is to update statutes to treat these processes similar to preexisting advanced recycling processes (pyrolysis, gasification) and to encourage development
- HB 3060 was signed by the Governor and was effective as of May 27
HB 4885 (Landgraf) Relating to programs established and funded under the Texas emissions reduction plan
- The bill establishes the Texas hydrogen infrastructure, vehicle, and equipment grant program, and makes several adjustments to funding percentages across TERP including an increase from 3 to 8 percent for hydrogen-related assets
- The bill also adjusts TCEQ program administration funding so that it is based on a percentage of the TERP fund, closely linking the workforce needed for administration to the relative size and usage of the fund
- Finally, the bill updates several programs to reflect new technologies and opportunities to improve the state implementation plan (SIP)
- HB 4885 passed out of both chambers and is now heading to the Governor’s desk
HB 4932 (Lopez, Janie) Relating to the amount of foreign emissions of air contaminants in nonattainment areas and the required revision of the state implementation plan to account for those emissions
- Directs TCEQ to request EPA to provide data on foreign sources of pollution in Texas cities within six months; if EPA does not provide the data in a timely manner, TCEQ is directed to do its own studies to calculate the contribution of foreign sources of pollution
- Executive Director of TCEQ is to use the estimate to develop a recommendation of whether to revise the State Implementation Plan to account for contribution of foreign emissions
- HB 4932 passed out of both chambers and is now heading to the Governor’s desk
SB 784 (Birdwell) Relating to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in this state and the express preemption of local regulation of those emissions
- Preempts local regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and establishes exclusive regulatory authority with the state
- SB 784 was signed by the Governor and will be effective September 1
SB 1399 (Schwertner) Relating to the renewal and review of certain air quality permits
- Codifies protectiveness review for concrete batch plants and would require the review every 6 years alongside permit renewal
- Requires TCEQ to give operators a reasonable amount of time to comply with amended permits
- SB 1399 passed out of both chambers and is now heading to the Governor’s desk
SB 2627/SJR 93 (Schwertner) Relating to funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric facilities
- Bill creates the Texas Energy Fund
- Total $10b in the bill to enhance electric reliability, generation, and resilience
- $7.2b of which is for for loans and completion bonuses for those who build dispatchable generation in the state
- $1b of which is for non-ERCOT areas to improve their resiliency
- SB 2112 was amended on to the bill in the conference committee report which adds $1.8b for the Texas Power Promise Program for distributed generation
- The loan interest rate is 3% and the loan structure of a 60/40 split
- SB 2627 was passed by both chambers and is now heading to the Governor’s desk