Below is a spotlight on the proposed, withdrawn, and adopted rules from the February 24 edition of the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
- STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, POLICIES, AND GUIDELINES OF THE TEXAS PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND – 19 TAC §§33 -The adopted new rules include changes to the existing rules relating to the Bond Guarantee Program, including changes to the reserve. The rules in Chapter 33 establish investment objectives, policies, and guidelines for the Texas PSF. The effective date of adoption is March 1, 2023.
Proposed Rules
- MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE- 30 TAC §330.647 -These rules propose to adopt the approved regional solid waste management plans in compliance with THSC, §363.062(f), which states the commission will adopt the plans by rule. Public comment period begins February 24, 2023 and ends March 27, 2023 and the earliest possible date of adoption is March 26, 2023.
Adopted Rules
- USE OF RECLAIMED WATER– 30 TAC §210.5 -The adopted rules will implement changes to clarify that an application to obtain an authorization under Chapter 210 may be submitted concurrently or any time after submittal of an application for a permit to treat and dispose of wastewater. The effective date of adoption is March 2, 2023.
Health Care
Adopted Rules
- TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES AND SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS- RESOURCES – 1 TAC §372 -The amendment aligns the rule with the Food and Nutrition Service decision to discontinue the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System Rules Waiver. Because the waiver expired, HHSC must now follow federal regulations. The effective date of adoption is February 26, 2023.
- TEXAS HOME LIVING (TxHmL) PROGRAM AND COMMUNITY FIRST CHOICE (CFC)– 26 TAC §§262 – This waiver program provides community-based services and supports to an eligible individual as an alternative to services provided in an institutional setting. The adopted rules move certain TxHmL Program rules. The effective date of adoption is March 1, 2023.
- HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES (HCS) PROGRAM AND COMMUNITY FIRST CHOICE (CFC) – 26 TAC §§263 -This waiver program provides community-based services and supports to an eligible individual as an alternative to services provided in an institutional setting. One purpose of the new sections is to move certain HCS Program rules. The effective date of adoption is March 1, 2023.
- TRANSITION ASSISTANCE SERVICES – 26 TAC §§272 – The adopted rules replace the reference to the Department of Aging and Disability Services with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, revise references to program rules, and make minor editorial changes for clarity. The effective date of adoption is March 1, 2023.
Adopted Rules
- TAX ADMINISTRATION– 34 TAC §3 -The adopted rules repeal §3.41, concerning definition and due dates, without changes to the proposed text. The effective date of adoption is February 26, 2023.