The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is accepting public comment on their proposed new requirements for public school library policies on collection development. The rule was originally posted in the October 27 edition of the Texas Register. The proposed rule lays out numerous elements for a public school library’s collection on development policies, including:

  • Library materials must be age appropriate.
  • Policy must include processes to ensure appropriate access to library materials that vendors have rated “sexually relevant.”
  • Policy must include a plan that allows for parental access to the library catalog.
  • Policy must prohibit material defined as “harmful material” under the Texas Penal code, “sexually explicit” under the Education Code, or is pervasively vulgar or educationally unsuitable.
  • Policy must apply to all library materials including those in libraries, classroom libraries, and online catalogs.

Additionally, the new rule creates standards for a reconsideration process. The proposed rule recommends:

  • School districts ensure a librarian certified by the SBEC or other dedicated staff trained in proper collection development standards is charged with the selection/acquisition of library materials.
  • Procedures to periodically appraise the quality of library materials.
  • Review the policy at least every two years.