House Floor


HB 1605 (Buckley) Relating to instructional material and technology, the adoption of essential knowledge and skills for certain public school foundation curriculum subjects, and creating allotments for the procurement of certain instructional materials under the Foundation School Program; authorizing a fee. HB 1605 was passed out of the House on 5/3 (139-6). 11 floor amendments were adopted that would add a trigger for parental review requests, allow SBOE & TEA to appoint advisory committees, give SBOE rulemaking authority over the parent access portal, and adds a teacher immunity section, among other provisions. The bill will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

HB 2162 (Dutton) Relating to reading instruction, assessment instruments, and interventions provided to public school students. The bill was finally passed in the House on 5/2 (119-21) with 3 floor amendments that would establish standards for reading instruments, allow ISDs to continue to use high-quality diagnostic instruments, and striking sections relating to Commissioner review and updating the diagnostic tool every 4 years. HB 2162 will be brought back for a final passage vote in the House. The bill will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

Health Care

HB 1357 (Holland) Relating to Medicaid reimbursement for certain medication-assisted treatments for opioid or substance use disorder. The bill was passed out of the House on 5/2 (132-11). HB 1357 will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

Environment & Energy

HB 3165 (Holland) Relating to the establishment, administration, and use of the Texas land and water conservation fund. The bill was finally passed in the House on 5/2 (131-13). HB 3165 will now move to the Senate for further consideration. HB 3165’s accompanying constitutional amendment, HJR 138, was adopted by the House on 4/28.


HB 1392 (Craddick) Relating to the allocation of certain constitutional transfers of money to the economic stabilization fund, the state highway fund, and the Grow Texas fund and to the permissible uses of money deposited to the Grow Texas fund. The bill was finally passed in the House on 5/2 (132-13). HB 1392 will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

HB 1620 (Holland) Relating to the review date for certain governmental entities subject to the sunset review process. HB 1620, Sunset safety net, was finally passed out of the House on 5/2 (138-4) and will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

Senate Floor


SB 1474 (Bettencourt) Relating to special education in public schools, including the special education allotment under the Foundation School Program, an education savings account program for certain children with disabilities, and a grant program to reimburse public schools for the cost of certain employer contributions for retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas employed to teach or provide services related to special education. The bill was passed out of the Senate (18-13) on 5/2 with one amendment which includes removal of requirements for districts to cover cost of retire/rehire for TRS. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.

SB 1966 (Alvarado) Relating to a grant program for school-based health care initiatives established to serve certain underserved students. The bill passed the Senate (20-11) on 5/2 with two amendments which set a Sunset date for the chapter and add  parental rights language. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.

SB 1072 (Hughes) Relating to local school health advisory councils and instruction regarding human sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity provided by public schools. The bill was passed out of the Senate on 5/2 (19-12) with two amendments which require districts to create a policy concerning appropriate classroom discussions and requires districts of innovation to be subject to SHAC requirements. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.

Health Care

SB 2527 (Campbell) Relating to the regulation of telemedicine medical services, teledentistry services, and telehealth services. The bill was passed out of the Senate (31-0) on 5/2 with three amendments which remove the penalties and changes action to injunctive relief, and adds parental rights language. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.

SB 1581 (Bettencourt) Relating to the establishment of the Texas Health Insurance Mandate Advisory Collaborative; authorizing a fee. The bill passed out of the Senate (17-14) on 5/1 with two amendments which requires analysis in terms of premature death and economics and reduces time to produce a report to 45 days. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.

Environment & Energy

The Senate concurred on House amendments to SB 1017 (Birdwell) Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to regulate an energy source or engine. House changes include: may not limit or use of; will work with TCEQ to ensure bill does not limit state implementation plan or compliance with the Federal Clean Air Act; amended section ensures it does not limit authority rebates for use of alternative sources. The bill will now head towards the governor’s desk.

SB 1399 (Schwertner) Relating to the renewal and review of standard permits for certain concrete plants; requires TCEQ to facilitate concrete batch plant protectiveness reviews every 6 years. The bill passed out of the Senate (31-0) on 5/1 with no amendments. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.


SB 1987 (Sparks) Relating to the accreditation of certain postsecondary educational institutions in this state or of certain programs offered by those institutions. The bill passed out of the Senate (29-2) on 5/1 with no amendments. The bill will now move the House for further discussion.