The State Board of Education (SBOE) announced on May 29 the start of the public comment period for instructional materials submitted as part of the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process. The public comment period ends Friday, August 16, 2024. Public feedback will be considered with feedback from the review teams. The Board will vote on which materials will be approved at its November meeting.

The SBOE will hold public hearings at the June 25-28 meeting and the September 10-13 meeting. Interested parties may provide oral testimony and written comments about instructional materials submitted for approval.

Additionally, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) announced the availability of two sets of instructional materials in the Texas Open Education Resources which will also be open to public comments as part of the IMRA process – OER K-5 Reading & Language Arts (RLA) & OER K-8/Algebra Mathematics. Click here for the TEA complete statement. Below is a spotlight on statements from leaders and the media on the state-developed instructional materials: